Timelines, Futures, Predictions & You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are letting ourselves focus on only the most positive futures for humanity, and we suggest you all do the same. What we have noticed about focusing on the most positive future timelines for humanity is that they expand and grow to include more positive experiences as we do. What we have come to realize is that we are co-creating these positive futures with all of you who are focused on the best possible timelines for humanity. Those of you who have trained yourselves to think positively and to expect the best are co-creating with all of us in the higher realms, and we see the most beautiful, magical, wondrous ascension experiences for individuals and for humanity as a collective. 

You are, right now, choosing which version of the future you are aligning with, and you are doing so with the vibration you are offering right now. There is not one future, and every future is malleable. Every future can contain more magical experiences of joy and delight. They expand with your focus upon them to contain more of those absolutely mind-blowing, heart-opening experiences that you all want to have.

Many of you have taught yourselves to ignore mainstream media, and now you must do the same with new agers who are preaching doom and gloom about the future, because there are plenty of them out there, and you must use your discernment. You must determine whether you want to add more energy to a negative timeline, and the only way to do that is to tune in to how you are feeling when you see someone predicting food shortages, world war 3, financial collapse and everything else that some people are just convinced must happen in order for humanity to grow. You can grow through pain and suffering, but they are not prerequisites to growth. 

You can grow through focusing on your heart, the love that you are, the Source Energy Being that you are and that everyone else is, and that’s what we recommend. We’ve seen you all riding the wave of expansion, love, joy, freedom, creativity, abundance, and everything else you want to experience, and we invite you to join us in that positive expectation that we have for all of you who know how to use the power of your focus to create realities and to put more energy towards what you want to experience. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

The Best Way to Start Your Day ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have an enormous amount of respect for humanity. We know that you chose very challenging paths for yourselves in this lifetime of ascension. You could not help but face these challenges at a time when the entire multiverse is ascending, because everything must come up from inside of you and from the shadows. You are all being given a chance to look inside of yourselves, and many of you have started that process by looking outside of yourselves. By seeing the corruption in others, and in institutions, and systems that you once put your trust in, you have uncovered something that exists as a part of the human experience. And if it’s out there, then it’s also inside of you.

You like it when we tell you that in relationship to manifesting what you want. In other words, when we tell you that everything out there that you desire is also inside of you, there’s a warm, comforting feeling that washes over you, but when we are talking about that which is dark, that which is negative, that which is oppressive, and we remind you that if it’s out there then it’s also inside of you, that doesn’t go over as well. We all live in a holographic universe. There is no separation, and every part contains the whole. Therefore, it does no human any good to simply point a finger and call out those people, those organizations, those systems, those institutions that are doing harm and doing harm on purpose.

Every single person who becomes aware of that darkness must acknowledge that the darkness exists within them as well and that it is coming up and triggering that person because there is some healing and some forgiveness that is needed within that individual. You can’t just lock them all up and be done with it, because the consciousness that created those circumstances will still exist, and you are there to elevate the level of consciousness there on Earth, and all of that begins by doing it within yourself. You are the point from which everything is being created and experienced. Therefore, it must be up to you to change, and when you see something out there that you don’t like, turn the lens on yourself and ask yourself how you can do better, how you can become more of who you really are as a being of unconditional love.

Now, the tricky part of life on Earth that we were referring to earlier is how. How do you do it? How do you show up in the world as love when there is so much out there that is vying for your attention that is not love? To put it a better way, that stuff, or those institutions, or those people, have the volume of love that they truly are turned down to such an extent that they appear to not be the love that they truly are. And you all know that you can do that from time to time. Something can get to you to such an extent that you are not your best self; you are not your most loving self in all situations. And knowing that does make it easier for you to forgive the others, especially those who never received any love from anyone else in their lives. Imagine what that must be like.

Now, the way that you show up as love is by cultivating the love that is inside of you in every moment that it is easy to do so. If you are bored and you don’t know what to do, turn your consciousness inward and find the love that you truly are in your heartspace, breathe into it, magnify it, and fill your whole body up with it. Then fill your energy field up with it, and then go out in the world as love. We highly recommend that you start your day doing just that and that you periodically remind yourself throughout your day that you are there to be love and that the love that you are to be always exists inside of you. It is just a few moments away from being active within you, and you have the power, always, to activate it. You don’t have to wait until some pet or person comes along that is extremely lovable. 

We know you can do this because we see more and more people doing it all the time, and we get excited every time we see someone choosing love. It is the answer; it is what we all are, and it is what is needed more than anything else on planet Earth right now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

If You Want to Solve the Game, You Must Do This ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing humanity for a very long time, and we know how challenging it is to be there, and we want you to know that every single bit of your life has been orchestrated to give you the greatest opportunities to grow. And we want you to know that you always grow when you choose love. We know that there is a lot of talk out there in the world about who the oppressors are and what they are doing. We know what all oppressors do is they give you all an opportunity to be love in the face of their oppression. Their malevolence must be met with beams of love, compassion, and forgiveness in order for you to move to the next level of the game. The more you fight, the more oppressors will rise up to be fought. The more you love, forgive, and have compassion for them, the more of them will change.

They will change to reflect the change in you when you lay down your sword and you offer yourself up as a being of love. You make that monumental change within you that changes everything outside of you. Now, people always wonder about the innocents and what is going to happen to them if we don’t fight. When you change yourself, you change everything, including the number of people being oppressed in your reality. So if you really want to free those who are enslaved, you must change, because you are creating all of this, and you are creating it so that you give yourselves the greatest number of opportunities to grow, to evolve, to become who and what you really are, which is unconditional love.

You want to be of service to as many people as possible, including all who are oppressed? Then be love. When you see someone who is spewing hate, bigotry, racism, and has all kinds of agendas to separate people from one another, you must respond to that person with love because they will not just go away once you point out all of their flaws, all of the awful things they’ve ever done or said. Have you noticed it doesn’t make them go away? Instead, there are more of them, they are louder, and they get more people voting for them, following them on Instagram and Twitter. 

And so, you must be the one who says, ‘I will be the love in the face of this hate. I will choose love over fear, and I will radiate love to everyone no matter who they are, what they have done, what they believe, and what they continue to say.’ And then you will get to go to the next level. Then you will have solved the game, the puzzle. You will have triumphed over evil by loving evil, by loving the evil-doers. And of course, what is evil is defined differently by different people, but if you are defining something as evil, then that’s your work. That’s the curriculum you have given yourself.

And sometimes it is you that you need to forgive. Sometimes you are the one who needs the most love from you. Be honest with yourselves about how you really feel about you and what you have done and who you have been, because that is the only way you will ever get to that place of self-love and self-forgiveness. And when you are giving it to yourself, you’re more likely to give it to others, and when you give it to others, you’re more likely to give it to yourself. 

So remember that as well. You are always helping yourself whenever you offer love to someone else, someone who is in great need of that love. And it will have a domino effect. You will affect the totality of the human collective by just deciding that the next time you see that person’s face on a screen who usually triggers you that you will love that person. You will be love in the face of whatever they are offering, and you will level yourself up, eventually finding yourself standing in the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Your Abundance of Power & How to Use It ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to share this transmission with all of you because we are always so eager to empower you, and we want you to know that you have never been more powerful there on Earth than you are right now. You have never had as many activations and upgrades as you currently have. You have never been supported by more energies or more beings around you than you are right now. You have also not been as knowledgable as you are right now, and you can use that knowledge and the wisdom that comes from the application of that knowledge to bring yourselves into harmony with the new Earth and with the life that you desire to live. You can do all of this while also fulfilling your purpose and being of service because the two go hand in hand.

You are meant to lead others, and the way you do that is by showing them how it’s done. When you do what you teach, you are an example to others of what is possible. When you demonstrate that the concepts you talk about work, then others start to understand that they have power as well. The power lies within each and every individual, but it is dormant in most because most know that they don’t feel very powerful in their lives and have made attempts to change their lives through words and actions, but have come up short. Most people do not realize that their power truly lies in their ability to focus, to feel, to vibrate, to visualize, to think about the reality they want to experience. And so, they do what their parents did and their grandparents did, which is to work hard and hope for the best.

Most people do not realize that their beliefs are important, and those of you who do recognize how powerful beliefs are can help others with teachings and also with examples from your own lives of how you have shifted from one belief to another and how that has paid off for you. As we said before, the energies that are upon you right now are supportive of each and every one of you who is awake in the creation of your reality the way you prefer to live it. They want to work with those of you who are conscious, awake, aware, and interested in being of service. 

And so, it is time for you to dream big, and it is time for you to expect more. It is time for you to step out of doubt, fear, anxiety, worry, and disbelief and tune in to the truth of who you are as everything, as all-that-is, as all-inclusive. You have every single vibration available to you right now, and they are all inside of you. And that is why it is so important to meditate, to go within, and to feel your feelings, because when you are willing to do those things, you will have the keys to the kingdom, and you will be able to create whatever you want. 

This life is filled with possibilities, and you have more timelines available to you now than ever before because you are conscious, because you know how to manage your thoughts and your feelings, and because you have made it this far on your journeys. You have demonstrated that you have so much to give, so much to share with your fellow humans, and when you want to be of service, more is opened up to you. So relax, tune in to your power, and feel for the energies and the beings around you that are supporting you. Know that there is so much more for you to live and so much more for you to share with your fellow humans. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

When You See a UFO or E.T., This Happens ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are helping you to become more aware of who you really are, and we see that as our primary purpose to you. At times we are giving you the words, the reminders, to get you to remember the truth of who you really are as unconditional love, as Source. Other times it is through energy transmissions that we are reminding you of who you really are. And when you receive certain transmissions from us, you also get DNA activations that will piece together your galactic history. You all have a history in this galaxy of ours, and you have played many different roles and most of you in many different star systems.

Do you have to know about each of those lifetimes? No, that would be too much for any mind to be able to handle. But it helps for you to recognize that you have a history and that you have been many other things besides a human dwelling on planet Earth. It helps you because you are becoming more of yourself in every moment of every day. And to know that you have already been there, that you have already traversed those paths, helps you get there more easily and hopefully with more joy in your hearts. You are not reinventing the wheel, and you are not just scratching and clawing your way up an evolutionary ladder from a state of being a lowly human. You have been quite exalted in other experiences, and have known yourselves as having abilities, gifts, powers that go far beyond what you are seeing on Earth at this time.

This is why so many of you want to go home; it is because you already have some of your e.t. DNA active, and you can sense that things were better in the Pleiadian star system or the Arcturian star system. And they were, and you are there to bring those memories to light, to bring the heavens to Earth, to merge the various systems throughout the galaxy so that we can be one united galactic community. We all benefit from what the others in our galaxy have experienced, and all the experiences you are having there on Earth are benefitting all of us throughout the galaxy. You chose to go into a place of such polarity, such density, and to forget to such an extent that the coming home is an experience that we are all curious about. 

We all want to know what it feels like and how you are doing it, and we all want to help. And so any time you have an encounter with a UFO or an e.t., it is to remind you of who you really are and to give you an activation. It is to prepare you for that moment when you will officially become a part of the galactic community, and it is to give you as an individual something to hope for, something to strive for, something to work towards, as you are there to make that shift, to complete the transition to the fifth dimension. And everything that is happening and not happening in your life right now is about lighting a fire underneath you to get you to exist in that fifth-dimensional consciousness, that fifth-dimensional frequency and state of being, and we are very happy to be a part of that ride with you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Is Reality Broken? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the way humanity is progressing, and we are very happy to affirm for all of you that everything is going the way it should be. Nothing is out of place in any reality you are experiencing. It is all perfect for you to have that particular experience, but that doesn’t mean you are chained to that reality forevermore. What is important for you to do while having an experience is that decision that you can make to focus on something about your current situation that you like. There may be nine things wrong, from your perspective, in a moment, and one thing that is going right, and if you put all of your energy and all of your attention on the one thing that is going right, you will shift more quickly into a reality that is more to your liking.

This is something you have to train yourselves to do because as human beings you have often been taught to find the problem and fix it. The problem with that approach is that there will always be more problems to fix. And so, you need to take a new approach, a better-feeling approach, an approach that sees everything as perfect as it is for that particular moment. And when you do that, you can find yourself in a better-feeling reality in a matter of seconds. You have within you the capacity to focus, and you need to use it. Think of yourselves as artists, and everything that is in your reality right now is a different color on the color palette. If you don’t like the colors red and yellow, but you do like the colors blue and green, you can choose to paint only with the blue and the green on your palette.

You can also accept that red and yellow have their place, and you might like to explore them at some other time, but you don’t have to focus on them and think that they should not exist for some reason. This is why you have choice; this is why you have free will, and this is why you get to have so many different experiences. All of the different experiences you have are making you better at being the creators you were always meant to be there on Earth, but you must see yourselves as creators and not reactors. Sure, you are going to have a reaction from time to time that could be described as knee jerk, automatic, and you can accept your reaction as yet another experience that you were fortunate enough to have in that very moment. But then you get to shift into creation mode.

You can allow everything to be what it is and create using what tools you have available to you, and when you do that, you certainly are making progress towards knowing yourselves as Source. Source is the ultimate creator, and we are all going home to Source, taking whatever paths we decide we want to take. It is always best to create with love. Therefore, you must allow your reaction to be what it is, but if your reaction is to get angry, then that is not the time for you to be picking up your paint brush.

This is why it is so important for you to allow your emotions to be what they are and just feel them. Move through them and let them move through you, so can be in that place where you are a much more effective creator and where what you create will be infused with such a higher-frequency energy. The higher-frequency energies that are bombarding you right now there on planet Earth want to co-create with you. Feel for them, and feel for all that potential you have inside of you to be the best version of yourself that you can be, living in the best version of reality, as far as you are concerned.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

The Doorway to the New Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are seekers, adventurers, and explorers, and that is one of the ways in which we align with all of you there on Earth. You have come to planet Earth because you wanted to taste a bit of all parts of the galaxy in one place, and it is because you have an affinity for all the various parts of the galaxy that Earth was the obvious choice for you. There are, of course, many reasons why you chose to incarnate there, and this is just one, but you are travelers, explorers, and adventurers and all that you have been and every place you have ever been to is serving you right now. 

You are drawing from all of those experiences, all of those selves, all of those places, and you are co-creating an experience of harmony and peace on Earth, but of course you are doing it by experiencing the opposite of those things first. Everything that has ever been there on Earth has been for the purpose of experience, and not all experiences have been positive to say the least. But all of those possibilities needed to exist for every single soul to get a taste of what they wanted out of the Earth experience. What you are meant to do in your lifetimes is to gradually come to peace with the way everything is there on Earth. You are supposed to accept everything as it is and change you.

You are meant to transform, and when you do transform, you get to experience a new Earth, a different Earth, an Earth with less polarity, less trauma and tragedy, more unity, harmony, peace, love, joy, and excitement. But the path to getting to that Earth is through this one that you are currently experiencing, where there is hate, violence, war, bigotry, discrimination, and so on and so on. You make a difference there on Earth by changing yourself, and it really is that simple. You are the changemakers, but you are the change you are making. You are the wayshowers, and you will show others the way to the new Earth is through accepting, loving, and making peace with the current Earth you inhabit.

Now, does that mean there is nothing for you to do in order to make a difference there on Earth? Absolutely not. There is plenty for you to do. You can spread this level of consciousness around. You can help others to come to that place of spiritual mastery where they understand that everything is to be accepted and nothing is to be resisted, that everything was created on purpose and serves a greater purpose. And in the process of experiencing the Earth and the Earth experience as they are, you are at the same time co-creating the new Earth. 

You are deciding what would be better without resisting what is now the way it is. It is a tricky assignment for sure and difficult for most people to understand, but it is your mission to become your higher self, the self that sees all, knows all, accepts and loves all, and you are getting there gradually, experience by experience and moment of surrender by moment of surrender. You will know you are done with this Earth and this experience because you will love it all, and you will see everyone as Source, and then you will access the doorway to the fifth dimension and the new Earth, and that will be a glorious moment indeed.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

What Happens Right Before Physical E.T. Contact  ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to find ourselves connecting with so many humans at this time, as more and more of you are awakening to the truth that you are not alone in the universe. We are but one of many councils that are out there in space, in other dimensions, who are looking to make contact with all of you. Physical e.t. contact will occur, and it will occur in the not-too-distant future for all humans who desire it. But when you seek contact with the unseen, it is not that different from seeking to connect with Source Energy, or if you prefer, God. Connecting with the unseen has been done by humans for a very long time, and of course there have always skeptics. There have always been those who wondered, ‘Where is the proof in all of this?’

No one can convince someone of something that they do not want to be convinced of and are not open to changing their minds about. But for those of you who feel energy, you resonate with those of us in the higher realms who want to help, and we feel that desire to connect with more humans all the time. We feel more of humanity is open to the unseen, the unknown, and that which will make them seem a little weird to others. If you want to rise above the level of consciousness that is predominant there on Earth at this time, then you must be willing to seem a bit crazy, a bit out there, to the average person. But you are planting seeds, and you are showing them that there is a way to go beyond the mundane, the typical, the average life experience there on Earth. 

Those of you who think about and talk about ascension are aware that it is possible to go beyond where most humans are living right now, and you are willing to reach out and up to us, even before we appear to you in some sort of form that you can see with your physical eyes. And when you do connect to the nonphysical, of course your mind can come in and wonder whether or not it was real. You have, of course, very vivid imaginations, and that is why it is necessary to shut off your mind and reach for a feeling, reach for a vibration. And instead of asking yourself whether or not that was real, ask yourself how you feel. Ask yourself whether what you received is beneficial to you, whether it serves or not. Use all of that as your criteria for whether you keep doing it.

You are very sensitive and also very sensible, and therefore you can trust your feelings, and also you can use your critical mind to deconstruct your doubt about whether something is real. We promise you more contact will be made with the nonphysical throughout this year to prepare you for contact with the physical. And those of you who are excited about e.t. contact can take those steps right now, and we feel more of you doing it every day, and we excited to be on this journey with you and to be a part of it as well.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Arcturian Group Message May 5, 2024 | Marilyn Raffaele

  MAY 5, 2024

Welcome to our message dear readers.  

At this time many are suffering from extreme conditions but it is important to remember that before incarnating every person with guidance, creates a plan for the experiences and people that need to be a part of their time on earth. Contracts are usually about situations that will serve to complete unfinished past life relationships, experiences necessary for opening the person to higher ways of thinking, and are frequently about the person’s need to experience the “other side” of prejudicial thinking, words, and actions taken in a previous life.

Earth and all creation can never be fully understood or explained through human thinking regardless of how educated or brilliant the human mind is because human minds only see and study concepts of reality. Divine Consciousness is the only reality and is infinitely expressing ITself, but when seen and understood from limited three dimensional states of consciousness, its expressions appear solid, dense, and material–conditioned, mind formed concepts of reality.  

As a person’s state of consciousness expands and spiritually evolves he/she begins to see with new eyes and starts to understand that the experiences, forms, and even activities of a three dimensional world are dense representations / mind formed interpretations of the real Divine Essence that is actually there. Learn to see through all appearances rather than empowering them with good or bad reality.  

Mind is an avenue of awareness continually translating a person’s consciousness into form as their outer life. All often see the same thing because there is only ONE Consciousness, individualized. World situations are opening many hearts and minds to oneness and as a result increasingly more are beginning to see how energy aligns with like energy both personally and globally.  

Death is the world’s grandest illusion. The belief in separation continues to hold many locked into blindly accepting that life forms die, are gone forever, and there is nothing more. Your real home is on the other side, not on earth. Souls chose to incarnate on earth in order to learn and eventually evolve beyond further need for three dimensional experiences, but no one is meant to stay in three dimensional energy forever. 

Nothing ever dies or ever can die because there is only one life and that LIFE is infinite and self sustained, always has been and always will be. Material forms die and dissolve when the Divine Essence that has maintained and sustained them is no longer present. Concepts of have no spiritual law to uphold them.  

Never excessively mourn the loss of anything for the spiritual reality that originally brought it into expression always remains intact. Those who build altars and shrines to departed loved ones do them no favor for this only serves to keep the loved one somewhat tied to old energy. Old forms of everything automatically fade away when the substance from which they were created (consciousness) changes and evolves to new levels. This is causing a great deal of anger, worry, and turmoil for those struggling to hold on to the past in the belief that it was better. 

Evolution can never be stopped because it is every soul’s destiny to wake up to the reality of being Divine Consciousness individualized. Earth is a spiritual universe not material, and its people are Divine beings, not limited human bodies. Animals, plants, devas, fairies, elementals, etc. carry the same Life force as perfect expressions of the infinity of ideas in Divine Mind. Animals were never created to be compared, used, or abused by human egos. Even rocks have consciousness because Consciousness is all that exists. 

Energy is the vibrational frequency of one omnipresent Divine Consciousness which in reality is pure light unable to be seen or even experienced with human eyes. As individuals spiritually evolve their energy becomes increasingly lighter and faster, reflecting more of their true being-God.  

The energy that emanates from states of consciousness conditioned with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers vibrates at a slower and denser resonance the result of which is matter/material form. This is why most people can not see those on the other side–the energetic frequencies of material consciousness are too heavy and dense to align with the more refined vibrations of those no longer in material form.

Because there is only ONE, all energy regardless of how fast or slow the frequency, seeks to align with like energy in order to once again become ONE. This is how the saying “Birds of a feather flock together” came about and is why individuals and groups with a collective consciousness attract the people and situations they are in alignment with. When lives are filled with negative experiences, most blame outside sources for their problems rather than looking within to what they themselves are creating through their beliefs.  

It serves no purpose to pray to God for that which is already fully present within. Praying, begging, beseeching some concept of God for what God has already fully given as ITself only brings about a deeper sense of separation and perpetuates the human condition. Pray only for more Light and not for what you falsely believe you do not have. God individualized ITself and all ITs qualities in the beginning and as you attain the consciousness of this it will begin to appear outwardly as…  

It is time to live in the truth of who and what you really are. It is time to stop making excuses about how impractical, hard, or impossible it is to live truth. It is time to let go of all religious programming based in “power over” and money. It is time to move beyond outgrown traditions and beliefs simply because they are comfortable and expected of you. It is time to separate yourselves from collective beliefs that strive to keep you in the status quo. It is time to stop looking to family, friends, politicians, experts, or priests, rabbis, or ministers to tell you what to believe. It is time to claim your power. It is time to fully and honestly let go of the past and embrace…  

I am a Divine Being having human experiences in order to learn, clear old energy, and more fully attain conscious oneness with Source.

Allow the process. It is time.

We are the Arcturian Group

Via Marilyn Raffael at Onenessofall.com

Being Truly Awake Means You Make This Choice  ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are feeling very fortunate to have the attention of so many of you there on Earth, because we know there are lots of places that you can put your attention at any time in any given day. We want you to be aware of that fact as well so that you choose where you are putting your attention more consciously. You do not have to put your attention somewhere just because everyone else is putting their attention on that particular subject, person, or thing. You do not have to put your attention on something just because it is loud or alluring in some other way.

You get to use your discernment to determine whether it serves you or not to put your attention on something, and that is a power that you have, an ability that often does not get looked at as a gift. But if you have the gift of discernment, and you are able to feel whether something resonates or doesn’t, then you are lucky indeed. There is no such thing as luck, of course, and so we will use the word ‘fortunate’ here again. 

You chose well when you chose for yourself this incarnation. And those who don’t have it also chose to have those experiences on purpose, so please remember that they are asleep because they want to be asleep. They are watching the twenty-four hour news cycle because that soul decided it wanted to have that particular experience. You don’t have to make anyone wrong or call them a ‘sheep’ because they do so. On that soul level, they know exactly what they are doing. 

But if you encounter people who are not choosing wisely, or are not choosing consciously what they put their attention on, then you have to recognize that you are bringing those people into your awareness for a reason. Maybe it is so you can release your resistance, or your judgment, of them. Or maybe they are there to show you that you are not in fact choosing as consciously as you could what to put your attention on and for how long. Something loud might get your attention for a moment, and then you might say to yourself, ‘I don’t need to focus on this,’ and you can consciously and deliberately put your attention somewhere else.

You may have heard of the truth that what you focus on expands, and it is also true that you become one with what you focus on because you start vibrating in harmony with it the moment you give it your attention. And therefore, you must determine for yourself whether this is something I want to become before continuing to give it your attention. What you become, you will also see a reflection of in your outside world. So you can also wonder whether you want to see more of what you are focusing on in that very moment. 

These are conscious choices that everyone can make and everyone needs to make who wants to be a conscious and deliberate creator of their reality. When you decide that you want to be one of those people, pay attention, and pay attention to what you want to see more of in your life and in your world.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton