The Jewels in Your Heart | Heavenletters

God said:

The details of your life make up your life on earth, but the details are not your life. You already know your life is much more than the daily manifestation of it. You know that gravity keeps you down. You are on earth for a while in a Human body, but the laws of gravity have nothing to do with your spirit. Your spirit doesn’t recognize gravity. Heaviness is not your destiny. Lightness is. Perhaps you had it backwards.

You are a being of light, and light — this hugeness of light — weighs nothing at all, or We can say it is immeasurable. Weightlessness is your true state.

So what is it then that weighs you down?

Your thoughts. Your thoughts are a weight on you. Your thoughts need to take flight. They want to soar. They are tired of being tied to earth. Your thoughts are your vision, and you want a far greater vision than you have allowed yourself.

You are meant to be a visionary. You are meant to see more than what is directly overtly before you. The physical alone is just not enough for you. No matter how you gorge on it, it is not enough. There is more to you than meets the eye.

This does not mean to ignore your daily life. It means that when you know that you have a purpose far greater than the mere goings-on in your life, you carry on your life with more alacrity.

There is a desire readying itself to burst from you.

Your biggest desire of all is union with Me. If awareness of this desire is missing from your life, it will reinstate itself now. If you are already aware of this desire, you will see more evidence of the joy it brings. Yes, desire itself brings joy. The culmination of your desires is joy heaped upon joy, but you do not have to wait for the culmination. Great joy of desire awaits you. It is ready for you right now. Whether you believe Me or not, you are ready for this joy that far outreaches time and space and the purchase of a new trinket or car.

You do not have to shop for Me. If there is One God, and I assure you there is, you need not look further. Here I am. One model. One that never wears out. Guaranteed. I am priceless beyond measure, and I come at no cost.

You have thought I come dear. You have thought I had a high price tag. I have none at all.

My desire is for you to have Me right smack in your awareness. My desire is for you to accept all the riches I hold for you. Desire Me not for the riches I hold for you, but because you hold Me as a light before you that leads you to your own heart. Therein lie the riches. Within your own chest lies the treasure. I stored all the riches in your heart for safekeeping. And now you open that storehouse of love.

Open it to Me Who gave it to you. Not as an obligation but because you wish to share with Me all that you have found. You want to show Me the jewels in your heart. You wish to turn them over in the light that We may look at each one after the other and together admire them. Of course, you want to show Me My own light. You want to reveal to Me Our own Oneness. You want to show Me to Myself. You want to say, “Look, God, look at what I have found. I have found You.”

Heavenletters #561 The Jewels in Your Heart, May 4, 2002, on Facebook

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God’s Messenger | Heavenletters

God said:

Beloveds, that which you seek, you are. Seek Me therefore. Whether you seek Me or not, you are what I am, but seek and ye shall find. Be the goodness and mercy I am all the days of your life. Give that which you seek, for that is the Truth of you.

Be the understanding that you are.

Be the bestower that you are.

Be the deliverer that you are. Deliver My messages, not because they are Mine, but because they are yours.

You are the light of My heart, so you might as well be it. Be a heartlight that beacons Me to the world. Ignite yourself. By whatever name I am called, be the light that lets every Being on Earth know that the shore is near. The shore of Heaven is at hand. The coast of Heaven is the umbrella you carry, rain or shine. Shine My light, beloveds. It is never dim except in your awareness. Aware or not, let My light be the light from your eyes. Let the light of your eyes shine forth like the sun. The light will say: “Remember God Whose Light you are.”

This is your message to the world. Remember there is a God Who loves you with all His might. Remember God. Remember that you are His image cast upon the world. You are not His shadow but His light. You are the Light of the World that you have heard about. The light lingers in you,

You are the song I sing, and I sing steadily. You are the Light of God, and you are also the Voice of God. Remember that the next time you speak. You may have thought you were some cast-off mortal shunted off on an island called Earth, and now I remind you that you are the rays of God, and all you have to do is shine. Do not abandon yourself. Do not abandon your right and might. Do not abandon the Wholeness of yourself. You are the crop God has planted, and you are the reaper of the love planted therein.

You are the supplier of the universe. You are the one who stocks its shelves.

You are a reporter. Be a reporter of glad tidings. Anything but Truth is a rumor. All the perceived trouble on Earth reads as a headline on a tabloid, nothing more. Read between the lines, however, and you will find another drummer beating a merry tune. The chords of Truth ring loudly. Hear the bells you ring now. You are the bell-ringer of Truth. You are the one who knocks on every door. “Time to love,” you say in My Voice. “Arise. The morning of love has come. It is before you now. Never mind what you have heard and always thought. The net has been cast. All the love in Heaven and Earth has come to your house. Open your heart for it now. And then carry it with you. You cannot be without. Therefore, peal the love that you are so that all may know they are the same love and that they are from the same Source. You are the fruit of the vine that God has planted. He planted you in His heart. His heart is Divine, and you are a tendril of it. You are His heart seeking to find itself in the world. The world would seek to hide you from yourself and proclaim a different destiny for you. But that is only folly, and you are Truth. Acknowledge this now.”

And, so, now you discover that you are not a drifter but rather a messenger from the One God who sent you here to hear His call and to repeat it softly so that all may hear: “Love is here now.” Avail yourself of love. Pass it around like an hors’ d’oeuvre. Help yourself, and pass it around, for you are each an honored servant of God, and now you serve.

Heavenletters #2095 God’s Messenger, August 18, 2006, on Facebook

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Whistle a Different Tune | Heavenletters

God said:

Expect joy. You have had enough of expecting gloom. The attention you put on warding off untoward events is extraordinary. Sometimes it seems that your guiding star is catastrophe. Often you act as if you are down to the wire when you are in actuality flying high.

Consider all the energy you put into worry. You say you are being realistic. I say you are frittering life away when you worry. Worry doesn’t buffer life. It avoids life. It is its own little frenzy. There is no point to it, beloveds. What does worry do that joy can’t do better?

You may give lip service to the fact that I am the Doer, which I am, yet you run around as if life depended upon you. Of course, life does depend on your thoughts. According to your thoughts, so goes the world. I encourage you to adopt new thoughts. Let your thoughts come from a throne, not a footstool or curb on the street.

In a world given by God, I would wish to ask you: “What is there to worry about?” I won’t ask you that, however, because you have a long list you would recount, affirming all kinds of causes for your worriedness, all the possible loss and lack that could be around the corner, just waiting for you. So, I will ask you: “What can worry thoughts do but propound more worry?” Worry is a track you get on, and it’s hard to get off. It goes around in circles.

When good comes to you, then you have another cause for worry, because you think: “What if it doesn’t last? What if I lose it? What if it is taken away from me? What if I can’t pay my taxes?”

Worry has many lists. It is like the freeway with many lanes, and you swerve from one to the other. Freeways go somewhere, however, whereas worry thoughts just keep going around the same track. Once on the worry track, it is hard to find the end to it.

But, fortunately, worry does have an end to it, and you can find it.

When you find your mind is asking, “What if this and that horror should befall?” give it a happy subject to think about instead. For instance, think: “What if all my dreams are coming true? What if I am healthy and strong? What if I have all kinds of rewards waiting for me around the corner? What if this is my lucky day? And what if tomorrow is too, and all the tomorrows are!”

Beloved, what if you are a special messenger of God with other things to think about and other things to do than worry? What advantage is there in worrying about what might or might not occur and how incapable you may feel you are to deal with them?

The thing is: you can only deal with what is right in front of you. If there is a mosquito biting you now, you can slap it. Right now you can’t slap the one that will get in your door a few minutes from now. You already know that, yet you continue to worry, as if worry were a magic chant that wards off misfortune. I suggest that if you worry, you have picked the wrong chant.

What if I am with you always? In lean times as well as well as in fat? What if it’s really true that no ill can befall you, even when one of the many-named ills seems to befall you? What if all is well even when it seems it is not? What if you are a mighty child of God who will keep his eye on Heaven? What if you could be worry-less by whistling a different tune?

Heavenletters #1564 Whistle a Different Tune, March 1, 2005, on Facebook

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For One Moment of Eternity | Heavenletters

God said:

From My intention, you came into Being. From My intention came Creation. Creation fashioned Me a Creator, and so it is said I created you. Together, as One, We created you, a facsimile of the Creator.

You intended to be. You wanted to see what it would be like if you manifested as a flesh and blood human being. What a diversity the One of Us became. Multiplication came easily. You were not exactly produced, and yet you became.

As I think this Heavenletter and it comes into Being, so had I the thought of you, and, before My very eyes, I was disguised and came into Being as you. You (I) arose from the fire of love in My heart. I say I think this Heavenletter, but I don’t really think it as you understand think. I vibrated it. I hummed. I manifested it, and then the hummed went through layers of existence until it was received and funneled to you. Of course, you think it came in a sequence of time, and yet, despite what your senses and mind tell you, it came all at once. It will always reverberate. So many Heavenletters, so many human beings even when they are all One.

From now on when I say you, you will understand that I mean Myself as you.

Neither of Us contrived your intricacies. The outer manifestation of you is not what mattered. We knew its unimportance even as We knew it would become important to you, for the world is the world, and the world itself is external. Values got turned upside down. No matter. They will right themselves.

You became mental, emotional, physical. Energy manifested. You became moveable parts. You became an Odyssey. You became everything, everything imagined. You were the precursor to your existence on Earth, and you became the Earth and everyone and everything on it, and yet you had your shape and your tricks of the trade, life that is, and you became a stranger to yourself, the soul of yourself, the solace of yourself.

I am having a good time this morning with this puzzling Heavenletter that appears before Me as though already written except I have it and give it in one fell swoop.

Where shall I take you now? Where did I leave off? Does it matter?

Let’s begin all over again.

If you are in a rut, let’s get you out of it. Of course, it is up to the physical, mental, emotional you to do that, for, in reality, although the physical, mental, and emotional play a heavy role in your life on Earth, they do not exist any more than the Earth under your feet exists, and yet you take a step in the game board you play. What board game are you playing? Where do you go but round and round? When do you pass Go, and when do you Exit this played-out existence?

For one moment of Eternity, I had a dream, and My dream was you. I am My own dream come true as far as imagination goes, that is. I imagined you. I am real. The manifestation of you is not real. What you appear to be in the world is not at all Who you are. You are a being so powerful that you can even go against the grain. You who are a Divine Being can even shed blood on Earth, and it doesn’t change who you are. You can be smallness on Earth, and great in Heaven. You make boundaries which are judgments and do not even grasp the magnitude of the game you are playing that is called Life on Earth.

Heavenletters #3931 For One Moment of Eternity, August 30, 2011, on Facebook

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The Bread Crumbs of Truth | Heavenletters

God said:

Most people intend well, yet intentions without action don’t count for much.

Sure, a good deed intended is better than no good deed at all, yet having an idea unacted on doesn’t go far enough. There is value in thinking of a kindness, yet words have substance as you follow through on them. Anyone can say anything, and often do.

On the other hand, despite all the Good Will you may wish to follow through with, you ponder about the time and energy you don’t have. You would love to be an Angel on Earth if you didn’t have all the pressing obligations that have to come first.

Unless you back up thoughts of good deeds with action, then, beloveds, it behooves you not to advertise them. You don’t want false advertising to be your habit. When you still owe the bank money, the bank doesn’t give you credit. You have to deliver before credit is in your hand. Promises without back-up are nice words. Alas, nice words alone don’t take you far, and that’s it.

Promises are like your lying down for a night’s sleep and not getting one wink of sleep. Promises can be shaky premises, dear one. Shaky premises are not to be a way of Life. Ah, yes, all that you would do if only you could.

With a foundation, how good you will feel. Oh, to feel the solid ground under you. It is not your desire to row a leaky boat. You yourself believe in substance and not shadow.

Life on Earth can seem like a magic trick. Well, in fact, looking at Life from on High, Life is a magic trick. None of it is True. Life may be vivid and taken as True in the dream communally dreamed. Life on Earth is disarming. Nevertheless, you are to back up your dreams with all you are worth. Within the illusion you are to give greater than illusion. Within the dream, you are to be solid. Within the dream, you are to follow through. Within the dream, you are to deliver, and that’s it. This is your share to give. Even on false ground, you are to be true. Adhere faithfully to solid Truth within the dream.

What a difference it makes to the imagined world and you when you are true to yourself. What a lovely thing in this world are words made true.

Never mind the so-called past now. Now is what matters. You always matter. Sign your name on the dotted line.

It is My Name you represent, in dream or not. Deliver Truth to all the Seekers in the Universe. Everyone is a Seeker of Truth. And Truth is to be seen, and Truth is to be found. One day you will come to the Full Realization of Truth. Follow the bread crumbs of Truth.

Of course, you seek riches. Of course, you seek Love. Of course, you seek to receive. Of course, you seek to give. All the while you desire to discern Truth from fiction. Of course, you recall that Truth goes further than fact. Truth and fact are not even in the same ballpark.

Yes, please make the ground you stand on solid. Then you are in balance. Then you are as strong as strong can be. When you are as strong as strong can be, then with every breath, you contribute to making others as strong as strong can be. Have no regrets. Is this too much to ask?

I, God, love and bless you, and now bless yourself. Stand by yourself. Make your words speak loud and true.

Heavenletters #6129 The Bread Crumbs of Truth, September 5, 2017, on Facebook

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More Than You Imagine | Heavenletters

God said:

Your life is not an accident. To whom you are born is not an accident. If you were given up for adoption, it’s not an accident. No matter the occurrences in your life, no matter what, this is your life presented to you, and it is yours to do with.

You are more important than your life. You are more important than what transpires. You are more important than the people you meet. You are never alone in life, and yet it is your life. It is your life to make the most of.

You may not love all the cards dealt you. Still, this is your life to determine from here on in.

You can’t quit. Your life is infinite. You are taking vital steps now. Yes, your life is important. Most important to you and to Me, or you would not have your life. In the world, you are dealt a deck of cards, and you have to play them. There is no quitting this life. You began in Eternity, and you are still in the same playing field of Eternity.

Your name is Vastness, as is My Name.

You can’t think all that much about what has been and what is yet to be. You have a card in your hands right now. You have to do something with it. Play it. No holds barred.

If life were an umbrella, you open it. If you are a magician, you unfurl the umbrella and perhaps doves fly out or a kite or popcorn or another umbrella. Of course, all this matters to you. It makes a difference to you, and, yet, beloveds, what is the difference? As soon as you play this card or open this umbrella, there will be another card waiting for you. Play your card.

There is also a lot to be said for being spontaneous and a lot to be said for thinking. There is a lot to be said for getting into action. There is a lot to be said for being cautious. Nevertheless, life is to be lived in this lifetime.

Your life is lived in your mind. Life is also lived in your heart, hard or soft. Your mind may flip a coin. Your heart has its mind made up. Reason all you like, yet life is to be lived on the front lines, even when the front lines are your backyard.

You like the idea that life is yours and no one else’s. You don’t like being told what to do, and, yet, sometimes you ask for a push, and sometimes you need it. Life will provide you a push as well.

Now, you might ask: “How do I make my life correspond with my nature? It seems to be my nature to be deliberate and go slow. Someone else’s nature may be to jump right in and hop to it.”

True enough. Nevertheless, you can be sure that at one time or another, life will light a fire under you who like to take your time, and you can also be sure that life will slow down the lickety-split temperament as well.

Nor am I saying that middle of the road is better. It may be. Or speed may be better. Or step by step may be better. Beloveds, who knows the answers to these questions until he enters the field and plays his cards?

Who said that, in Earth terms, you always have to be right? In Earth terms, you don’t have to be perfect. Sometimes you rue your actions or inaction. You call them whopping mistakes, and, yet, still, you don’t know yet how one action leads to another and how it will all play out.

On the other hand, you don’t always know where a well-respected action will lead. You could come to rue that too. This is another good reason to let the past go. Use a new pack of cards today. Despite anything and everything, despite what you are sure is right or are sure is wrong, you and life served more than you can imagine. You may have moved mountains.

Heavenletters #4607 More Than You Imagine, July 6, 2013, on Facebook

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Holidays Have a Purpose | Heavenletters

God said:

Holidays point out the Truth of life. They bear the names of the Truths of Life. Holidays are called Independence, Thanksgiving, Christmas. I do not know of a holiday called Suffering or Pain Day.

Christmas comes in many layers. Do not be dismayed that Christmas has become commercial. The world is not altogether a Church. The world, like music, has its overtones. Spiritual and commercial both support the Universe. Commercial does the best it can. It does seemingly, after all, put food on the table.

Christ would like his birthday to be celebrated with happiness at whatever level it appears. Only, the shopping is not always happy.

As you buy Christmas gifts this year, remind yourself that you are buying on Christ’s behalf, and you give gifts on his behalf. Your heart will be lightened. Christ who is a personification of love would have you materialize love on his behalf, and therefore Mine. Of course, Christ’s direct gifts are greater, but he doesn’t mind your giving tokens of his love at all. The gifts he gives are less discernible but clearly greater. Everyone understands that.

The story about the Magi bringing gifts to Baby Jesus in the manger points out so well how the giver gives a gift to himself. Baby Jesus did not need gifts. The bearers of gifts wanted to embolden their hearts. Let gift-giving then be emboldened from your heart.

Gift-giving is not an obligation. There can be no obligation in giving. Obligation interrupts the flow of love.

So whomever you give a gift to, remind yourself that you give it on Christ’s behalf.

And when you are the receiver of a gift, know that the gift is from greater than the hand that passed it to you. Children light up with gifts they give and receive, but you do not always. There comes the time when there is no material gift on Earth that can raise your spirits. Only the gift of the heart means something to you.

When all is said and done, when all the wrappings and ribbons have been put away, you may feel an emptiness you would rather not. The material can only go so far, for you are a Spiritual Being. Again and again in life, you come to face to face with that, and it is truly a lovely thing to face, beloveds. You are Spirit, and only love can fill you. Nothing else can. Only love greater can fill you. Your world expands as you go up, up in love.

In a world of plenty, it is you who must engender greater love. Greater love is not for you to wait for but for you to give. You do not muster it. You allow it. Remind yourself that you are an instrument of love. No matter what season, what conditions, you are an instrument of love. There is nothing else you are. There is nothing less that you are. There is nothing more. You are an instrument of love.

You are not meant to keep your love in a drawer. You are meant to vault it. You are meant to embody it. You are meant to live it.

If it is hard for you to remember that you are love and to feel loved and loving, then practice love on Me. Let Me be the recipient of your love. It is perhaps easier to relay your love to Me, from where all love comes.

Imagine that We, you and I, play catch with love. Imagine that exchanging love is like playing volleyball. Imagine all the hearts that toss love up and all the hearts that catch it. Imagine there is no net and all players are on the same side. Imagine there is love tossing everywhere.

Heavenletters #1498 Holidays Have a Purpose, December 24, 2004, on Facebook

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Truth and Illusion | Heavenletters

God said:

What can the purpose of sadness be? Sadness seems to be like a blanket you pull over yourself when you feel cold. In its way, sadness is like a salve you put over a wound. It heals. It helps to heal.

As distressful as sadness is to you, it is also like a sweet candy that you hold in your mouth. It is a palliative in that it soothes something in you. There is undeniably some sweetness in sadness. How can that be, and yet it is. Even in the going over a loss so great to you, that you keep weeping over it, either overtly with tears or silently without tears, your thoughts become like worry beads. With each bead, you keep counting the loss that is so dear to you, as if you were stroking your very loss, as if you came closer to that which has disappeared from your life in the world.

How can there be comfort in deep sadness, yet there is.

It is easy enough to say that all in life is temporary. It is easy enough to say that nothing in the world is permanent. The sands are shifting beneath your feet at every moment. The rose fades. The minute you hold a treasure in your hand, it is receding. Life pulls away from you at every moment.

It is easy enough to say that, in the world, you own nothing. It is easy enough to say that everything in the world is illusion. Oh, but how that illusion has you in its thrall. How much it means to you. How you dance to its tune.

Yet there is one eternal thing you have. It seems a contradiction. Actually, there are two eternal things you have when all is said and done. When all is said and done, you have life. Life without the body is life. With or without the body, unwaveringly is love. Only, to you, the love wavers. To you, love seems to flicker like a candle, yet love is all. To you, death seems final and love temporary.

It is not possible for Me to separate love and life, life and love. I do not know how to do it. I do not know how to do it anymore than I can separate My children from Myself. What you do every day, is impossible for Me to do even once in Eternity. I, personally, cannot even imagine separation. I know you accept separation.

I live in Truth, and I know it full well. You live in Truth as well, yet you believe in illusion wholeheartedly. Illusion seems natural to you whereas the Truth seems illusive. You believe in and experience illusion while the Truth of love and life seem farfetched. In any case, what good is Truth to you when you don’t really grasp it. It may seem like word play to you. It may seem like a fairy tale to you. You just can’t get the hang of it, and you feel out of sorts. It is a fairy tale perhaps or maybe a joke on you that I play for no reason at all that you can really see.

You would ask Me to dispense with all the in-between chasm of illusion and Truth. You would say:

“Why not make illusion and Truth One, then, God, as You do the finer things? Truth or not, the fact is that I feel left out in the cold. I want to be warm with Your Love, and I want to be warm in the physical presence of My loved ones who certainly seem to have gone somewhere. It is not enough that I will reunite with them some day. I want them now. And I want You too, God. I want You right now in full regalia.”

Heavenletters #4521 Truth and Illusion, April 11, 2013, on Facebook

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Depending upon Happenstance | Heavenletters

God said:

Yes, often days on Earth seem like skirmishes to you. You want more of a day, or you want less of it, depending upon happenstance and your view.

You are not always hard to please. I understand that you do deal with every day as best as you can at the time.

In retrospect, you may see alternate roads you could have gone down. You could have been less cranky and resistant to life. Some days, not every day, you could have been less thrown by life. About some days, you could have even come to shrug your shoulders and say: “That day wasn’t so bad after all.”

Of course, there are days you still mourn and wish they could be undone. You would much rather have days that don’t rile you. In some cases, you wish that you not rue your own deportment.

I would love to get you onto more evened-out paths. You, too, wish you could be more mellow. In this case, life would not run over you to the degree it seems to. Oh, yes, Beloved, if only your putting down life in the first place could be of the past and no longer continued. If only you would meet life more than you confront it.

At the very least, life is paving the way for you. Life is clearing the path. You don’t want to play the victim, nor do you wish to be an assailer. You can swim in life in any direction you want. You don’t want to give the impression that you are expecting heartache today.

In your mind, you often fault life. You would love to be on an even keel with life. How you would love to be at peace with life rather than at swords with it. Compared to you, life is the Giant, and you are not. And so you feel bound.

In going over some days of the past, you seem unable to rewrite a better script. This is the thing. You put yourself at the mercy of life. There is nothing you can do about it. You see yourself taken advantage of. You are unable to try to put a pretty face on life.

At the least, you may feel addled by life. Of course, you would love to be comforted by life. Meanwhile, you may be on life’s back, for life could be getting ready to hassle you.

You would try out another world to live in, yet you don’t know of another world to switch over to. Even if you were sure that another world existed, you are unsure that you dare to leap over to it.

You are the person in the story of the Lady or the Tiger who has to decide which door to open. In your case, it may seem you have no choice of which door to open. It opens itself to you before know it. Sometimes you feel that you are offered Tiger or Tiger and never offered apples or oranges.

Any day can bring a thunderstorm or a blizzard or a drought. You don’t know what you may wake up to. You have no conscious choice. You don’t want to sound ungrateful. Life has been good to you now and then no matter how much it left you shaking in your boots. You would love a guarantee.

Beloveds, you see the bits and pieces of life when, all the while, there is a whole world there. Make a large sweep of your cowboy hat in front of you and offer life a grand welcome. And give life a good chance to respond to your welcome.

Heavenletters #6273 Depending upon Happenstance, March 22, 2018, on Facebook

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The Best Is Yet to Come | Heavenletters

God said:

You are a rich tapestry. You weave in and out. You are not just one way. You are many ways. You are more than meets the eye. In the relative world, there is always more to find out and to find out about yourself. You find out more about yourself when you are alone, and you find out more about yourself when you are with others.

In life in the world, you find out more and more about yourself and what you find is not always what you would like to find. This is one aspect of being a human being on Earth. Certainly, you grow without looking, and sometimes life has to point something out to you from which you grow further.

It is not always easy for you to see room for growth within yourself and still love yourself. Love yourself then for growing. Love yourself for expanding beyond earlier limits. Love yourself that you are growing closer and closer to Me. Little by little, you come closer to Me, and sometimes all at once. Fast or slow, simply be glad that you are coming closer to Me. You can’t race to Me by your volition, and yet, sometimes, you seem to speed to Me. Sometimes it is easy, and sometimes it is hard. Your progress toward Me is available always, for I am a magnet that pulls you.

In life in the world, too, you are drawn to those with higher consciousness. You are drawn even when it is not always clear what higher consciousness is. And there have been times when you were drawn to those with a lesser state of consciousness. Some of what you spend your time on is where you used to be and not where you are now. I do want you to rise higher.

It is a good idea to desire to rise high and to leave behind all that holds you back from rising high. The best is yet to come.

Consider that in life you are taking flight instruction. You sit in the cockpit. You observe, and you learn. You learn to fly higher. You learn to fly solo. In every moment on Earth, you are learning, learning, learning. And also you yearn. Perhaps these are two steps of progress. Yearn and learn.

Without desire, what is the impetus for you to move forward? What is the impetus for you to learn to fly? And to come fly with Me.

You are finding a way in the world to appreciate yourself at the same time as you leap higher. How do you see yourself, see room for growth, and still know what a beautiful being you are. Perhaps you are beautiful because you have room to grow.

It takes courage to be a human being on Earth. It takes courage to see ways to grow and still know that you are a perfect human being as you are, just as you are, perhaps unshaven, perhaps in an old bathrobe, perhaps twiddling your thumbs. You are assembling yourself. Give yourself credit.

To love yourself means to love yourself. To love others is to love yourself. And when you cannot love another, wish them well on their journey and love them from afar.

Part of letting go in life is letting go of people who are not uplifting for you and you do not feel good to be around them. Consider this as an allergy. Do not make a big thing of it, and yet love yourself and, when you must, stay away from what makes you sneeze.

So life on Earth is full of hellos and full of goodbyes. Life is full of everything.

Heavenletters #3953 The Best Is Yet to Come, September 21, 2011, on Facebook

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