Latest Message from Archangel Michael – The Celestial winds of change are sweeping the earth.

Latest Message from Archangel Michael – The Celestial winds of change are sweeping the earth August 2020 Original Article: I AM Archangel Michael. Transmitted through Ronna Herman Vezane

Love this message about where we are at in this 3D world and how we can and are creating a better tomorrow. Very inspiring.


Website Status | Denise


Surprise! On Monday, March 30th, after reading on the web speculation that it could go down, my internet went down. After looking for the cause  and then talking to the building manager where I live, I discovered that the whole building lost the web. Calls were placed and a tech was dispatched to fix the problem.  Upon working most of Tuesday to fix the problem, it was discovered that a broken switch was the cause. However, the switch in question had to be ordered and would not be available till Friday. So, I’ve been without a working internet connection since then. I figured that it would be up sometime late on Friday. Imagine my surprise, when turning on my computer early this morning, the web was available, earlier than I expected.

So I’m now reviewing what I missed and will be posting what I feel prompted to on this website.

Moral of the story: Be careful what you think about, ’cause it may just happen! Also, being without the internet can be difficult. However, I did not resort to turning on the TV, since I no longer watch it. On the other hand, my son-in-law suggested that I get an emergency radio, which I probably will.



Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 30 June 2017


Time marches on and continues to increase in such a way that you cannot fail to recognise the changes it is bringing about. You really do not seem to have time to do as much as you used to do previously, yet you find that time as you read it from your timepieces seems absolutely the same. In reality you are doing as much as usual but there is a sense of urgency that gives the impression that time is short. It is along with other signs a clear indication that time is speeding up, as it takes you into the New Age. So much is changing and very little will revert to what it was beforehand. The changes are well under way, although in general terms you would find it difficult to pinpoint where they are occurring. Much has to be cleared away of the old before the new can be introduced, but nevertheless those who carry the responsibility for moving things forward are very active and wait for the right time to introduce what they have prepared.

Although the new cycle commenced in 2012 a number of sources were already prepared to bring out their contribution to the New Age. They remain on hold and as time passes more people join them with theirs, ensuring that once the safe time arrives for their introduction much will be revealed in a very short space of time. Meantime a degree of chaos is inevitable, as people are normally reluctant to change their habits and accept new ways that “upset” their usual way of life. One thing is certain that it will be impossible to hold back progress, as so many advances have already been made. All will be very acceptable as it will uplift your quality of life and leave you with ample time to follow your own desires. Peace will be achieved at a level not experienced previously, and you will truly know that you have moved into the New Age.

The message for everyone is to keep raising your vibrations, and regardless of what happens to you in the future you will reap the benefits. I mention your Guides often because at such a time they have an important role to play. Without infringing your freewill, they will do all things possible to ensure that you gain the maximum success. Hopefully that will mean Ascension for you, and it will be worth every bit of effort you put in to be successful. Even if you are not ready to ascend what you would call failure is nothing to be concerned about, as you will have learnt much that will serve you well whatever path you take. It will also mean that because of what you have gained you have less to learn in the future, as nothing is lost or taken away from you.

Bear in mind that you are the sum total of all the experience you have gained and put it to good use. If there is karma to clear your Guides will ensure that it is part of your life plan, and also help you deal with it. You cannot take uncleared karma with you into the higher realms so the sooner you deal with it the better it will be. You have probably had a great number of lives during the last cycle, and if you now feel ready and confident to make a quantum leap forward you will most likely succeed. A sure sign that you are ready is when you can look at every other soul and know they are One with You. That you can accept them as they are and regardless of their beliefs, and remember that Universal Love is the key to release yourself from the lower vibrations. No one can ask more of you than if you are doing your best to rise up, and by doing so you must eventually be successful. You will have already travelled far along the path of evolution and gained much through your experiences of your many lives upon Earth.

Now is the time that many revelations are being prepared for release as although you have been given new advances and technologies over many years, you are nowhere near where you should have been by now. However, that is all about to change because you and the Earth are crying out for change so that Humanity can advance to a point that eases the burdens of life. Equally important is the promotion of people that are best suited to lead you into a New Age, and they are already known and wait their opportunity to show what they can do. Their vision is to do the best for all people and put right the wrongs that have been perpetrated by those with a different agenda. You must surely realise by now that you are effectively prisoners in an open jail created by the dark Ones, who have ensured that you have little or no say in your future. However, there are those who are working for improvements that will change your way of life and release you from bondage. The plans are advanced and as always it is the “right time” that is being awaited to ensure that when the Light Beings step forward it is safe to do so.

In times of such far reaching changes it is helpful if those with knowledge of the situation that now exists help those who have been kept in the dark, so that they are aware that there are soon to be great and welcome changes. People in general do not understand what is going on and why there is so much chaos, and see no future for themselves. Too much information may be difficult for some to comprehend, but a few words indicating the positive changes ahead will uplift many people. They are weary after so many years of disruption and political turmoil, and need help to understand that there is hope and that peace will come in due course. Perhaps the biggest upliftment will be in knowing that a world war will not be allowed, and the road to permanent and lasting peace has already been mapped out. There will be many positive changes very soon leading you into the New Age, with all of the advantages that will promise a wonderful and happy life.

From time to time it is necessary to remind you that all souls are loved by God and even those who are presently carrying out negative actions. They are experiencing exactly what they need to eventually learn the lessons of life. Karma can be complex and looking at it from the outside it is difficult for you to accept that all concerned are simply “playing” their part to give them the experiences they need to evolve. In so doing all parties involved will make progress by learning from the result of their actions. Be assured that at some stage you have all experienced both sides of life, and as you lift up your vibrations so the need for such lessons becomes less. Those of the negative actions will learn from their mistakes, but will need much love and help to overcome their extreme feelings of anger and hatred.

Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe, and ascended Beings are those souls who have reached a level where they can fully express it in all circumstances. It is also the ultimate goal of all souls as they make their way back to the Godhead. You have an innate drive that propels you ever onwards into the higher dimensions of Light, and the longing to return “home” is a powerful urge that grows stronger and stronger all of the time.

This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love.

Mike Quinsey.


Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Ascension and the New World – The Council via Ron Head


As you approach closer and closer to the frequencies that will allow the beginning of your rise into ‘the new world’ that you have been told to anticipate, and as your feelings of impending change increase, the worries of those who think almost entirely in terms of the physical world increase as well. We have been asked over and over what will happen to loved ones, family, pets, and friends. Will they be left behind? What will they think when I disappear? Let us try once more to lay those fears to rest, particularly since those fears are acting as anchors to your own energies.

We will make a statement here. There is not going to be a flashbang incident during which you disappear. The energetic signature of a percentage of you is going to rise to the point, nearly here, that those sitting at the other dining tables in the room are going to be experiencing a different reality than you are. Now, let us ask you, is that so very different than your current situation? No, it is not.

In time, those who have not reached a compatible frequency level will have passed on and begun experiencing on a different dimension than you may be in. Does that not happen already? Yes, it does. But to borrow a line from a book, the meek will have inherited the earth.

Now these are simplified explanations, to 3D minds, of multidimensional things. We could say that it is all illusion. That would not be helpful. We could say that it is impossible to explain it in your terms. Again, not helpful. What we can tell you is that no one will be left behind. Perhaps a friend might not have allowed his or her higher self to begin living in and as herself, himself at the same time you did, but they are free to make that decision at any moment. Just see them as they are in their divine perfection. You cannot live for them, but you can show the way. Think of this change to humankind as a landslide or a tidal wave, for that it surely is. Each of you affects the whole, and the change will be, and is, snowballing. How is that for mixing metaphors?

For some of you we just used a definition of ascension that you have not considered before. And that is okay. You have made progress using other definitions. We would however, like you to begin understanding the word ascension in this way. Ascension is simply the process of a human allowing and inviting his or her higher self to begin expressing as and through their physical being. And planetary ascension is when those who have done so tip the balance in favor of the light. Now your higher selves are pretty powerful beings. So, it will not take billions to accomplish this, although billions is what it will become.

So, please change your focus from worry to joyful anticipation and allowance. Allow for the possibility that what will come to be is so far greater than anything you can imagine that your dreams will have been bland in comparison. But dream anyway.

Our love to you each.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.


Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

Arcturian Group Message May 21, 2017 | Marilyn Raffaele @


  MAY 21, 2017

Dear ones, with love and understanding we seek to assist you in your journey out of the miasma of dense illusion and into reality.   Life has become  a time of tremendous struggle and confusion in a world accustomed to living according to the rules and beliefs of third dimensional consciousness.
You have been taught incorrectly through  lifetimes and thus still carry cellular memory from many experiences serving to validate duality and separation.  Life lived within the third  dimensional belief system was necessary in order to awaken out of it, much as a small child  falls many times before learning to walk.  These experiences have now served their purpose, you have learned to walk and are now ready to run.
The Divine Self of every individual  continually seeks to be recognized and known.  This is why so many continually seek their good in the outer because they do not yet know that everything they seek is already present within.  Evolution is the journey out of illusion and into a living breathing consciousness of Reality.  Once this state of consciousness has been attained, the burdens and struggles within the illusion as well as all the seeking and yearning, ceases.
In order to understand that the attainment of material concepts of good  (power, objects, money, beauty,etc.) do not and never can bring about real fulfillment,  individuals must  first experience  the seeking, then attaining, and finally the disappointment that comes with the realization that their life may now be more comfortable by human standards,  but the yearning is still there, and will remain until found where it is, within.
Earth school is a difficult but powerful evolutionary path and  it was the free will choice of every person residing on earth to be here at this time, whether or not they are aware of it.
Life is meant to be enjoyed.  The belief that suffering and pain make you more spiritual is false.  Pain and suffering (self inflicted or otherwise) are not a part of Divine Nature and therefore not a part of your true nature.
The concept that pain and suffering makes you spiritual are facets of the duality and separation belief system.  These teachings represent the belief that the spiritual is separate from the physical and therefore the physical must be dominated or eliminated in some way in order for  a person to become “holy”.   You are already “holy”– everything physical is simply a material concept of the spiritual.
A spiritually evolved individual is still able enjoy the finer things of life “In the world, but not of it”.  If you enjoy  fine china, fine art, nice clothes, and a beautiful home there is nothing wrong or un-spiritual about having them.  Free will allows personal choice.  But when material concepts of good become needs and necessities instead of choices,  an individual is in old energy.
You have reached the place of choosing exactly what it is you want.  Do you really want to evolve into truth or do you want to continue playing the games of illusion based in beliefs of duality and separation while pretending to be a truth student?
An attained consciousness of truth does not happen simply by being interested in truth, going to  workshops, or reading metaphysical books.  These things represent the beginning stages of the spiritual journey, but there comes a point at which truth learned must come alive through  intuition listened to,  recognizing the Divine nature of all, and  seeking within instead of without.
The higher resonance of an evolved state of consciousness automatically and without personal struggle, will clear and override lower resonating energies still carried by a person.   This is why so many serious truth students are finding themselves in difficult physical, emotional, and mental situations right now, causing  them to question and  believe that somehow they have failed.
No dear ones, when these things happen it means that have attained the understanding and readiness necessary to clear and release whatever beliefs the issue represents.  It is a graduation.
One’s belief system can be easily identified by observing  automatic responses and thoughts.  The secret to moving beyond concepts that have become habits, is to first recognize them but never claim them to be personally yours because they are impersonal universal beliefs that you have at some point accepted as truth.   When you find yourself slipping into  unloving responses, do not resist and condemn yourself, but simply recognize them as old programming and replace them with truth.
It is the intent and goal of every soul to evolve and experience who and what they are, although most do not remember this once they are on earth living in third dimensional energy. They call evolution a journey because that is exactly what it is.  In the earlier stages of awakening, it is a process of stepping and falling, stepping and falling often by way of experiences that are unpleasant or even downright awful to human thinking.
The intention to know God/Reality/Truth only takes place after many lifetimes and many experiences lived in third dimensional  consciousness which then serves to bring a person into their readiness for more–“Is this all there is?”.
It must be understood that once an intention to awaken has been made (consciously or unconsciously)  life experiences become no longer random, but instead are drawn by one’s Higher Self for purposes of learning and awakening.   Doors previously closed to the third dimensional consciousness now begin to open, making available  guidance and help from the higher dimensions.

At a certain  point, the experiences necessary to awakening become less intense and difficult because the seeker is now open to higher ways of understanding the world and has learned to recognize appearances for what they are.  He has learned to trust his intuition and has attained a level of spiritual awareness that makes unpleasant “wake up calls”  no longer necessary.  As powerful creators,  you can state the intention;  “I choose that my life lessons be easy and gentle.”, however  never feel you have somehow failed if some are not.
Most of you are already evolving  from within rather than from without.  You have done the heavy lifting but remain timid about being who you have become, afraid to come out and be separate, choosing instead to pretend some stance or belief.  The  inability to claim and integrate one’s power is the result of entertaining the ever broadcasting three dimensional message of; “You will never be good enough.” which causes personal fear and doubt for even for those very awake.
Everything and everyone is Divine Consciousness in expression, for in One there simply is no other.  Thus claiming one’s power simply means living out from the security and confidence of a consciousness that recognizes and accepts its own Divine nature.   Those empowered by truth never express themselves through  boastful or holier than thou attitudes, but simply live life from a conscious realization and acceptance of self as SELF in balance–their masculine speaking, leading, and doing;  their feminine intuitive, loving, and creative.
Claiming one’s innate power never means you can no longer enjoy the company of old friends or engage in activities you have always loved for everything is spiritual in its purest form.  However, many of you are finding  that you no longer resonate with many of the the things you once enjoyed.
Many of you are finding yourselves being guided to speak out on some topic or activity whereas before you would of remained silent.  When this happens, always allow your words to flow on an  energy of unconditional love rather than stiffly judging, refusing to do something, or be with certain people out of a misguided sense of superiority.
Moving on from some group or activity must always  be accompanied by respect for those who may still need the experiences of the particular group or activity.  Self righteousness easily creeps into the thinking of those who believe themselves to be more spiritually aware than others.  Those new to truth are especially susceptible to self righteousness and must realize that everyone is exactly where they are supposed to be.
Some souls  require more third dimensional experiences in order to awaken while others do not,  and thus comparisons or attempts to bring another to one’s own state of awareness is a three dimensional idea reflecting separation.  These dear ones may as of yet be no where near ready to hear truth and this must be honored.
It is important not to “cast your pearls” but keep them lovingly protected within your heart.  You can cast seeds of truth by occasionally throwing  a sentence or idea into some general conversation which may cause a receptive individual to open and think about what you have said.
Unconditional love  allows everyone to evolve at their own pace even when the higher solution to their issues and problems is glaringly apparent.  Never forget  that every person has a Higher Self, Guides, and a pre-birth contract even if they themselves are totally unaware of it.  This truth is often overlooked by parents and close friends who desperately seek to help, but may instead be simply getting in the way of the other’s lesson.
The world as it has always been known is quickly changing as higher dimensional  frequencies of Light  pour in.  Everyone on earth is experiencing  these new energies physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually resulting in the need for a trust in truth and understanding that everything is proceeding according to plan.  It is a trust that flows from the realization that the chaos of world appearances is formed of old and false energies that have no law to support or to hold them in place.
As you grow in the awareness of who and what you are, fears and intense involvements in third dimensional issues lessens (unless you are guided to be involved).  Your Light is dissolving the false creations of duality and separation–you are Lightworkers.
You are here at this most powerful time because you choose to be here.  Believe it and  BE.
We are the Arcturian Group

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 12 May 2017


It seems that the negative forces are being driven out of their underground bases and unable to maintain global control. The cleansing will continue until they no longer represent a threat to Humanity, allowing greater control by the Forces of Light. It can only be a matter of time before their control over your news sources is released, and enable the real news to be given. Up to now you have to scan the Internet for the truth when many websites feed you false information. However, if you have already identified those sites that are reliable, you will at least have a reasonable idea of what is really happening.

So much news is waiting to be released and it will cover the events of the last seventy years or so that have been covered up. In general people will not just be amazed but actually shocked to believe that the truth has been held back for so long. The Illuminati have prevented you from evolving and at the same time they have “stolen” your money to fund their enormous secret projects. It is not just free energy that would uplift your lives immediately, but advanced technologies such as the food replicator. At a stroke these two advancements would lift people out of poverty and starvation. However, do not despair as it will not be much longer before beneficial changes will be introduced, and you will then know that the Light is in total power.

The Illuminati are ruthless and stop at nothing to hold onto their power but they have now more than met their match. While progress is being speeded up many beneficial projects are going ahead, and preparations have been made for the coming time when they can be publicly announced. Your main timeline is strong and leads to Ascension, and it can be confirmed that nothing can now stop it from fully manifesting. It still looks certain that major events will be announced and commence before the end of the year. Certainly rapid progress is being made that will enable the Light Forces to achieve their objective to get matters underway very soon.

Meanwhile chaos reigns over many parts of the world, as the new energies are stirring things up until they are able to settle down. There is a sorting out, and the lower vibrations have to rise up otherwise there is no place for them at the new levels where they simply cannot exist. However you are rapidly reaching that turning point and from thereon a bright and peaceful future beckons. Those souls that cannot lift up their vibrations will feel uneasy and at times unable to come to terms with what is happening, lacking the understanding for it to be otherwise. Their belief system cannot comprehend what is behind the changes, and in many instances have little or no interest in them. Their needs are however being catered for and at the appropriate time they will move onto a new path to further their evolution.

Never fear for those who are not at your level of understanding. Everyone will find themselves in the right place and it cannot be otherwise, as it is determined precisely by your individual vibrations. So all souls will find themselves exactly where they can continue their experiences at a rate that suits them. There would be no gain or usefulness in moving to a higher level until you are ready, and achieve it through your own development. The Earth throws up some tough challenges and these are your route to a successful experience on your journey to Ascension. It is worth repeating that you are never set tasks that are beyond your capabilities.

Virtually every day of your life opportunities however small will present themselves, that give you a chance to lift up your vibrations. Your challenge is then to keep them there and build on them so that you continue to keep rising up. Sometimes it is small things that can mean so much to another person, such as a kind word or a helping hand that makes them feel worthy and wanted. Good deeds often cost you nothing but at times you may gift an amount to help those in need, and if everyone helped others in this way poverty would soon disappear. The lack of the spreading of wealth together with actions taken by the Illuminati, has meant that the wealth of the world is in the hands of a very small minority whilst millions barely exist lacking the basic needs to survive. These situations will change very soon and re-valuation of the currencies will go a long way to bringing about a fair distribution of wealth.

The Human Race are strong people having grown up in the toughest of civilisations. Many have become dedicated to their tasks and breed success because of their intent to overcome the obstacles in their way. Progress has been quick and all experiences have been to the benefit of the whole. Some still find it hard to grasp the true reality they live in and spend life after life learning their lessons. Help is always given but in no way imposed upon anyone. Remember that freewill is sacred and to be honoured by all souls and it is a matter of concern where it is ignored, and those who do so are having to learn the karmic lessons that result as a consequence of their actions.

Where there are close relationships or family links it can be generally taken that they will continue regardless of any changes brought about because of the end times. Past lives will show that they interchange roles from one incarnation to another so that they evolve together. You incarnate in either of the sexes so that over a period of lives a balance is maintained, but naturally on some occasions it also involves karma. Be assured that the Higher Beings who oversee your progress can see the larger picture and have absolute control over all matters. So you can understand that events are happening in a controlled manner regardless of how they appear from the outside. Freewill is still honoured but is satisfied by having been incorporated into people’s life plan, and in this way does not affect the greater plan for your evolution.

Keep your eyes firmly on your immediate goal so that you can successfully proceed without being distracted by outer happenings. Knowing that you are nearly home as your cycle comes to a close should give you the necessary strength to achieve a successful conclusion. What celebrations will take place and how enjoyable it will be knowing that all is well and that the negative forces can no longer interfere.

If you are able help those who are lost yet know or feel that big changes are happening, try not to overwhelm them with the details and give only as much as you know they can comprehend. Most souls are sensitive to change and know that something is happening but may be unable to understand what is taking place. The main point to put over is that beneficial changes are taking place and that there is nothing to fear. The future of the Human Race is in safe hands, and after the Earth has been cleansed and renewed a glorious new era will commence.

This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love.

Mike Quinsey.


Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Hi Friends, I shall now be going to take a break for the next two weeks. So my next message will be on the 2nd June. I am off as usual to visit my two sons in Devon in the beautiful West Country of England. So I am looking forward to a nice relaxing break.
The rest of this year should be very interesting and by the end of it the first major announcements should have been made.
Wishing you all a great Summer time – with Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

As We Shift, It’s Over, and We are Not Done | Sophia Love


Pay attention. These are the days you’ll look back on, the vivid memories you’ll recall, the tales you’ll relate to anyone who asks.  You’ve ended an era, and begin a new age.

When you raise children, you are so deeply embedded in each hectic day, that most of them pass without a sense of loss. Without a thought that you will someday longingly wish them back.  It is like that now.  Not that we’ll wish back the struggle, but that we may long for the adventure in our quest for freedom.

We are close enough now to feel it. The visionaries amongst us see it.  There is nothing to compare it to, and no way to prepare. We are creating a new world.

We came for many reasons, not the least of which is excitement. It is the contrast, the goal, the “go where no one has gone before” part of life that spurs us on and fills out minds with purpose.

This moment now, this storm before the quiet, is one in which we hone our skills. The quiet will come at our bidding, it’s true. Yet as humans, we’re addicted to the storm.

We are creators without directors now. The controllers have left the building. The theme and action is ours to build.

We tread on new ground.  Remember that a show without direction can be chaotic, and seemingly purposeless. Keep always in your mind, “to what end?” This is what makes a good director.

Let outcomes drive your thoughts and words, while compassion guides your movements.  We did not come only to remove the shackles; we came to demonstrate sovereignty.

What’s over is the ownership.  What is being witnessed now is akin to fish as they flop around in the net that captured them. Their only option is one they won’t see. They will continue to flail. Watching doesn’t change their fate, but it may alter ours. A more productive act would be to prepare for what’s next.

This is the “we are not done” part.  Our role as conscious creators now takes center stage.  Pay attention. Choose the direction of your thoughts.  What emerges now are individual roles and tendencies. We co-create this part while directing it; all the time on stage performing.

Belief and intent force the seed to split and begin to grow. Realize nothing happens now until we make it so. We are that powerful.

The field is wide open.  I’ve heard incredible dreams from some of my friends. I’ve read beautiful posts describing wonderful imaginings of where we are headed. SPOILER ALERT: The Trolls movie concludes with the message that happiness is something inside you, not something you have to get. All around us are visions, pick one to start with and create your own.

It’s all possible now. None of us know exactly when on the calendar this change shows up before our eyes.  Yet it is certain to manifest once the feeling is true. The trick is to abandon the notion that it has to make sense, or follow any particular order. These are the moments of reckless abandon.

Allow into your heart your wildest dreams. This heart of yours is the engine, waiting for your spark of realization. It will take you anywhere you deem possible.

So, do not wait until the fat lady sings. She may never. It’s over. Yet we are not done. Now comes the fun part; the part we create ourselves. We can do this.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

With so much love,

PS Sign up for my newsletter here! Check out my books on Amazon! Thank you for writing an awesome review!

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Please post this article everywhere!  Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. 

The Magdalena ~ Be Prepared To Proceed Alone | Linda Dillon


Recently, my beloved and the entire Council for that matter have been saying to you, “Prepare for what lies ahead. Stay the course. Listen to who you are.” And now I add to that by saying, “Be prepared to proceed alone.” Not lonely, not rejected, but in the truth and the might, the benevolence and humility, the strength and the stamina – because this journey does require stamina, the same as mine did.

From Linda Dillon here at the Council of Love.

❤ Denise


Intensification – The Council via Ron Head

Some of you are experiencing discomfort at this time. Not that before you have not. But this seems to be sudden and more intense. Some of you, when hearing of this, think it has passed you by. Sorry, but there are extremely few who have no clearing left to do. We are showing the channel a picture of a ski jumper on the downward run.


As you may have followed these messages for a while, we will tell you that you have been prepared for the changes that we have told you were coming. You have been down quite a bit if the downward run, as it were. You have each prepared for the end of the run that you will reach. But you will reach yours at your appropriate time. It may not be the same day as your neighbor, much less the same as the one who is half way around the globe. You have been preparing for what you will need where you are.

But consider this. You may be approaching the end of the run and yet still find some final baggage that you need to jettison. You won’t make your best jump carrying a bundle that you don’t need, will you?

Now you don’t need to get all tangled up in that mess. Just look at it, think ‘Oh, that old stuff.” And drop it. If there is a lesson in it that you can see, stick the lesson in your pocket. But drop the baggage.


Lift-off is fast approaching for you. Lean into the jump and amaze yourself at how far you will fly.

For those of you who feel you are not touched by this message we sat this; you have either made your jump, or you are in line for the run. This is a time that will skip no one. So if you have chosen the path up this mountain, know that it will very soon be your turn to jump.

As each of you jump, the ones on the ground below will see your amazing flight. You will inspire them, and many of you who have agreed to teach will be sought out. Many others will have not made that agreement. And that is appropriate, too. Let your flight say it all.

Some of you have a picture in your mind of what your flight will look like. You think, “It needs to be like this.” And you may be quite correct. But do not be surprised if it is quite different and even much greater than you have thought. Let your soul live this out. Your intellect, we promise you, has no clue. You did not come down to the planet with the purpose of showing off your intellect. Well, some did, of course. But we don’t see many of those reading this sort of message.

That is why we have chosen this image. It is almost your time to launch yourself out over your ski tips and let yourself fly. Prepare daily. This is your Olympics.


There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, Available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: