Arcturian Group Message May 7, 2017 | Marilyn Raffaele @


MAY 7,2017
Dear readers, once again we come in love and with the very best of intentions for your spiritual advancement.
Although world evolution appears to be stalled, unchanging, and even regressing, know that the intense frequencies of Light flowing to Gaia at this time are serving to expose the long hidden creations of that un-illumined consensus consciousness based in duality and separation that has held and continues to hold mankind in bondage.
World chaos  is serving to awaken many still living comfortably in the belief that anything they are told by governments, churches, and experts, must be true.  They are beginning to reclaim their power, asking; “Is this really how I want my world to be?  Is this really the way things are?”
It is a small element that continues to keep the dark machine running but energies of belief serve to feed fresh energy to their machinations and keep them alive. This is changing, this is the ascension process–as more and more awaken and refuse to play their games, world consciousness must and will reflect  new and higher expressions.
There are no laws to support poverty, lack, or limitation in any form  other than those formed by a belief in them.  Lack is a part of universal consciousness (duality–haves and have-nots)  until it is no longer one’s state of consciousness.  Divine law is a law of abundance and multiplication.  Observe the blades of grass and the leaves on a tree for these reflect the Law of abundance in  manifestation.
Where there is an  attained  consciousness (not intellectual knowledge) of oneness with Divine completeness, there is abundance, for the door has been opened.  New and better ideas begin to flow effortlessly to all  aspects of  life, and those things necessary seem to somehow be there when needed.  Most people still live under the thumb of duality which manifests as pairs of opposites and  is considered normal by human standards.
Having  lived under the domination of duality and separation consciousness lifetime after lifetime, the idea of completeness and wholeness  sounds  impractical and unattainable to many.  Try not to resist the truth of abundance, declaring reasons why it cannot be. The energies of third dimensional experiences (experiences of lack and limitation) remain stored  and active in cellular memory until cleared–the process you are in now.

Mankind is continually being bombarded with energies of fear, lack, and limitation which can make awakening difficult, especially for those new to truth.  This is why we say that it is important that you limit you indulgence in the news, and things  that continue to hold you in the old  consciousness.  Instead, when you become aware of issues, use them to trigger an awareness of truth; “Yes, I see this, I do not deny it, but the truth is…”
Intention is always the key in any action.  When an individual states his intention to awaken, the journey begins and will unfold by Grace as the Higher Self begins to draw whatever experiences  may be necessary for spiritual evolution.  Some of these experiences are not the happy “light and love experiences” a new truth student often expects, but eventually every soul graduates from needing  “wake up calls” to learning  from inner guidance .
You are ready to embrace and integrate completeness and wholeness because you now understand that  Divine Consciousness is all that exists, and that therefore IT  must be the essence of who and what you are.  Separation and discord cannot exist within ONE.  The spiritual evolutionary journey is the gradual attainment of this state of consciousness though meditation, study, practice, and life experiences.
Many still believe that at  a certain level of awareness  the spiritual journey is complete.  Ascension is  a shift into  higher dimensional energy, but there is never completion.  The ascension continues into the higher dimensions because Source is Infinite; eternally expressing Itself in new and infinite ways.  Man, God’s expression of Itself,  is thus also ever seeking new awareness of the One Self.
The human condition with its worship of the intellect, is in actuality the bottom wrung of a very high dimensional ladder.
In the human belief system, there are always goals, the drive  to attain some physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual goal in order to then cross it off the list and  move on to another goal.  The spiritual evolutionary journey is ongoing, each new facet of awareness building upon what has already been attained.
There is no point at which you will no longer experience new and higher ways of understanding truth if you are open to it.  Abundance/multiplication is Divine law and thus manifests on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual)  which is why resistance to change acts to block its expressions as well as spiritual evolution..
This is often a problem for spiritual teachers, leaders,  experts, and even individuals well along the spiritual path.  When someone believes they have arrived and that there is nothing more to learn, they block anything new from coming in. They write books and teach classes promoting their attained level of awareness but because they identify so heavily with the ideas they teach,  any change would represent a loss of “self”  and so they resist and fear it.
Self proclaimed spiritual leaders and their followers often hold the most resistance to truth.  They  hold rigidly to  concepts of truth  believing them to be the wholeness.  They make these concepts their lifeline, and refuse receptivity to anything that may deviate from their beliefs system.
This is the ongoing error of the many organized religions that hold followers to strict rules  (which in reality are simply some “leaders” three dimensional concepts of truth).  The disobedience of these rules is often punishable in this world as well as in the next where everlasting punishment awaits. These false teachings serve to create the perfect block to  higher understanding.
When an individual is truly ready to evolve, old beliefs long held as true  automatically begin to fall away–the person’s resonance has changed and is no longer in alignment with them.  This  may bring about a period of personal struggle and  fear. as well as strife within the family, church, and friends because up to this point their belief system may of been their only bond.
Evolution is change.  As you spiritually evolve, the fruitage will always be new ideas with regard to  work, lifestyle, likes and dislikes, beliefs, etc. regardless of what your work may be.  Evolution is the eternal  unfolding of Source within all of Its  expressions and states of consciousness.  Source recognizing and loving ITSELF.
Some of you are finding that your favorite spiritual practices and teachings no longer resonate with you in the powerful ways they once did. This does not always mean that these things are finished, but often indicates that you are ready to move beyond the way in which you have understood them, into a deeper realization of the truth they represent.
Never fear to leave behind  practices that  may of been vital to your journey at some point.  Realize that spiritual practices in and of themselves have never had the power to make you what you already are.  They are simply tools that serve to augment energy and assist one to see and understand on a higher level.  Like all tools, even spiritual practices become obsolete because once you have attained the consciousness of who and what you really are, what is their point?
Creativity in all its forms is the Divine Feminine expressing Itself–Divine Mother giving birth to  new ideas in infinite form and variety on all levels and in all dimensions.  The energy of the Divine Feminine resides within the heart center and as increasingly more people allow their hearts to open, integrating and activating the energy of the Divine Feminine in balance with the Divine Masculine, it will manifest as creative ideas  heretofore never dreamed of.
In order for this true creativity to flow and manifest, the Divine Masculine must also be integrated for they are two halves of a Divine Whole.  Men are being guided to integrate and allow their Divine Feminine to flow, while women are being guided to integrate and allow their Divine Masculine to flow.  The creative ideas of one without the other are either non-existent or only able to manifest in incomplete, three dimensional, and often uninspiring forms.
Allow the process dear ones, allow the process.  Be not afraid to embrace and  implement each new truth into all facets of daily living.  Trust that your Higher Self is always guiding and leading you to where you are ready to be.  Allow the process.
We are the Arcturian Group

Out-of-Service Reveals Inner Revelations

Update: For the second time in less than six months, I lost my internet connection. And with its temporary lost, I resorted to other means of distracting my ‘monkey mind’. Playing a ‘favorite’ computer game is always an option but after some time, can become boring. Hummm … the day was not going per normal…

Source: Out-of-Service Reveals Inner Revelations

Arcturian Group Message September 25, 2016


SEPTEMBER 25, 2016

We speak to you in joy for many changes are coming to your world. New events are soon to occur, but try not to anticipate them with third dimensional thinking and solutions. Change often unfolds in very subtle ways making it seem as if nothing is happening.

The majority of news sources at this time are only presenting third dimensional concepts of “news”–almost always negative and in alignment with old energy. For the most part the news sources still have no awareness or interest in higher ways of seeing and knowing.

Change is inevitable because world consciousness is changing. You will recognize this as you observe many heretofore accepted concepts and beliefs within the political, religious, medical, scientific, educational etc., fields beginning to dissolve, opening to new and higher levels of thought.

Your job as an awakened soul is to be an observer, resting in truth regardless what presents itself as you go about your day. As you learn to be in the world but not of it, you soon recognize that everything done to or by others is a reflection of their state of consciousness but does not change the fact that regardless of appearances, their true essence is Divine, for there is nothing else.

God alone is. This realization is the key to spiritual evolution. It is what every soul has sought in all the wrong places lifetime after lifetime. Much of the world is now spiritually ready to cease seeking good in the outer scene and realize that everything they have been seeking is already present within.

Ascension is the attainment of a higher level of consciousness from which one then begins to see the world and everything in it from a place of knowing that there only ONE and that ONE is forever expressing itself in infinite forms and variety. Every soul will experience many ascensions.

We wish to speak of power, for in truth there is and always has been only One Power. Through lifetimes lived in the energies of duality and separation mankind came to accept and experience many powers, some good and many not so good. This in turn gave birth to the consciousness of fear.

The world in general is still being programmed to believe in and fear many powers (disease being a big one) which when accepted into consciousness as truth will manifest outwardly and lend validity to that particular “power”. All the “war on this…war on that” promotions simply imbed certain beliefs more deeply into the general consciousness.

In the third dimensional belief system personal power is usually seen as power over something–some person, place, or situation, and frequently manifests as some form of dominance. It is a mental attitude, personality based in which physical, emotional, and mental action is often forced on another–sometimes for “good” and sometimes for “not so good”.

Spiritual power is a quality of Source, a state of consciousness that once attained manifests as an inner strength that cannot be shaken in spite of outer circumstances. It is an inner knowing that despite any outer experiences “I am safe because I am”. Spiritual power is easily recognized in the words and actions of those who seem to have the ability to say and do exactly what needs to be said or done with strength and power, but always in a loving and respectful way.

There comes the time when every seeker must examine his or her belief system with regard to what they still hold as power because whatever you give power to will be power for you. Belief in a power other than the One Power always results in fear of some sort–that a person, place, or thing has power over you.

It requires deep and honest self examination to discover what people, events, circumstances, and experiences you may still hold as powers, but anyone hoping to move beyond fear, must be willing to recognize what it is they fear and why. Most fears are buried deeply, having been carried, protected, (“it is just who I am”) and held in place through lifetimes, stored energetically in a person’s cellular memory where it remains until cleared.

Inordinate fears are usually based in some traumatic experience of the past or present. The energy of the experience usually lies dormant until activated by some ordinary experience of daily living. The alignment of the energies then reactivates emotions of the trauma causing the individual to act in fearful ways that appear to others as silly and unnecessary.

When you feel resistance or actual fear of some person, place, or thing, ask yourself; “What am I believing that is making me feel this way?” You will quickly discover the personal belief causing your reaction. Then ask yourself; “In the light of the truth I now know, is this true?”

Gaining an understanding of what it is you still give power to is the first step in moving beyond fear. Once a belief is seen for what it is–a concept or belief about something, the accompanying fear must dissolve for it will then have nothing to support or hold it in place. Practical solutions to the situation will then be able to manifest if they are needed.

You may not enjoy and may continue to fear encounters with certain people, places, or situations, but avoidance and 3d solutions no longer work for anyone ready for the next step of their spiritual journey. The undesired experiences will continue until a choice is made to meet the situation on a higher level through the honest inner examination of one’s beliefs about the people, places or situations that bring about fear.

Some may require outside help with deeper examinations–professional, a good friend, as well as always asking spiritual Guides and teachers for assistance. Intention is the key. The goal must never be to cover up or “learn to live with” some fear, but to plumb the depths of the belief system and bring to the surface whatever has been ignorantly endowed with power.

With time you will find that those feared people, places, and situations no longer hold power over you. You begin to live from a place of mutual respect even when the other person may have no respect for himself. You are not afraid to speak your truth when necessary, having evolved into a state of consciousness that is never tempted to give away its power.

No one can manifest your life for you and nothing outside of you can be power over you unless you believe it to be. You are the creators of your experiences. Because you are consciousness, and not just physical bodies, you hear, see, taste, touch, and smell through your state of consciousness . Mind appears as matter. The ” powers” of the world cannot touch you once you have attained a consciousness of oneness with Source for you are no longer in alignment their energy.

We are not saying that there will no longer be unpleasant, scary, or negative experiences in your life or that you can now just ignore the suffering of others, but what we do say is that the purpose of every lifetime is to awaken out of the dream–to understand and live out from a consciousness of ONE POWER and that this ONE POWER is you.

The three dimensional world is a world of many powers, some good and some bad, formed and held in place by the energy of belief. It is time to stop adding energy to these manifestations of false power. As you do, you will soon find yourself attracting others of like mind who are also standing, living, and moving in the Light of truth. Your enlightened energy will draw to you the people and experiences that align with your state of consciousness and life experiences will begin to change.

The awakened soul no longer gives power to people–criminals, politicians, military, the rich and powerful, or the un-enlightened through the realization that the only real power is Divine Consciousness even as these people act out from the hypnotism of duality and separation.

The awakened soul no longer gives power to things–money, appearance, or material possessions for he knows that in and of themselves, these things do not have the power to bring happiness, satisfaction, peace, or joy–qualities of spirit which can only flow from within.

In its un-awakened state, mankind will continue to seek fulfillment outside of itself, because that is where he believes it to be. You readers, know where it is and always has been–within. As this realization deepens and becomes your attained state of consciousness, the qualities of Source cannot help but begin to appear outwardly as the abundance, health, healthy relationships etc. you previously sought from the outer world.

When Grace appears in your experience it will be in forms that are personally right for you which may not be what the world would say is right for you. The surgeon will not manifest ideas for how to be a better dog groomer nor will the dog groomer be given ideas for some new and innovative surgical technique. A consciousness of oneness with completeness and wholeness will appear outwardly in whatever forms necessary as fulfillment for you at the time.

False beliefs are like the paint colors an individual may choose to put on himself. One person’s painting may appear very lovely, with coordinated and interesting colors while another’s may be dark, inharmonious, and difficult to look at. The job of every illumined individual is to know without doubt that the paint is never the person who in reality is and always will be a perfect expression of Divine Consciousness.

Evolution is the painstaking task of removing accumulated paint from yourselves and others, some of which has been re-painted in many lifetimes and will thus take more work to remove. As each little bit gradually over time is washed away, the real self becomes ever more apparent physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually making the job much easier.

Remember who you are in every situation until truth becomes your state of consciousness and without conscious thought you begin to find yourself healing a world of illusion.

We are the Arcturian Group



Your Personal Shifts ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven


“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

Yes, you are shifting. You are making progress. You are collectively working through karma as a species, and it has been quite a journey. You will continue to experience many shifts in your personal lives, and as you do, you will affect the collective shift. It is not as though the collective is affecting your personal shift. It is quite the opposite. You as individuals affect the collective shift.

You make progress, and everyone makes progress. You clear something, you integrate something, and the effect ripples out. You are not in a vacuum. You are in a holographic universe, and you are all reflecting back to each other what you need to create the best possible experience of a shift in consciousness.

There are many ways that you can move forward as a collective, and you as an individual can select which version of the shift you would like to experience. You do not need to wait around to see what the politicians do, what the bankers do, what Mother Nature does, or what the extraterrestrials do. You get to decide. You get to format your own shift, and you do so within yourself.

Within each of you is contained all of the codes, all of the information, all of the activations, everything that is necessary to take you on any number of journeys. So choose right now which experience of the shift you want to have.

Choose how much drama you want in your shift by how much drama you are choosing in your personal life. Choose how much ease you want in your shift by how much ease you are choosing to enact in your personal lives. Choose how much you want to have collective experience by how much you are engaging with others in your personal life.

Choose your experience, and know that you can always change course. Once you are on a particular timeline, you are not there forevermore. You are shifting, and you are jumping timelines, and you are accelerating your progress as you do. You are not just witnessing this journey and experiencing it. You are also creating it, and quite specifically, you are creating your experience of it.

So put yourselves firmly in the driver’s seat, acknowledge that you are there, and become one with your shift in consciousness. It is yours. You might as well take ownership of that now, and now is the perfect time to do so.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


Mike Quinsey – Channeling His Higher Self – September 9, 2016


Time marches on and much progress continues to be made in the commencement of changes that you have long awaited. From your perspective you experience what appear to be a series of delays, whereas they are necessary steps that ensure once they are taken nothing is able to prevent the intended outcome. Be assured that much work goes on behind the scenes and the “go ahead” will be given when all is in place as necessary. Greater powers than those on Earth oversee all actions, so you can be certain that the ultimate aim is for a complete victory for the Light. It is therefore most important that you always keep focussed upon the desired changes that are soon to commence. Planning for this period has been taking place for a very long time, and nothing will be allowed to delay the outcome any further. Lightworkers are to be highly commended for their undying support and positive faith in the future.

As the vibrations continue to increase so their effect is the upliftment of those who can respond. As a result it is becoming somewhat easier to speed up the changes that are ready to be implemented. They will ultimately alter your view of life allowing for more individual time to fully follow your own life plan. The truth will be your strength and as time elapses you learn of your true history, and know the direction that you should be heading in. Much time has been lost pursuing false goals yet the experiences will strengthen your dedication to keep on the right path. Many wonder how the impending changes can be introduced without causing confusion. The answer is that planning for this time has been meticulously carried out, and subject to changes if new conditions present themselves. Backing up the plan are immense numbers of advanced Beings who will reveal themselves when the circumstances are right. They have followed your progress for eons of time and are now ready to help you over the last few hurdles. Victory is yours and it will not be denied you.

But for the presence of the Galactic Beings, you would now have been living under very restricted conditions, and imprisoned and controlled by the dark Ones. However, they were never going to be allowed to exercise such control over you, as you future had been planned to end with complete success and the opportunity to ascend. This is normal at the end of a cycle providing the Light has reached the required level. It means that Ascension is assured for those who aspire to rise up, and have been able to do so above the challenges that have been given them. It means being able to express yourselves with Universal Love, thereby accepting that you are All One. It is not easy to accept all others when you are experiencing duality, as it focusses upon separation and highlights the differences between people. Most of the time people see themselves as different from each other, making it difficult to come together in true love and understanding.

Lightworkers help others by example and that means any soul that realises that All Are One. By treating others as your equal you are showing compassion and understanding and it will help up lift up those around you. Even the smallest act of love affects others and eventually they will follow example. You do not necessarily need to belong to practising groups to show your love for other beings, as it is not beholden to any one of them. God is Love and All That Is. Your natural inclination is to be a loving Being, but your experiences in duality have taught you that not all are equal and that some should be shunned and looked down upon. However, as you grow through experience you begin to understand the truth and able to accept all souls regardless of their outward appearance or beliefs.

Amongst you are many young children who have come to lead the way out of the confusion created by your education system. It cramps the style and growth of those who would otherwise help show the way to a full understanding of your true selves. At some point soon the truth must be addressed and inaccurate information dispensed with. Real growth will not occur all of the time you are trying to progress based on some information intentionally meant to hold you back. The truth will eventually be all that remains as all false information is discarded, and the time approaches when even your history will need to be rewritten so as to reflect the truth of journey through duality. Throughout this cycle you have struggled to find your true selves, and it is necessary to understand how it came about. You will then be able to evolve much more quickly and the truth established for once and for all.

War and all manner of things associated with it cannot go forward into the New Age, thus allowing permanent peace to be firmly established. Already you are approaching such a point in time and you will find a general movement to establish a new society. One free from prejudice or false teachings and based on Love and Light. It therefore follows that those Beings who refuse to give up their old ways, will continue as before but moved to a different location to continue their experiences. In time they will again be given another opportunity to change their ways and return to the Light.

People will naturally be concerned about the fate of other family members or friends, but as long as they are aware that all souls are given the same opportunities to evolve, and helped to keep to their Path of Light there will be no need to be concerned. At this time it is most important that you focus on your own needs. You will intuitively know if you are becoming more evolved as you find it becomes easier to remain within the Light, and stay calm when others are disturbed. In such circumstances your presence can help influence others to also remain calm, and if you are in a group of people with like minds the power is greatly increased.

Your powers are in fact increasing all of the time and will become more noticeable where your thoughts are concerned. For example it may become apparent where self-healing is concerned and even distant healing. Remember that when you send out healing thoughts they do reach their intended target, but some souls put up a barrier against them. In general Unconditional Love is the power behind healing and without it the affect is minimised.

Much is happening on Earth that will soon lead to the long awaited announcements. For “re-val” all is at the stage when a final check can be made to ensure that the necessary documentation is in place. So it is not envisaged that you will have much longer to wait. You may be certain that once the changes are underway nothing will be allowed to interfere with the outcome. The stage has been set and all those taking part are ready to go ahead at short notice.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Website: Tree of the Golden Light


The Wheel of Puzzlement | Heavenletters


God said:

Deep within you lies all knowledge. It always has. All awareness is contained within you. We speak now of what you could call the Unknowable. The Unknowable is Knowable, yet this is not at all facts and figures that I speak of. This is True Knowledge I speak of. I speak of the Truth that goes beyond all the borders of the world. I speak of All Truth that you know in the palm of your hand, in the core of your heart. Somewhere with you, you know all Truth.

All else you purport to know is a role you play. Somehow you got that part. The part you play is all an act. It is a put-on, and you put it on.

You found a costume somewhere. You figured that this is who you are, and you play this role to the hilt. There was no stopping you from playing this role. Certainly, you take part in a drama. You are exquisite in your ability to play the role you adopt as if it were made for you.

Of course, this role is not you at all. It is just a role. It’s like you got on a bus, so to speak, and you don’t quite acknowledge that you can get off the bus. All the while, you are searching for yourself. What do you think you are searching for when you search for Me? Of course, you are trying to find yourself and get off the Wheel of Puzzlement.

You play your role with brilliance. Your performance is incredible. It is as if you invent yourself as you go along. You are a consummate artiste.

Every now and then, once in a while, part of the True You pops out, and you wonder what is going on. On occasion, you catch a glimpse of something beyond your performance. You see clues, as it were. For all intents and purposes, you don’t know what part you are playing. How can you know when you have yet to honor your True Being? You can’t quite own up to your Truth. You can’t quite grasp what is Truth and what is fiction. Sometimes you are on the verge of giving up.

You may have great applause for fiction, while the Truth of you is not yet seen. No one has pointed it out to you. All the while, you are a Prince or Princess waiting off-stage.

On the surface, you don’t know who you are, and you don’t know where you have been. You don’t know what stage you are on. You don’t know where you are and what you are doing there. Confess, you have been bewildered all your life. Now you are beginning to wake up from this self-imposed trance.

You are getting off the Bus of Ignorance. You are gearing up to find your royal coach and find the Reality of Truth. Ignorance does not give you Reality. Ignorance gives you a xeroxed copy of a playbill. Ignorance tells you to take it or leave it.

Now your True Wisdom is rising to the Ascendent. You are ascending. In spite of yourself, you are ascending. The blindfolds are starting to come off. Your costumes are in rags. You are just about to reveal yourself to yourself. You are about to have a revelation, and Life, as you know it, will never be the same.

This is a good thing. This is what you have been waiting for all your life.

You are on the rise.

You are entering a richer arena of life. You are beginning to recognize yourself leaving the theater and discovering the Truth of Who You Really Are. I am here to welcome you.

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: – Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.


As We Shift – End Times Madness | Sophia Love


A parade of blog posts marches through my head.  Each personal challenge and every conversation with someone new sparks another one.  It’s crazy right now.  Perhaps this is the start of that term we’ve all heard “End Times Madness”…

Humans, ages 5 to 86, are saying “My head hurts”, “It just feels strange today”, “I never reacted that way before”, “I feel nervous”, “I feel weird”, “The energy is just off” (this from a cashier at a grocery store I had never met) and “I’m just done with this part”.

You may have seen this posting from “the lighted ones”.  They say we have chosen the accelerated path.  I’m inclined to agree.  Here’s what I’m hearing from my off world connections…
“It was this month in which the major prediction was made for the end of corruption, of slave states, of human experiments.  Now it is seen in the open and what differs is these charges will stick”

(Here I am reminded of this article from VT)

“No longer will this group be allowed to continue.  The human will have to see to it that some sort of justice is served. This justice will not necessarily be the typical justice as dished out by your legal system.  It will be formulated by you all as new humans.”

“It is love that dominates and forces this shift. This love will be evident in how you see your people treated, regardless of who they are or what they may have done.”

“Now that the control is returned to humanity – we wait to see what humanity looks like as a driver of its own fortune.”

“We are aware of the Event…with so many expecting one then in order to settle all accounts an event must occur.  This expectation is what drives all of creation and sets the form for your reality…Your focus of energy drives everything, especially now when so much is in disarray.”

“Realize that as August brings an end, September heralds the new.  This looks to be an active and world altering month.  All of what is to occur on your planet has no precedent.  It is for this reason that you cannot clearly see it.  Your associative mind has nothing to associate. You are inventing this.”

“Your people are headed for many upticks in energy.  The fastest course is what you are on.  We speak of an acceleration of consciousness. This acceleration arrives almost as a surprise.”

“You humans continue to surpass plans for your own transformation.  What interests us is these are not plans you’ve seen or known existed. It would seem that with very little to go on the human adapts and proceeds with an unmatched level of energy and acceleration.  It may appear chaotic.”
“You are on a course for ascension that there is no veering off of.”

“This is meant to be a journey, to be a surprise and to delight you.  All of these are just around the bend.”

“When the chaos is noticed resist the urge towards fear – it is not helpful. Flexibility is the order of the day and conviction.  Know that all is well.  You are on your chosen path.”

Here’s what I notice in my everyday…

  • Lots of unusual physical complaints.  They seem to pop up out of nowhere and have no explanation.
  • Personalities shifting.  The loud ones are quieter, the calm ones are a bit wilder, and the compliant ones are argumentative while the winey ones are agreeable.
  • Animal behavior is different – just like people.
  • A lack of direction is felt – a sense of feeling a bit “lost” without a real drive to find the way.
  • Unemployment is an acceptable answer to “What do you do?”
  • Intimate relationships are being re-negotiated. (I believe this is a reaction to the emerging feminine.  That is another, longer post.)
  • There is a sense of gentleness to it all; this flows from us… which is a sharp contrast to how it feels as it roars through us. We are softer somehow.

As we move quickly into this last quarter of 2016, we are clearly not the same beings we were in January.  I can barely remember her.  I will say though that inklings of what I see now were evident then.

Egos are all over the place, playing their games with us as they dissolve and morph anew.  We will not lose the ego; we will decide which parts best represent who we are.  This gets confusing as some parts fiercely hang on and demand to be recognized or accepted or forgiven or noticed.  They can be really loud.  The noisiest will probably be the first to go.

Meditation and quiet are important now.  We are a collective of individuals.  We do this alone, yet all at once. You cannot copy anyone else this time.  It doesn’t get graded and there are no speed limits or speed minimums.  No one knows what this looks like.

It’s like that story of a young child furiously drawing.  The teacher asks “What are you drawing?”
“But no one knows what God looks like.”
“They will when I get done!”

Everyone will know what this shift looks like just as soon as we get there. This is what we came to do.  We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

Thank you for joining us!
With so much love,

PS Sign up for my newsletter here. There is a special price for the Kindle version of “The Guardian”, my first book, until midnight tonight, 8.31.16.  Click here!


The Universal Shift in Consciousness ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven


“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

As the entire universe experiences this upgrade, this uptick in frequency, many things are shaking loose, getting disrupted, and becoming exposed. This is not just happening in your personal life or in your physical body. It is universe-wide. It is the type of thing that can be mistaken for chaos. It can appear as though the wheels are coming off and everything is coming undone.

And as you strip away layers of distortion and illusion from your energy, you are going to feel more vulnerable and more exposed. You might even experience yourself in a weakened state, but all of it is necessary in order to give you the experience of change. Change is inevitable, but it is not always experienced the same way, and some changes are bigger than others.

A universal shift in consciousness is a very big change.. It is very disruptive, but it is only that which lies on the surface that is really being shaken up. The core of this universe remains solid, stable, intact, and anchored in Source.

You do not need to figure out how all of this works. You do not need to know all of the schematics and the ins and outs of a universal shift. All you need to know is that as above, so below, and what happens on the macrocosmic scale is happening on the microcosmic scale as well.

But you, like this universe, have a very stable core, and you are grounded and anchored in unconditional love. It is your compass. It is your touchstone. It is what you are returning to. And everything that is other than unconditional love is needing to be released. It is getting shaken loose.

Stabilizing yourselves during the upheaval is going to be your number one job. It is not about understanding it all. It is not about knowing the future and what is going to happen. Your journey now is about anchoring yourselves in the stable core within yourselves, feeling for the stable core of this universe, and allowing yourselves to enjoy this experience as best you can.

Lend a helping hand when it’s appropriate. But always take care of yourselves so that you can be of service and so that you can be a stable force in an otherwise unstable and chaotic experience of this shift that is universal in nature.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”



Mike Quinsey – Channeling His Higher Self – August 12, 2016


You are rapidly approaching the time of completion for the various changes that are underway. You have patiently awaited the outer signs that indicate all is beginning to manifest and speedily take you to Ascension. Matters are at a stage where re-valuation of the currency of each country is taking place. The object is to ensure that each change fairly reflects the state and potential of each one, so that you can operate in a market that represents a fair exchange. The changes will ensure that there is equality for the purposes of trading. There should be the removal of old trade barriers so that all can operate in a free market. Time will sort out the areas of exchange where adjustment is required.

Europe is in a state of turmoil as the after effects of Brexit are being felt. It was the desired outcome and it will open the way for more countries to follow, that will put a stop to the plans of the Illuminati for World control. At present people cannot see the potential for improvement or realise that you have taken a step towards freedom. The changes do not come easily but be assured that every country receives guidance according to their karma. As the barriers are removed so people will come more together, recognising that they are All One on the pathway to a new World. All will work out perfectly and fulfils every souls needs according to their life plan.

Many extra-terrestrials wait for their opportunity to meet you again, and re-introduce you to your Star Families. All of you have come from you own planet and your own kind have closely followed your progress. You are the ones who took up the challenge to rise up again into the Light, by overcoming the separation associated with duality. The occasion was also used to help others trapped in the lower vibrations and were able to be inspired to lift themselves up out of them. For some progress may be slow, but with all of the help that is given there is no reason why they should not respond. Some such as the Illuminati still obstinately refuse to turn to the Light and Love, preferring to delight in their power over other souls.

There are some of you who wonder what your purpose is by being on Earth, as life seems to lack any direction. Be assured that all experience is of value and not every soul is ending their travels with a dramatic conclusion. To some extent it depends on your karma as by the end of the cycle it must be cleared. So understandably some souls will have a busier time clearing their karma whilst others will have very little to deal with. Do not concern yourselves about the details but when confronted with your challenges deal with them as passively as you can. It should be the last time you will go through such a period of cleansing.

Some souls have become quite attached to Mother Earth and will progress with her to the new Earth. Others will prefer to “go home” to their planet where they will continue to evolve. Life never stands still until you reach a complete state of perfection, by returning to the Love energy, beauty and stillness of the Godhead. God breathes In and God breathes Out and souls are sent out to gain more experience. You may have already completed such a journey but in essence you are the same soul each time.

Bear in mind that through all of your experiences you are creating your own future. It is only set up for you when you are clearing karma and need certain experiences to progress. What you focus on is what you get so think carefully as to what you wish for yourself, and do not get involved in negative issues although you can safely be an observer. By holding your place in the Light you are an example to others of what can be achieved.

People all over the world are waking up to the truth of their being, and as time passes the whole truth will come out. Very little is as you believe it to be from its outward appearance, and you have been through many lives living a dream far removed from your true reality. You have in fact been repressed and deliberately kept down so as to prevent you from learning the truth. Furthermore, you have rarely been allowed to live in peaceful times, as confrontations have kept you in a state of fear with little prospect of peace. However, that situation will change very soon as the people come together and create their own future of happiness and joy.

You are all sovereign Beings destined to return to the higher levels where you shall achieve full consciousness. It has been your destiny since the solar cycle commenced some 25,600 years ago when you left the higher vibrations to experience separation. It has been a long hard experience but it has had its sweeter moments, and you have learnt much from them. You have earned the right to act as the Masters that you are to be, and will greatly benefit from your experiences in the lower dimensions. They will enable you to help others through them because of your first-hand knowledge.

No matter how much the dark Ones have held you back evolution takes place regardless of their efforts, and you are now sufficiently advanced and aware to start understanding the truth of your existence. By recognising your true potential you have lifted yourselves up out of the lower vibrations into the Light. Evidence of such changes is strongly indicated by the progress in new technologies that will move you into a new era of advancement. At the right moment they will become public knowledge and enable progress to take a leap forward. It is a waiting game that is necessary to ensure that when it is time to go ahead, it is perfectly safe from interference.

Your long journey through duality is all but over and you are now on the homeward stretch. There is obviously much work to do to propel you into the New Age, but soon you shall be released from the controls imposed upon you the Illuminati. Freedom is approaching and the celebrations can soon commence. The inequalities and lack will soon be addressed and the first steps are near to manifestation. So do not lose heart as the problems are being brought to the surface for cleansing. This period will pass much quicker than you might imagine, as you will receive help and guidance to deal with the outcome. The Galactic Federation has been with you all along but it is only of late that they have commenced to openly contact you, and soon they will make their appearances more frequently.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Website: Tree of the Golden Light


Stake Your Claim Now – The Council



It is time to stake your claim now. For years we have spoken with you through many channels about a great variety of things, but these have always centered around a specific subject. Never have we wandered too far from it, nor have we stayed long when we did.

We have spoken of the fact that you are all energy beings. You have had no great problem realizing that intellectually.

We have spoken of the fact that you are aware only of a very small portion of your true being. Most of you have had no trouble with that point.

We have spoken of the fact that in view of the two statements made above, you are a facet, a face, an arm if you will, of the Divine All. Most of you were able to intellectually agree with that, as well.

We could continue in this vein, but we think you understand. Now we would point out to you that there is a vast gulf between intellectually understanding, even agreeing with, a statement or teaching and making it the underlying truth of one’s being. And because of that, the greater portion of the gift of those truths lies unclaimed by you.

Now we know that this is of course not your intention. What it is, is a result of having truth hidden from you for many lifetimes. Your smallness and your supposed unworthiness has been drummed into you for a very long time. And when your personal pain wasn’t being used, you were caused to witness that of others. They were powerful lessons indeed. And they continue to be used.

But now it is time. It is time to understand where you are and what you are about. It is time to understand why. And above all, it is time for you to finally lay claim to your true identity. Doing this will have a far greater effect than just the remaking of your own life, which it will do. But it will cause reverberations throughout the energy field of your species, your world, and far beyond the reach of your current imagination.

You are fond of calling yourselves lightworkers, light beings, light warriors, and some name themselves as angels, etc. But few of you understand what you are really saying. That is alright, but it is time now for you to be what you have proposed to be in its fullness. And it is time to move from understanding and desiring into knowing and being. It is time to claim and to own the truth of who you are.

Do this consciously. Do this with great intention. Do this with all of your might. And do it with the understanding that is true for each every one of you, even those with whom you do not agree.

When you begin to move through your life in this knowing, your life will have nothing else to do but become what you see in love. You are, after all, and have always been, the creators of it. But in the past you have allowed others to create a huge amount of it for you. Simply by agreeing to what you are told is one way that happens, you see.

Now we would have you claim the power of what you are and begin to know yourselves as that power. It is time.


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