Healing With Love: A Guided Heart Meditation for World Peace.

To All,

In this time of uncertainty and fear mongering, this short ten minute video will help you still your mind, center yourself and feel the love available to all, empowering each of us to envision peace in ourselves, others and the world. 



Join The Solar Eclipse Mass Meditation / Visualization – Monday, August 21st, 2017


Dear friends,

As you may know, several sources in the spiritual community, like Corey Goode and Cobra, and also the channeled spirit of Montague Keen, have called for creating a mass meditation/visualization for an era of peace and harmony, starting with disclosure.

This meditation/visualization will be held on August 21, the day of the solar eclipse in America. Of course we on this site happily join this initiative and encourage all our visitors to join this event. The more people join, the stronger the energy will be! And the faster things will change for the good on this planet.

If you’re not yet familiar with the workings of how a meditation/visualization could change our world, this is actually science, not wishful thinking. Through meditation/visualization, you directly influence our collective consciousness, and the collective consciousness is what creates our reality. You can read more about it here if you like: VisualizeDaily.com.

More about the preferred time of the meditation (but of course, any time is good, as the energy you send out is not bound to linear time) and ways in which you can join, you can find here: http://2012portal.blogspot.com. 

Let’s make this the most powerful mass meditation/visualization ever on this planet! See you all in the higher realms on August 21, hopefully 🙂

In Love and Light,

Kees, GalacticChannelings.com.

Source: Mass Meditation/Visualizarion on August 21st, 2017 posted by Kees with original source here at Galactic Channelings.

I would also add for any Facebook users, that there is an Unity Meditation event being held worldwide on Monday, August 21 at 11:11 AM PDT. Come and join this synchronized meditation, bringing your power and energy to the mix, envisioning peace, harmony and unity for all. 

❤ Denise

As We Shift – How Do You Want It To End? | Sophia Love


Hey everyone.  It’s like we are living an end times science fiction thriller, right now. Regardless of where you are on the “scale of skepticism”, some pretty extreme stuff is happening.  It’s happening right now, to people you know (or know of).  You cannot make this stuff up.

In July, two people, Randall Keith Beane and Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf, were detained by agents under very sketchy circumstances. Their story can be read here. They are still in custody.

Last night, the radio program “Fade to Black” with Jimmy Church, reported several blatant aggressive actions by a group which is participating in this deception of control.  Corey Goode’s family has been threatened, Pete Peterson’s entire home has been emptied and buried, and it looks like David Wilcock’s brakes were sabotaged. Listen to that show here.

These are American citizens who have done nothing other than speak or act on the truth.  

The Eclipse is coming up in just a few more days. In South Carolina, here is what they are saying about it (click here); it is really quite bizarre. Lizard’s seem to be on everyone’s brain.  I’ve seen several references to them in the last few days; my own (here), Wisdom Teachings (from August 14th) on Gaia, and this radio show with James Gilliland. There are others.  The purpose of mentioning them here is to show that our consciousness is raising on an epic scale. The population is feeling it, all of us.

I want to help.  I write, pray, meditate, send cards and love where they are needed, but truthfully, what is the most effective thing that I or any of you can do right now?  Some of us, light warriors and light workers, are working “the night shift”.  Others of us are heading to Knoxville, TN to be present for that effort. Many, many of us are making videos and pushing on the system with withdrawals from our Treasury Direct Deposit Accounts, or whatever they are called in your country of origin. This is incredible and felt exponentially by every one of us.

I felt that there could be more, so this morning I reached out and asked “What more can I do?  What more can we do?” Honestly, I’ve been gradually more and more horrified at the scope of this destructive effort by those who would keep us enslaved.  This is real and has become quite personal. It took a bit to even center enough to ask the question.  Once I did, the words that follow came flying in.  I hope they will help you as much as they did me. They are from One.

These forces right now on your planet are beings who’ve turned 100% service to what they perceive as self.  This “self” is a distorted image and in fact it is not self, but rather an imaginary view of a controlling force now embodied on earth as the cabal or deep state or the dark alliance or all of the above.
This force now present on your planet means to push their agenda forward to what they deem as an inevitable conclusion – domination of the planet.
It is important now for you to know that they are wrong about the inevitable conclusion – they will not dominate the planet.  Their agenda is one of total destruction and will not be carried to completion.
How this ends however, is up to the beings involved – not just human, but all. There are many races now stepping in and up to the plate.
They are here for the final moments and these moments are here.
Do not lose faith.  This agenda, the one put forth by the dark ones, is not the final story.
Your story has yet to be told. You are writing it now. Hold fast to every knowing you have of what is true, important and life sustaining.  Now, perhaps to the greatest extent ever in your history, you need to remain clear and true to your purpose.
You’ve come to enrich a planet with love and unity.  It (the planet) has felt you, and your intentions are seeped into all beings on her, on Gaia.
It is for this reason the push back is so blatant and aggressive.  Fear predominates the agenda of the controllers.
Love must predominate the force of those here for other reasons. This would be all beings focused now on the light, on unity and on evolution.  Continued focus and determination are paramount.
It is this moment now that all of your formidable power comes into play.
Use these most recent, blatant, aggressive and destructive actions as a catalyst for your own force. It is a force of love and it is this force that controls and sustains all of creation.
You come now to the table fully armed and prepared. Stay. Not to fight, but to propel the light that you are.

You are the ones you’ve been waiting for – let’s do this.

With gratitude and so much love,

PS – I will be traveling for the Eclipse and unavailable for a few days.  Please join the global meditation at the moment of the full solar eclipse on Monday 8.21.17.  Focus on Unity. Corey Goode and Cobra have shared details in multiple languages,  here.  It is time.

Usage Policy:
Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere!  Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. 

Choose Love.



World Peace Prayer/Meditation

“If there is to be peace in the world, There must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, There must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, There must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, There must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, There must be peace in the heart.” ~Lao Tse

A beautiful, light-filled peace meditation fitting for us today.

SaLuSa Full Moon Message 15th Oct 2016 via Multidimensional Ocean

Multidimensional Ocean

hunters_moonDear ones, it has been a long time since we communicated with you. We needed to see how much of our teachings and prayers remained with you, even though we did not send you any message for a prolonged period of time. It has been an important test for us to see how things would evolve on your planet, should we stop sending love and light messages and how this would affect many of you, as well as the planet.

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Your Vibrational Core ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven


“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

When you are in your perfect frame of mind, you are gathering information that will guide you on your journey. You are capable of receiving more. You are capable of arriving at more conclusions that will serve you and others. Everything that you need to know becomes automatically downloaded into your consciousness.

But the path to being in that perfect frame of mind does not originate in the mind. It will originate in your vibrational core, and when you have created the ideal frequency in your vibrational core, everything becomes aligned within you. Not only will your mind be able to conceive and perceive all that we have stated, but your body and your emotions will also come to a place of perfection, and all three will be aligned.

This makes you more powerful in your actions, in your words, and in your ability to create the reality that you prefer. So we highly recommend meditation to arrive at this state. If you are not already meditating, then we recommend that you start. If you are meditating, then we recommend seeking to find the vibration within you that is going to result in the perfect alignment of your mental, emotional, and physical bodies.

So the ability to think clearly and access thoughts that will serve you originates in your willingness to let go of thought altogether. When you stop trying to figure it all out and arrive at the conclusions that you need by yourself, and with only your physical mind, that is when you open yourself up. You open yourself up to receiving. You open yourself up to everything that is of a high vibration, and you can allow in the thoughts that serve you most.

You are, at your core, vibrational beings who are creating experiences of thought, emotion, and physical action. And you are creating these experiences through the vibration that you hold at your core. We recommend tuning in to your vibration as often as you possibly can so that you can align yourself and all of your various bodies to bring you into the best possible place to create that which you want to experience.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


Your whole way of human life is based on a very powerful belief in limitation!

Jesus through John

Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday July 9th

We are All One! That is easy to say but very difficult for you to accept and understand because in your illusory world all seem separate. Your modern physicists have finally discovered and accepted that absolutely everything is connected to everything else that you can see in the observable universe. And yet in your daily lives you live constantly with an intensely strong sense of separation because you are surrounded by individual impenetrable or non-integrated forms, forms that resist coalescence, unlike the air that you breathe and the water that you drink that easily and constantly flow and intermix. Sometimes in powerfully loving relationships there is a strong sense of oneness, but nevertheless you still occupy individual bodies. It is indeed very confusing.

Here in the spiritual realms, from which you truly are not separated, we mingle and mix with one another easily…

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The nagging feeling that there must be more to life.

Johnsmallman's Blog

  Saul audio Blog for Easter Sunday

The Easter celebration is a reminder of your oneness with God, and therefore with one another, an annual commemoration of the Resurrection which was a major step in moving all of humanity forward toward awakening from the dream of separation.  The Resurrection brought into humanity’s awareness the possibility of remembering the knowledge, hidden for eons beneath a cloak or veil of indifference and self-imposed ignorance, that you are One with God.

That memory is now arising into humanity’s collective consciousness and leading to an intense collective desire to return to Reality, to awaken from the dream or nightmare in which you have been ensconced since the moment you chose to experience separation from your divine Source.  Truly that moment of choice was but a moment ago, but the environment of separation you invented in which to play your games had rules that had…

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