‘We live at a Cross-Roads’ | Thoth’s Prophecy read from the Hermetic Texts by Graham Hancock

“Every soul is like a raindrop that falls from the sky into one vast ocean of consciousness. Most raindrops hit the surface and make a small ripple that fades away… But some ripples become waves.”

Graham Hancock is a British author who specializes in theories involving ancient civilizations, Earth changes, stone monuments or megaliths, altered states of consciousness, ancient myths, and astronomical or astrological data from the past. He has become recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity’s past. Original reading from Graham Hancock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Kou9TGdi8

A New Pattern From The Future | Peggy Black and the ‘team’

We are here to once again support your presence in the dense, challenging reality. We invite you to pause, take a deep breath, and acknowledge that all is well and more. It is a simple exercise; however, you will discover that this is a simple method to reset your energy.

In the world of quantum physics, everything is energy. Realize that the tissues and organs of your body are composed of cells, the cells are made up of molecules, the molecules are composed of atoms, atoms are made up of sub-atomic particles and sub-atomic particles are made up of energy!

You are pure energy – light in its most magnificent form and expression. You, as energy, are constantly changing and you actually control it all with your powerful mind and awareness. You are one big stellar and powerful Human Being.

Your entire existence, all matter, all life, all experiences, everything owes its existence in the physical world to energy Absolutely everything is energy.

Right now the energy of your reality is really unpredictable. Humanity is riding chaotic waves and navigating massive energy oscillations. Notice when you go from being peaceful to being frantic, and unfocused.

Remember the importance of resetting your energy. Pause, take a deep breath, place your awareness in your heart and create a coherent energy vibration of compassion, appreciation, love, forgiveness and allow that vibration to radiate out into your personal energy signature. Allow this energy field to surround you and touch all those you encounter. Trust us, the others will feel this calming energy that you offer.

There is an opportunity to create a new earth template. You are a part of the collective consciousness as an awakened and aware multidimensional being who is setting these goals and calling them forth.

Consider for a moment that there are multiple timeline patterns that are crossing your current time line. When this occurs there are opportunities to use these moments as portals of change. With your focused energy and intent you can call forth a new pattern from the future.

Using your focused energy and imagination, envision, invite, summon, or command a reality for this dimension that is life sustaining, honoring for all, an evolution of consciousness. Invite your future self to assist with this creation. Allow yourself to feel this realization, celebrate this realization with gratitude.

Imagine the possibilities that these realities will be carried in your own energy field and act as holographic communication to all that you meet or encounter. In this manner you are seeding the field with awesome future possibilities.

Watch what you focus upon. Where you place your focus is where your energy goes. So don’t feed your energy to a reality that you do not want to continue to create. You are powerful beyond measure. We will continue to remind you of this fact until you truly step into that power. You are here to assist the transformation of this dense dysfunctional reality. There is a future reality awaiting your invitation and command, never doubt that.

Imagine that your desires and dreams come from a future dimension where they already exist. Imagine that it is your future self that is inspiring the desires and the dreams and is willing to show you all the possibilities.

Realize that the future is never fully formed. It is the personal energy of the individual as well as the collective energy of all earthwalkers that call forth a reality that matches their focused energy.

Knowing this and embodying this truth is your mastery. This time is calling you to enter a new level of consciousness of the power of your perceptions and your words. Activating a new awareness of how your inner world affects your outer lives.

We will continue to remind you that you are the creator of your reality. This truth has been expressed in many ways and many languages.  We support your understanding and awareness of how truly powerful you are.

We invite you to continue to free yourselves from the limited concepts of linear time by becoming sensitive to your own natural rhythms, and to the galactic support and energy that is being gifted.

Humanity is healing the past and encoding the future by awakening their hearts in the present. Begin to ask yourself how are you encoding the future? What is your focus? Where have you placed your energy and awareness?

With these simple questions you begin to step into your power as creator. Notice when you are engaged in some form of limited thinking, some negative or misqualified thought. Catch yourself quickly and reset your focus. This just takes a little practice before you will begin to see and experience the shifts.

Recognize that many of your limited beliefs have been given to you by others influenced by this 3D field of limitations; these are just old programs in your thinking process. It is time to begin to shift, delete and transform these limitations. First begin to recognize and acknowledge them. Say to yourself, that was certainly a limited thought. Then have fun replacing that limiting thought with an outrageous thought.

This awareness is occurring within the minds and hearts of humanity.  Earth and all other living systems have a magnetic field and your scientists are discovering that those energy fields connect you all and actually carry biologically relevant information. You are triggering others codes to awaken and you are also being triggered by others who are awakening to their multidimensional divine self.

Step into your true power and call forth from the future a new template for this time and reality. We acknowledge you for the work and service that you continue to offer. Honor and accept the galactic gifts that are being offered to all those who understand who they are. the ‘team’

©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited.  You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available

Kryon Gives The Secret to Project Powerful Quantum Healing Energies From Source | YouTube Video

In this channeling, Kryon reveals the true power of prayer and meditation and explains how using these tool properly can actually give you control over physics. Kryon speaks about the process and system involved that allows consciousness to change the desired situation. Belief is the biggest factor in developing this ability and determines what happens with that energy once it’s created.

Loved this and so an sharing with you. Denise


The brain vs. consciousness: the real debate and the phony debate | Jon Rappoport’s Blog


The brain vs. consciousness: the phony debate and the real debate

by Jon Rappoport

October 29, 2017

I continue to write about this subject, because the answers are shaping our present and future in huge ways.

Nearly all brain researchers insist that consciousness arises from the functions of the brain.

These researchers concede they don’t know HOW consciousness arises—but “they’re getting there.” They’re making progress. This is their story and they’re sticking to it.

If they have their way, the educated class will agree with them, evidence or no evidence.

Since “consciousness is the result of brain activity and nothing else,” since consciousness is ultimately a matter of physics, neuroscience will reign supreme—manipulating brain changes to achieve certain “values” and political goals.

We are talking about an engineered society at the level of the brain. Brave New World.

For these researchers, that is the final frontier.

But suppose all their fundamental assertions are completely wrong? Suppose they’re never going to prove consciousness arises from the brain? Suppose all their efforts in this direction are dependent on nothing more than circular reasoning—assuming what they’re trying to prove?

“Consciousness must be a function of brain activity, because what else could it be?”

Let’s begin with a very simple version of what consciousness means, and in the process shred several key ideas of the brain researchers:

ONE: Right now, at this very moment, you’re reading the words on this page. You know you’re reading the worlds. You’re aware you’re reading the words. You’re conscious of reading the words. You “have that consciousness.”

TWO: The brain is composed, according to conventional physics, of tiny particles. That’s all. The neurons and their tubes and the synapses and the neurotransmitters—all the elements of the brain, when you go deep enough, without exception, are composed of atomic and sub-atomic particles.

THREE: These are the exact same particles that flow in the earth and the water and the sky and the stars and the whole universe. The particles move and interact according to immutable laws.

FOUR: There is nothing in these particles or any combination of them that suggests KNOWING. There is no KNOWING.

FIVE: But somehow, in the brain, these particles give rise to YOU KNOWING YOU ARE READING THESE WORDS AT THIS VERY MOMENT.

SIX: That assertion would be the height of absurdity.

SEVEN: And yet you do know. You know you’re reading these words. You’re conscious of that.

EIGHT: Since you do know, that consciousness is coming from somewhere other than the brain, which contains no knowing.

This is stark and simple.

Because it’s so stark, it drives some brain researchers to their backup position, which introduces a second absurdity: you’re not conscious of the fact you’re reading these words on the page, you only THINK you are. There is no such thing as consciousness. Consciousness is a bizarre illusion created by the brain. Therefore, there is no need to explain consciousness. It doesn’t exist. It never has.

Here is a third absurdity that enters the scene: there is no you. YOU is another illusion. The individual does not exist. There is a brain-process which results in the illusion of an individual existing.

So you’re not there, and I’m not here.

Well, well. That’s a towering assemblage of bullshit.

And it’s built to sidetrack the stark facts that you do exist and so do I, and we’re both conscious at this very moment, and there is NOTHING in the most basic composition of the brain to account for consciousness.

Pundits and scientist can try to introduce all sorts of elegant non-sense and technical speak to refute what you and I both know, but it isn’t going to fly.

We are not biological machines. We are not some illusion projected by the brain.

We are not badly programmed machines researchers can feel guiltless about, as they try to tweak and re-cast our brains. We’re not cars in the shop.

I could take this line of thought much farther, and I have, in other articles, where I explore the point that consciousness is not composed of matter, but I’ll leave it here for now.

One piece of advice: don’t be taken in by scientists who claim “the situation is far more complex.”

It isn’t.

Complexity is their strategy to escape the noose of their own making which hangs them in public view.

Why do I say “noose of their own making?” Because they own the theory that ALL matter and energy are composed of tiny particles which have no consciousness at all. Therefore, the brain is composed of the same particles. Therefore, there is NO reason to assume the brain can give rise to consciousness.

Consciousness, WHICH DOES EXIST, must be independent of matter and energy.

Researchers can hate this conclusion, but they have to deal with it. They refuse to deal with it in a straightforward manner.

Perhaps they have a special brand of brain that seeks specious, devious, wormy methods of wriggling out of disturbing inferences.

Source: The brain vs. consciousness: the real debate and the phony debate

Scientists Discover Biophotons In The Brain That Could Hint Our Consciousness is Directly Linked to Light!

Scientists found that neurons in mammalian brains were capable of producing photons of light, or “Biophotons”!

The photons, strangely enough, appear within the visible spectrum. They range from near-infrared through violet, or between 200 and 1,300 nanometers.

Scientists have an exciting suspicion that our brain’s neurons might be able to communicate through light. They suspect that our brain might have optical communication channels, but they have no idea what could be communicated.


Even more exciting, they claim that if there is an optical communication happening, the Biophotons our brains produce might be affected by quantum entanglement, meaning there can be a strong link between these photons, our consciousness and possibly what many cultures and religions refer to as Spirit.

In a couple of experiments scientist discovered that rat brains can pass just one biophoton per neuron a minute, but human brains could convey more than a billion biophotons per second.

This raises the question, could it be possible that the more light one can produce and communicate between neurons, the more conscious they are?


If there is any correlation between biophotons, light, and consciousness it can have strong implications that there is more to light than we are aware of.

Just think for a moment. Many texts and religions dating way back, since the dawn of human civilization have reported of saints, ascended beings and enlightened individuals having shining circles around their heads.

From Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, to teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, among many other religions, sacred individuals were depicted with a shining circle in the form of a circular glow around their heads.


If they were as enlightened as they are described maybe this shining circle was just a result of the higher consciousness they operated with, hence a higher frequency and production of biophotons.

Maybe these individuals produced higher level of biophotons with stronger instensity because of their enlightenment, if there is any correlation between biophotons and consciousness.

Even the word enLIGHTenment suggests that this higher consciousness has something to do with light.


But one of the most exciting implications the discovery that our brains can produce light gives, is that maybe our consciousness and spirit are not contained within our bodies. This implication is completely overlooked by scientists.

Quantum entanglement says that 2 entangled photons react if one of the photons is affected no matter where the other photon is in The Universe without any delay.

Maybe there is a world that exists within light, and no matter where you are in The Universe photons can act as portals that enable communication between these 2 worlds. Maybe our spirit and consciousness communicate with our bodies through these biophotons. And the more light we produce the more we awaken and embody the wholeness of our consciousness.

Quantum Entanglement

This can explain the phenomenon of why the state of a photon is affected simply by consciously observing it, as it is proven in many quantum experiments.

Maybe our observation communicates something through our biophotons with the photon that is being observed, in a similar fashion as quantum entanglement, like light is just one unified substance that is scattered throughout our Universe and affected through each light particle.

Of course, nothing of this is even close to being a theory. But asking questions and shooting such metaphysical hypothesis might lead us closer to the truth and understanding of what consciousness is, where it comes from, and what are the mysteries that hide within light.

– http://bigthink.com/robby-berman/there-are-biophotons-in-the-brain-is-something-light-based-going-on;
– https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4267444/;
– https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.08887;
– https://www.livescience.com/28550-how-quantum-entanglement-works-infographic.html;

Source: Scientists Discover Biophotons In The Brain That Could Hint Our Consciousness is Directly Linked to Light!

Join The Solar Eclipse Mass Meditation / Visualization – Monday, August 21st, 2017


Dear friends,

As you may know, several sources in the spiritual community, like Corey Goode and Cobra, and also the channeled spirit of Montague Keen, have called for creating a mass meditation/visualization for an era of peace and harmony, starting with disclosure.

This meditation/visualization will be held on August 21, the day of the solar eclipse in America. Of course we on this site happily join this initiative and encourage all our visitors to join this event. The more people join, the stronger the energy will be! And the faster things will change for the good on this planet.

If you’re not yet familiar with the workings of how a meditation/visualization could change our world, this is actually science, not wishful thinking. Through meditation/visualization, you directly influence our collective consciousness, and the collective consciousness is what creates our reality. You can read more about it here if you like: VisualizeDaily.com.

More about the preferred time of the meditation (but of course, any time is good, as the energy you send out is not bound to linear time) and ways in which you can join, you can find here: http://2012portal.blogspot.com. 

Let’s make this the most powerful mass meditation/visualization ever on this planet! See you all in the higher realms on August 21, hopefully 🙂

In Love and Light,

Kees, GalacticChannelings.com.

Source: Mass Meditation/Visualizarion on August 21st, 2017 posted by Kees with original source here at Galactic Channelings.

I would also add for any Facebook users, that there is an Unity Meditation event being held worldwide on Monday, August 21 at 11:11 AM PDT. Come and join this synchronized meditation, bringing your power and energy to the mix, envisioning peace, harmony and unity for all. 

❤ Denise