Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – January 14, 2022

Dear Friends, periodically I read back on some older messages from Kryon, and thought you might like to read the following extracts that are becoming more relevant in the present time.

Extract from a message by Kryon 2017 “Amplify your abilities” about Pleiadian Time Capsules.

“You are moving into a new kind of Space and it will affect your Sun. The protection around your Solar System is being replaced by another type of energy, and it’s going to affect your Sun. Your Sun has a magnetic field called the Heliosphere, it intercepts your magnetic field and is your ”couch” that you sit in and affects your consciousness, and you will vibrate a little higher”

Kryon 2019. “Light Beings are arriving”

The magnetic grid has changed, more than it did in the last hundred years. It started in 1987 because of the Harmonic Convergence. Your Solar system is moving into a new place in Space – the first time human consciousness has been there, it has a new type of radiation.

Kryon February 2019. “Unexpected Change”

Question: What happens to the events on the time line in the past ? Answer: It is being rebooted and it means that things of the past will not affect you. You are writing a new Timeline that has no prophesies about what is next. It is the catalyst for peace in the Middle East. You are setting a fresh new energy.

14TH January 2022. Mike Quinsey.

If you could but see the overall picture as we do, you would find that the changes are forcing people to move on and not cling to that which is no longer considered applicable. Out of the chaos you will see a move to advance Humanity to a new level that offers many ways to overcome your present difficulties. Not only that but on a new level that overcomes them with the minimum of difficulty and time. It has always been planned in readiness for your evolution, in a way that uses methods and inventions you have yet to see. Nothing has been left to chance and is achieved without infringing your freewill.

Now that more and more of you are able to comprehend the nature of the changes, you will appreciate the benefits that will be given to you. So keep projecting what you desire for your future and you will be helping them to materialise. All of the time your brother and sisters from the stars draw nearer and look forward to helping you achieve your desires. On a Universal level the scene is being set in readiness for your upliftment and bear in mind we talk of a few years to come, but we love to raise your hopes and expectations because the good times are coming soon.

Develop an open mind so that you are able to absorb any news of future developments, as the more of you that do so the quicker these things will come to pass. You are One World with One Race of Human Beings and the sooner you recognise the oneness of all people the quicker things will come to pass. Be assured that whilst you are paving your way to a wonderful future we are ensuring that no one is allowed to interfere with your plans and expectations. We fully know what you desire and we will do our best to keep you on track for success. You have done the hard bit and now deserve the good times that beckon, that are appearing on the horizon.

Never forget that nothing of any importance happens by chance, what you often consider in that way is usually something that has been planned well in advance. We mention again that there has always been a plan for your advancement and it is laid out before you, so that you can see a path to you goal. It is also worth mentioning that your biggest help comes from those beings who have incarnated upon Earth to help you on your way. Before you were born your needs were discussed and if you needed particular talents you would be linked to them.

Life is not as random as you may think, but in the ultimate the choice is yours, although your Guides will do their best to “point” you in the right direction. It would be true to say that one of the most important events in your life is your choice of a partner and as you might expect, and it is also arranged well in advance. Often people are joined together in marriage to have certain experiences that will also include their children. It sounds complicated bur realise that your past lives can be checked to see what you need to continue evolving, whilst contributing to other people’s experiences.

Even families are decided beforehand, and it does not infringe your free choice that you exercised before you were born. Now you will understand why we tell you that little or nothing of any importance happens by chance. Everyone has a life plan that covers their needs. Inevitably you will wonder about your children and they play a part in your experiences that from their point of view also fulfils their needs. As we have often confirmed, they choose you to be their parents knowing that you will prepare them for their adult life. So parents should feel privileged that they have been chosen as the most acceptable ones to give the needed experiences and guidance.

Can you now see how well organised your life experiences are to ensure they fully serve their purpose. If you can absorb and understand the significance of how orderly and well planned your life is you may be able to see things in a different light. Perhaps you will now understand that when they appear to be “forced” upon you it is simply the working out of your life plan. It can be hard, it can be very disappointing at times but all experiences are to help you grow and evolve. If you could see the greater picture you would accept everything comes your way as part of your needs to make progress where your soul’s development is concerned.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 18 October 2019

Dear friends there are occasionally messages from Kryon that carry much more information than usual about our history, and this one is exceptional as it takes it back much further than any time previously. It is now apparent why the Pleiadians closely follow our evolution and even now are so near to Earth, in part to ensure that no other beings are allowed to interfere with our progress. It has been accepted for some time now that we came from elsewhere before we were seeded upon Earth.

It will be an amazing time when we are first able to make contact with other Galaxies. Understand that now we have passed the 2012 marker, we are being given much more advanced information about our history and as the vibrations lift up told where we are heading for. We are going through some tough changes right now but it is inevitable as the old must be first cleared away before the new can be fully introduced.

Kryon. 2019. Pleiadians will change Humanity.


We see you and the history of Humanity and over generation’s humans have changed. You were seeded on the Earth 200,000 years ago, and 100,000 years before that it was when life began on this planet in a significant way. When you get the invention that is coming it will change everything. When you are able to manipulate and create sustained Quantum energy on this planet, you will have the invention that will change Humanity forever. You will mark the beginning of your civilisation from that point. For in this Quantum energy you will then be able to create technically and tune into the Galaxy, and you will be able to hear the others for they are also tuned into one another in the Quantum state, and over generations humans will change. They know who you are and you will then know who they are, and rather than fear gripping the planet there will be a relief and a rewrite of life itself, it will honour God but in a different way. Those who planted the souls of Humanity in you after the change, came a million years before yours. You were there with the “Seven Sisters” as Pleiadians.

There is a plan/process of what we would call Galactic involvement, where certain populations in certain star systems become aware. The power that is created from that awareness builds upon itself and accelerates until they are able to create themselves in a Quantum energy, where life itself can be bottled in a Quantum. Transportation is instant and all these things are a meld between biology and technology that I cannot explain to you, it is not robotic it is the Human Being able to create with help from technology that they create with inside them.

You are still passing the marker right now and it has the potential of the Pleiadian marker. Things take a long time to evolve on certain kinds of planets, depending upon the sustainability of certain kinds of life.


Mother Earth has commenced her work to make necessary changes to restore the Earth to its pristine condition. It will then be ready to fully enter the higher vibrations, and as progress is made the Earth will be further refined. Those souls who are not ready will continue their evolution on another Earth like planet fully prepared for them. Not one soul can move into the higher vibrations until they are ready and would not want to, as they would find it uncomfortable and not to their liking or needs. Some souls refer to it as moving from the 3rd into the 4th dimension but in reality there is no such clear line between the two of them, as instead they meld together.

For those souls rising up there is no longer any need to continue with experiences in the lower vibrations, as they successfully responded to the challenge to continue evolving by lifting their vibrations. There has never been a more exciting time as it promises to take you to levels that are full of joy and happiness, as they will only accommodate you if your vibrations match the level concerned. Joy will abound as you will find all other souls are also very evolved and glory in the beauty and harmony that exists at the higher levels. Happiness is everywhere as all negativity will have been left behind having no place at your higher level.

Remember that in part you are creating your own future and will be attracted to other souls of a like kind. It is how groups are naturally formed and are one with each other, and It is the pattern for the future. To a limited degree it already occurs on Earth now and since there is strength in numbers such groups begin to have a greater influence upon others. Humans are naturally drawn to those of a like kind strangely enough with the exception of marriage, when they are sometimes prearranged before birth of the individuals. It gives you an idea of how hard your Guides work on your behalf, as they “arrange” events in your life so that you meet the right person and have the appropriate experiences.

Life may seem haphazard at times but in the long run it follows your life plan. Knowing that you all have freewill you may logically wonder how life can ever be orderly. However, there are ways and means beyond your comprehension that enable specific results to be achieved. Clearly it is important that your life plan is carried out, as at the end of the day it is arranged to further your evolution. If you miss out you will be bound to have another opportunity, perhaps in another life as being part of your evolution it cannot be overlooked.

The point to remember is that all souls go through the same lessons and regardless of whether they are aware of it, all are on a path of spiritual expansion and growth and a desire to find their true selves, and there is often a feeling of being lost and unable to find their true home. Those feelings will soon diminish in this new period of evolution as the time is now right for more revelations. All things come to all souls when the time is right.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 10 May 2019

There is no doubt that as time passes we are able to see many changes taking place, they go from the weather to the function of big business that is finding that what served them in the past is no longer fit for the purpose. Fortunately progress is being made through new ideas and methods, that will pull people into a new era where advantage can be taken of advanced techniques and methods that will quickly leave the old ways behind. For too long you have been denied much that would have made life so much easier for all of you. That time is now past and new ideas and inventions are gradually coming to light, and they cannot be stopped.



Everything that is inside you that makes you – you, is operating at less than half that it could. It is something you developed over years of free choice of duality, you selected how much dark and Light to put in and where to put it. You have selected how well you think, and how much your societies are going to absorb the idea that compassionate thought will heal the planet. The primary test and basic one has now shifted – you have graduated so profoundly. We have told you in the past that you will see the growth in human intelligence and compassion, and you are going to see it the corporeal level as well because as a human being starts to work at a better efficiency it is going to be obvious, and we have given you those channels and you can look for them. The last one was titled “Conceptual DNA” and we talked about the corporeal human being who stopped having what we would call “linear immune reaction” it is when the white cells of the body see a problem and race to it and fight it. That is as smart as it gets, and the problem may be beyond their ability to fight because the white cells corporeally do not have the intelligence to see the concept of the invaders.

Viruses notoriously seem intelligent for they have what you call a plan, whereas the white blood cells only know defence. It does not see the bigger picture, it does not know anything about cancers or how they operate, how they defend, or how they are immune to white blood cells. Basically Conceptual DNA becomes corporeal systems that know concepts, and that creates a human being who can fight any virus and any disease, because that part of the immune system is as smart as anything that can invade it is conceptual. This is an advancement of human DNA past 30% moving more toward 35% and 40%. How many masters on the planet do you know that died of a virus – most of them died at the hands of human beings. Masters of the planet had DNA that operated far better than yours, even some recently having the ability to create and manifest things in their hands – mind consciousness over matter. Human beings mind can control things and that was the design, consciousness over physics is the plan, always has been.

What do you think about spontaneous remission, what is it how does it work, does it require outside influence or was it created internally. This is DNA working at 100% for a moment and it is unexplainable but you can see it and you can recognise it, and document it, but the human can clean themselves from almost any disease almost overnight.



Through personal experience I can vouch for spontaneous remission. About 12 years ago I was suffering from bad knees, so much so that it was painful to bend my legs as it felt as though there was gravel behind the knee caps, and I had to stand up rather than sit down. One evening I went to bed as normal and when I woke up the following morning I noticed to my surprise that my knees no longer troubled me at all, and that I had been healed – overnight. I am pleased to say that I have not experienced any further problems with them since that time. Some people will no doubt say that they have prayed for a miracle, and they have had no relief from their painful condition and I must put that down to karma, and for whatever reason they have had to bear their pain. However, as some souls do, never become negative and stay positive because that is the only path to release you from your condition. Obviously try self-healing and imagine yourself healed, and your body will respond.

The power of thought will come up very frequently in the future, as every soul that has evolved to a higher level will acquire such powers and cause “miracles” through it.Think of the biblical miracles and whereas those writing about them did not understand how they were brought about, today we are more aware. It is important to have belief in yourself, but be ready to remain steadfast whilst you are trying and never give up. Sometimes results are not always immediate so be prepared for results occurring well into the future. The ultimate “miracle” is the raising of the dead and it suggests a body is restored to what it was when it was healthy. The bottom line is of course that as time passes, because of the rising vibrations there will come a point when the body will maintain its healthy condition, never to require healing again. The future is full of pleasant surprises and the problems of the past will gradually disappear.

The more you are told of your true potential will surely lift you up, to have the confidence to express yourself more fully and without any doubt. How do you imagine for example how solid objects are produced seemingly out of fresh air, and the answer is through the power of thought. The Masters can do it at will but do not do it simply for showmanship. The ego has long gone and there is no desire to “show off” or aggrandisement simply to get acclaim. Being highly evolved will be a new way of life for you, and you will gradually slot into it with ease, because it is quite a natural development.

Once again we have touched upon what your future holds for you, as it is important that you know where life is leading to and you are prepared. To have some of these changes thrust upon you without prior warning could overwhelm you, and harm your chances of calmly taking hold of new experiences. As usual we will add that as with any other period of learning there is always help on hand. But please remember that they will not do things for you, but give you every encouragement to ensure your success. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly still needed as the lashing out of the dark is causing so many problems in these closing days of their reign.

This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 5 April 2019

Behind the scenes so much is taking place in a massive joint effort to take away the power of the dark Ones by removing the source of their funding, without which they will quickly lose their power to control events of the world. They never dreamt that they could be defeated and will still fight to the last. The Forces of Light have not been idle and for many years have planned the downfall of the Illuminati. It is time for them to release Humanity from the web of deceit that has plagued them for many years. It had its beginnings a few hundred years ago, and over time has been like a cancer eating away at the establishment and foundation of all that was clean and worthy of placing before the people. The cleverness of the changes for the better is down to keeping them quiet and silently building up a formidable force for good and the Light. This extract is very uplifting and covers knowledge that would not normally be known or made public.


The 9/11 event was the one that put compassion on this planet within moments of its knowing all around the world. Because of the outpouring of compassion that people showed it moved the Earth and the Crystalline Grid changed yet again. The outpouring of compassion because of what those scenes showed will never be forgotten and changed everything. The irony of it is that it took terrorism to create it and that is an old energy, and is what is going away. The old paradigms, even the dark Ones have come together to create a confluence of positive change upon this planet. Sometimes you take two steps forward and one backwards, but at the end of the day you crossed the marker. I give this information as advanced as it may be so that you all hear it, and know there is a plan and you came in willingly.

Be circumspect and wise and know that some of these things that you would call science are directly from the Creator, given to you to save your life. We need your Light and we need you to stay. The very footsteps on the planet of your wisdom changed all slowly and incrementally, you are needed and when you leave you will return. I will tell you why you are going to return, because you are going to do so with a different instinct of humanity, you are going to return with the knowledge you have learned this time around, and you will awaken early by yourself. You will not have to go through what you have gone through this time. It will be instinct that you are a piece of the Creator, this is new and it is called the evolution of DNA. I Kryon and those around me are in love with you, and if you could see what we can see, you would know exactly why we feel like we do. You cannot for it is hidden from you in certain ways so that free choice will be yours to make, without the influence of second, third, fourth and fifth sight and that even makes it more special.

When we look at you and even without what we know, you trust the path and it is working, you love the unseen and that is good enough for us. It is working and do not be dismayed by things that appear to go backwards that might occur, see them in the grander scheme of a longer time frame that marches forward slowly to a marker where you will have peace. It is in the works – how soon I cannot tell you for it will occur as it develops and be created by your free choice, but the ball is unstoppable – that is where it is going and that is what we wanted to tell you. Not filled with information as it is filled with gratitude, with love and with purpose. We want you to know that when you leave you are not alone you cannot be it is impossible, we are with you the whole time and would not have it any other way


All along the Forces of Light have been silently working to bring an end to the activities of the dark Ones, and it has started by taking away their power in many different ways. Financial restraint is the most effective means, and curtailing their access to assets they have obtained through fraud and dishonest means. The loopholes are being closed, and in desperation they have stolen assets through devious means. However, action has been taken to thwart their efforts to continue their nefarious activities. Their days as a power able to dictate the future path of Humanity have long gone, and the public in general will be both shocked and amazed at the true history of mankind.

The plans for a most acceptable future have long been agreed, although it is true to say that that with your freewill it cannot be said exactly how success will be achieved. Be assured that you will be strongly influenced to follow a path that is laid out before you. You have earned the right to go all the way to Ascension, and it cannot be taken away from you. Meantime you can commence planning for changes that will move you on the right path, so that you can reap the rewards for having passed the marker. Great times lie ahead and plans are well advanced to set up changes that will announce the coming of a New Age. Many times attempts have been made to give you the advantage of new technologies, but hitherto the dark Ones have prevented them from being introduced. You have had much to contend with but have proved your ability to bounce back with even more determination.

Each of you are privileged to have a life in this particular time, when many souls desired to have the experience knowing it would speed up their evolution. As you would probably realise, each of you has something to offer that collectively has enabled you to progress. Even those with negative intentions have their place in the plan, and are at the root of events that have inspired you to rise up and overcome the challenges. Someone has to play the role of the “opposition” and in so doing the can also make progress, it may appear to be an odd concept but it takes the Light and dark to bring out that which needs to be addressed. The truth is that things are arranged so that you help each other to evolve.

In a relatively short time since the commencement of this cycle, you have lifted up your vibrations and are well placed to continue. Many of you have placed your feet upon the Ascension path, and your focus is powered by your determination to succeed, and you will. All the effort you have put in has been well worthwhile and soon you benefit from it. Keep looking ahead and not back as the past can no longer influence your future.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 15 March 2019

This year is flying by and together with weather changes should leave you in no doubt that time is continuing to speed up. It is an indication that you are moving up with the higher vibrations that are slowly but surely leaving the lower vibrations behind. It means that as it continues you will move into a greater harmony with everything else, and little or nothing will be left at that level of a negative nature.


Compassion is the word. Everything repeats itself and there is nothing new under the Sun, and therefore the future will be more of the past. What has happened in the past will be the pattern of the future. You have turned the page, the marker and you are starting to accumulate that which is your intention and your wisdom, your involvement in two areas you have never been before. This future has never been written, it is not on the track of the past at all. You say I cannot get ahead, what a deception this is and built to keep you in line. The deception is that which is an old energy – if Humanity feels it is stuck you will be and that is what happened. Do you know how easy you are to control when you think you can never get above where you are, and there are those who have controlled you for years that control the planet, the economy and you even have names for them, they are so successful because you know you will never get beyond a certain point. The new paradigm erases that completely and says that you awaken literally with an Akash which is starting to stir and starting to say “there are talents here for you that you have never had before, not only in this life but the next one, and the next one, that you are on a path that you have never seen, that will take you light years ahead of where you are now. Anything can be accomplish in this energy with the wind at your back and you might say “Dear Spirit, I will never give verbiage to Kryon again” I know there are things beyond which I can imagine for me no matter how old I am. I know I can go further than I have gone before in fact I am already there because I am part of the shift and not part of the deception.


There is so much that has been denied you, leaving you with an enormous challenge to find your way back to the Light. This has been intentional to give you a severe testing, to see if you could overcome the darkness and re-discover your true selves. You were and still are being helped to lift yourselves up, and as you must know by now, are helped by your ever present Guides. Understand that you volunteered for this experiment with the full confidence that you would achieve success. You are of course in the final stages if you have already awakened to the truth of your being. With the recent revelation that you have your God within because you are now considered to be ready to accept such information, it must be reassuring to know it is so and that you therefore have eternal life.

Apart from when you are called back to the Godhead, you have multi-lives through which you can evolve and gain knowledge as you follow the path back. Your experiences can even take you to different Universes where all types of lifeforms exist. It is one long adventure that will fulfil your desire for varied and exciting times. Human life is a great experience that enables you to evolve at a very quick rate, and leaves you well suited to help other souls evolve. As you expand through your level of consciousness you retain the knowledge you have gained that you can put to good use helping others follow in your path. In fact, ascended Humanity is due to help other evolving souls in the same way as they have.

The prime intention of your experiences is to prepare you for greater things that eventually take higher and higher into the Light Universe. You will realise that you are not your physical body, and this is provable at your level by the experiences of those that have had “out of the body” experiences. When you permanently leave it upon death the cord is cut and you are released. There is nothing to be fearful about concerning death, and you have had numerous examples where souls have been thrown out of their bodies and not realised that anything has happened. This is due to them having immediately found themselves in their etheric body that is identical to the physical body, except that it is of a finer vibration.

Dear Ones, the truth is incredible and we try not to overwhelm you, but it is now the time to enlighten you as to what lays ahead. It may take much time by your way of measuring it, but it is in any event speeding up as you have noticed. So be open-minded as to what may cross your path, and allow for many pleasant changes that are waiting to manifest. As you no doubt can imagine, moving from a Human Being to a Galactic Being is an enormous step to take and it is on your evolutionary path.

Be assured that at all stages in your evolution you are never alone, and there are always higher beings following your progress that will help you to succeed. You must by now have realised that evolution is arranged in an orderly fashion, and that at all stages help is always on hand. It is why we recommend that when you need it you ask for it, although you may not necessarily get as you wish but only when it is the right time to give you the full benefit. In the last cycle you inevitably carried karma with you and this had to be taken into consideration by those intending to help you. Now however most of you are free from old karma and if you err now instant karma will apply. In fact those souls that have progressed far along their path will have lifted their vibrations sufficiently not to incur karma.

You have of late been given a great deal of information about the future, but do not let it overpower you as much is way into your future. As things change it will be at a pace you can handle although there is a push at present to move on from the chaos of the present time. Much is waiting to be released that will open up your eyes to what lays ahead, and you are certain to be well pleased. We have told you many times that great changes are to made, and the time is getting nearer to seeing them. You are all beings of great potential and progress should soon go speeding ahead, as the time approaches and when it is safe to do so.

Your determination got you past the marker and now you must be equally determined to get through the changes that will lead to much joy and happiness, as you see old energies finally put behind you. The Forces of Light are mounting a relentless surge to clear the dark forces out of positions of influence, so that the Light can take over and bring the welcome changes into being.

This message comes through my Higher Self from the Prime Creator.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Kryon 2018 – Eyesight Future NEWEST! | YouTube Video

A beautiful Kryon talk about a vision we all can have. Love it! Denise

“Harmony vibes. Quietly and introspectively the changes are slowly, yet steadily taking place in your consciousness. You are now beginning to loose ‘time’ in your daily life and, simultaneously, have brief experiences of being in the NOW. Within the NO-time of the NOW there are no expectations, disappointments, failures or even victories, as these are all time-bound concepts. You may briefly feel these concepts in the NOW, but they usually ‘live’ in the past or present.” Harmony Vibes

Kryon Gives The Secret to Project Powerful Quantum Healing Energies From Source | YouTube Video

In this channeling, Kryon reveals the true power of prayer and meditation and explains how using these tool properly can actually give you control over physics. Kryon speaks about the process and system involved that allows consciousness to change the desired situation. Belief is the biggest factor in developing this ability and determines what happens with that energy once it’s created.

Loved this and so an sharing with you. Denise


Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 20 July 2018


Dear friends there is much in the way of important news coming from Kryon, and we need to awaken our awareness to the changes that herald the commencement of a new cycle that is going to take us far beyond the limitations of the old one. We are heading for a new area in Space that will take us into higher vibrations. It will finally see the end of the dark Ones as they simply cannot exist in them, and will remain in a level that resonates with their present one. Meanwhile you are gradually being introduced to Quantum Energy that you will need to understand as soon as possible. A parting of the ways is coming so play your part in helping the New Age to continue manifesting, and all will be assured as going well and proceeding as expected.

The following message is welcome news where the future is concerned, as it clearly indicates that major changes are coming and in general Mother Earth can handle the bigger ones. All in all, awareness already exists regarding future changes, and they will cause little if any of a catastrophic nature. It may seem that the Human Race is expected to face the changes alone, but help is already on hand to deal with any problems that may arise. There is a plan for Humanity that is destined to succeed and absolutely nothing will prevent its successful completion.


I want to give a fact just to think about, because I was here a long time ago. There was a time before you were here when the Oceans were constantly having oil spills, guess where they came from, they came from oilfields beneath the Ocean’s surface that was ruptured and would spill unbelievable amounts of oil naturally from the Ocean floor, and that’s where you drill for it now, so figure it out and connect the dots. Spill after spill after spill and there were no ships around spilling oil. Where is it today and did it ruin the environment, and the answer is no, and what happened to it. There is a system and there always has been where the Ocean scrubs itself and takes care of this in ways you do not know. Figure it out and connect the dots, you are not the first ones to spill oil in the Oceans it is a natural occurrence, ask a geologist what is down there right now if there are spills bubbling up and there are, it’s a natural occurrence – the Ocean knows about it, recognises it and takes care of it. The planet is fast tracking by cleaning itself up. Gaia is a friend of Humanity and sees what is going on and is working the issue with you.

You are moving into another kind of radiation and it’s going to affect your Sun. You are already starting to see it. Meteorologists are reporting it, it’s part of the shift in the weather, the radiant cycle of the Sun itself will be different, the amount of sunspots will be different because the radiation you are moving into as a Solar System, you have never seen before – not as humans, and you are afraid and you are not looking at it and some are saying this is the end. There are ways of neutralizing and changing it you have no idea about it and it’s already happened one time and can you not see that and figure it out and not be afraid, be circumspect, take a look at what is going on and stay away from the hot areas as measured, but understand the Ocean is going to work it all out.

Others are saying it’s going to be dangerous, and here’s what I am going to tell you, this radiation is going to move right into your magnetic grid, and it’s going to change your DNA and you are going to get another 10% efficiency, its right on time, it’s right on schedule, its benevolent physics that knows what you were doing. What others will fear is going to be your evolution of consciousness, what is going on is a benevolent system. Our clock is not your clock, we see this coming and when it does you might say “Well it took longer than I thought” the timing as you would say, it’s not anything we are aware of – we know about your clock. We see how you are impatient because things do not happen on schedule, that is in three dimensions but what difference is it, it will arrive when it arrives and you are going to be here now.

Some of you may not be the same age or of the same gender, but you will be here. What difference does it make you are going to see its invention. When a planet moves into what we would call a fast track inventions start to even increase beyond what you thought was high technology, but the technology you were about ready to receive is beyond third dimensional technology, and it will be quantum technology, and it starts slow but just like the evolution of so many inventions that you have had in technology that you have had in the past, it has a ramp up that is slow at first then lightning fast in the end.

One thing leads to another and starts to show something else, and I will give it to you one more time. Planets that move into Ascension states, must have an eventuality of understanding quantum energy, and the beginning of understanding quantum energy is the ability to measure it and see it even if you cannot produce it or alter it or work with it, you have got to be able to see it. When you can see quantum energy in any form you start to understand how to see it in a better form. You will see the patterns contained in it, and when you start seeing those you will have a million questions that cannot be answered but it will start a progress of invention as you discover one thing after another of what you are seeing, that you never saw before and the colours will be outstanding, and that is a metaphor for second sight. It is going to bring physics into a brand new perspective and you will see the missing laws.

Get ready for medicine to change forever, get ready for the elimination of one kind of healing and the opening of another. Get ready for intelligent quantum healing to occur. I have no way of describing a healing paradigm that you cannot see, you cannot imagine and that marries you and the Innate intelligence of your body with the ability to imprint itself and heal itself using its own DNA – that’s as far as I can go.


The two big Western Powers play games to manipulate matters to bring a desired outcome, and eventually you will see that progress is being made that will enable countries to move on. Be assured that no matter how highly positioned a person may be, they can still be motivated and inspired by those beings who oversee their progress. Knowing what is expected in the near future they can lead people in such a way, that they are feel prompted to do things that ultimately can be seen as most appropriate for continuation of the plan for Mother Earth and her people.

The outworking in many countries of plans for their future well-being is proceeding well, even if outwardly it appears shambolic now. At the right time a turn of events will lead to a new step forward being taken, that leads along the path to desirable change and a peaceful conclusion. Be assured that all actions are intended to bring about an end to confrontation and the path to endless problems. In the past karma has played a big part in what has taken place, but as the new vibrations take effect so a peaceful end to hostilities is possible. You will gradually see that where leadership changes have taken place, a more settled outlook is achieved. It is time now for peaceful transitions that will ultimately lead to permanent peace. It is your planned destiny, and greater powers than those on Earth will ensure that the bright future ordained for you will manifest in good time when it is appropriate.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light