Sharing Gifts | The Creator

You feel it. The Universe knows you feel it. You know The Universe knows you feel it! Now, what to do with it? Well, that is completely up to you. You can use these gifts given to you in any way choose. But here are a few ideas:

Use peace and clarity to redefine what path you have chosen to travel.

Share moments of kindness with others. One act of kindness can shift a challenging situation to something positive.

Use Unconditional Love to show the people around you that it has no price tag or repayment plan.

All these things are within your power and can make your world a better place. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings

Embrace The Calling | The Creator

Dear one, it would seem a bit redundant if you were asked to fasten your seat belt again because the incoming energy has been coming in so quickly, there has scarcely been enough time to draw breath between waves.  This is about to change!

Some of you that have noticed an uptick in the past few days feels different.  Your Earth plane is poised on the brink of great upward movement; the compassion and understanding you have been so diligently practicing will be embraced by more humans than ever before.  Kindness will become a more common occurrence and those that have been half-awake will suddenly begin to see what you have been talking about for so long.  Just as you are guided by The Universe, you will be called on as a guide to help others.  Embrace this new calling, it is what you have been waiting for. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings

Permission | The Creator

The Universe would like you to know that it is perfectly okay for you to say no. A chorus of humans are saying, “Oh my, it’s just not possible. Things would fall apart without me! What would people do if I wasn’t there to help?” In response, you are being asked the big what if…

What if you were to take time for yourself?

What if you choose rest over stretching yourself too thin yet again?

What if you gave yourself the gift of releasing the need to participate in things that make you uncomfortable?

My dearest child, give yourself permission to take care of your own needs without guilt, shame or disappointment. You are worthy and deserving of filling your own cup because you most certainly cannot pour from an empty one. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings

Setting Out… | The Creator

Take some time today and think back on all the labels you have been given over the course of your Earth plane existence. Some were self-created, but most were given to you by others. You may have even embraced them to fit in even if they were not positive. Now it is time to choose what you would like to keep and release the rest. You are setting out on a new path, dearest one, become who you choose to be. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings

The Power | The Creator

Two of the most destructive words anyone can utter; “I can’t”.

“I can’t” effectively stops the growth/learning process.

“I can’t” denies The Universe the opportunity to give you the gifts you have been asking for.

“I can’t” gives away personal responsibility.

Take every “I can’t” in your life and change it! You have the power, the will and the drive. You can! ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings

Are You? | The Creator

Take a moment to really look at what is around you. Are you surrounded by those who support you and appreciate your talents? Do you feel secure and safe in being who you are without fear of judgement? Is your day filled with positive thoughts regarding the direction you are traveling? The Universe would like you to know that you are worthy and deserving of these things! All you have to do is embrace the conscious realization of it and know you can change accordingly. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings

Great Care | The Creator

As the shifts and energy waves continue, please be sure to give yourself a little space to breathe. As you weave your way through the triggers, the growth and learning and navigating other’s reactions to this new phase, please know that great care is being taken of you. If, by chance, you find yourself reacting in a less than light-filled way, remember to forgive and know that one thought can put you back on your path. A seemingly small personal shift can redirect the course for you and those around you. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings

On The Air | The Creator

Just a reminder…

Everything you do, every thought, feeling, action, reaction has a vibrational marker. Each one of those markers, even the inaudible, are heard by those around you and is transmitted to The Universe and will respond in kind.

Take a few moments today to really think about this. Whatever you choose to broadcast from your own personal station reverberates throughout your existence. It is up to you to decide how to proceed and what you want to be surrounded with. As always, you are supported and loved regardless. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings

Triggers | The Creator

The Universe would like you to be aware of the current energies and how they may bring triggers along with them. Armed with this knowledge, you are being given the opportunity to prepare to keep yourself centered and calm. If you are in a space of peace and have a conscious awareness of what is really going on, the triggers will lose their emotional charge. This will also give you a moment or two to see/feel where they are coming from so you can safely and comfortably release them to be transformed to light and love. You are being invited to give yourself this gift…every day…for a healthier and more joyful existence. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings

Perfect! | The Creator

There will be times when others judge you.  It is very important to remember that they are not really seeing you; they are seeing what they lack.  When a person is in denial about themselves, they will often project onto you.  When you feel this is happening…take a moment, step outside yourself and look.  Then ask to see what The Universe sees.  The pictures will be very different!  You know you better than anyone.  You know your kindness, compassion, love, joy and pains.  Release the needs to fall into the trap of letting others define you.  You are you and perfect in your imperfections. ~ Creator

Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, TheraHealing Instructor/Practitioner at The Creator Writings