You were created for eternal life in utter joy.

Jesus through John

Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday July 2nd.

Change is in the air!  Yes, all the channeled messages are telling you this, because you do need to focus on your awareness of this.  Don’t just dismiss these seemingly repetitive messages with a shrug and the thought “here we go again,” as your egoic memory kicks in to tell you that you have heard all this before and that really “it’s just the same old, same old.”

I assure you it is not!  Enormous changes are ongoing that will vastly alter the way you live and interact with one another all across the world, regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, religious persuasion, or political beliefs.  This time of great change has been a long time coming, but it is now firmly established on Earth, and despite the unsettling and disturbing news of conflicts and all the consequential problems that follow on from them…

View original post 1,508 more words

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 16 June 2017


Ascension is assured and the time line is strong enough to carry it forward to completion. The year 2024 continues to be the one when it is planned to take place, although if reasons come up that necessitate a change, it may run into 2025. I mention that only to prepare you for such a possibility. A major event is still likely before this year ends and it will almost certainly relate to the coming changes. As time passes the dark Ones are losing their ability to dictate how the closing period works out, and will be out of the way a long time before the major changes take place. For the time being most of the activity will be out of your sight, but when it is safe to do so events will start to come out into the open. You will then enjoy the celebrations and happiness that will descend upon Earth at such a time.

The vibrations of your Earth are the lowest in your Solar System, which is why they feel heavy and uncomfortable to those of you who are raising yours to a higher level. However, things continue to change, the vibrations are increasing, and you will find that as you use your energies to uplift yourself they will gradually bring about subtle changes in you. Some are however the direct result of natural progression, and a quantum leap forward will come when free energy really takes hold. Of necessity it will be given to those most in need before it is issued in a more general manner. It will be the greatest advancement you will have ever been given, and alter the whole way that life functions. To a great extent it will also relieve poverty and save the Earths precious resources from further damage and extraction.

Much of the secret activity on Earth is still carried on out of your sight and looking into the future, as you evolve there will be a greater tendency to go underground where it is generally found to be safer than on the surface. The Earth’s crust goes down for several hundred miles, and is occupied at the lower levels by non-human Beings. Some have been on Earth for hundreds of years, but bear in mind that the more advanced ones most likely live for several hundred years. Man’s life span is gradually increasing as it has done for some time now, and when the vibrations lift even higher the process of aging will come to a point when it will dramatically slow down and eventually stop and you will remain at a mature but young age. The power of thought then becomes the means to present yourself as you desire.

These are times when you must keep an open mind, as so much is soon to be revealed showing that you have been misled and deceived for many, many years. It is not far from the truth to say that nothing is really as you have been led to believe. However that does depend on which source is responsible for your beliefs. Some are nearer to the truth than others, and taking all into consideration Buddhism carries more of the truth than most sources. However, those of you who have developed your intuition should get nearer to the truth than most others. If it feels right it probably is right, but always seek confirmation from other reliable sources if you can.

Obviously some beliefs are more misleading than others and it has to be said that within Christianity there are two that absolutely hold back evolution. Firstly, is the one where you are told that when you die you go to “sleep” until the time when you are caused to awaken. It is so far from the truth, as upon death you step out of your physical body and immediately into your etheric body that is an exact version of your physical body. It is perfect and is free from any of the injuries or defects that your old body may have had, and responds to the power of your thoughts. If you were of old age upon death, you can “think” yourself into a younger version if you wish. You certainly carry karma with you and in time if necessary will have to make amends.

The second misleading belief is that you were born in sin and carry it throughout your life. However, you can clear your karma at any time, and move into a period of harmony and balance. You are certainly not responsible for the sins of your Father, and any imbalance passed onto you is due to the genetics involved, or old karma. It is possible that you have elected to live with the “problems” that you were born with, simply as a means of enhancing your own experiences to advance your evolution.

Remember, that all experience has value and take care to learn the lessons that may come your way, as they will be for your advancement. If you do not at first succeed in making good your karmic lessons, you will always be given further opportunities to do so. The important point for any soul is to understand that nothing happens without good reason, although sometimes your role is to be one who takes part in experiences for the benefit of other souls. All souls are on a learning curve, and in these end times it is vital that you take note of what comes your way and act on it. It may all sound very complicated, but you are not left alone to face the challenges and your Guides are always “at your service”. They know you better than you know yourself so are best suited to give you advice.

The year 2024 is still the expected time for Ascension, and although it may sound a long way off, time is passing so quickly it will not seem long at all. So it is best to look ahead to what you have considered as your most likely path to Ascension, and plan how you are going to prepare for the changes. As the vibrations lift up things on Earth it will become much easier to deal with the type of problems that exist for you now. Peace will start to become evident as many countries turn their backs on warlike actions in favour of moves towards total peace. It will come and must come, as there will be no place very soon for such negative energies that lead to warlike actions. Already moves have taken place to bring world peace into being, and many countries have joined the movement that has brought it about. What a great relief it will be to all the people of your world, when they know that they can move around freely and safely in the knowledge that peace has come to stay.

As you have already been told, remember that when things are in turmoil it is usually a means to an end, as the old way of existing is no longer acceptable and will have to go. Many things are already lined up to ease your daily life and cannot be held back much longer. Positive steps are being taken to move things on as fast as possible, but many obstacles have to be first cleared. Much also depends on getting the right people into power and the necessary changes are taking place now and will continue to do so. They will be covered by the announcement and introduction of the new Congress that now waits in the wings for the right time to come into being. Certainly many evolved souls are already working hard to bring matters to a conclusion, and as with much work of this kind you will not hear much about it until the circumstances are more favourable.

This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Creating with the New Energies ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

There is a point at which you will take the energies that are being given to you, and you will begin to intuitively know what to do with them. Right now, you are swimming in a sea of uncertainty, as the future in front of you is not the same future that you were told about when you were a child growing up. This lifetime and this planet are in for massive changes, and you are going to be the ones to initiate those changes.

You who are sensitive to energy have the ability to mold that energy into form and even use it for creating new systems, new ways of doing things. Your perspectives are the key. What you have been doing for all of the years of this lifetime is honing your perspective, as well as growing as individuals. What you are becoming is also your creation.

Nothing is predetermined from here on out, and your destiny is in your own hands. So when we tell you to feel into the energies that you are receiving, we are telling you to get used to their essence to familiarize yourselves with their vibration, because those are the energies you are working with now and will be working with in the future.

You are not here to create anything like the third-dimensional reality that you are accustomed to, and at times that can be unsettling to your minds, and certainly to your egos. But trust us when we say that you are going to know what to do when the timing is right. You are going to know precisely what to create and how to create it, as all of the aspects of you are reintegrated into the whole of who you are.

All of the lifetimes where you were able to construct objects, cities, and entire realities, using the energy that was in front of you are going to be accessible. All of that information is yours for the taking.

Now your minds are probably wondering why the Arcturians aren’t telling you more, and there’s a good reason for that. The reason is that we don’t want to spoil anything for you, and also because you are the ones who are deciding. All we can tell you is that you are going to know what to do intuitively, you are going to do it, and the worlds that you create with these energies are going to surprise and astound you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Science Fiction as Soft Disclosure


I recently was reminded of the ‘Star Trek’ universe point-of-view with a blog post, relating a solar flash from the sun, with videos of ‘Star Trek’ intros and how disclosure has been happening for many years.  I equated it to the ‘Babylon 5’ universe, which I then reviewed in my memory and on-line. See this Wikipedia entry for an initial look into ‘Babylon 5’.  I would normally post a photo of ‘Babylon 5’ but just doing a Google search brings up numerous images and memories flood into my mind… Great show. Powerful episodes. I watched all the episodes and movies.

Much was revealed and many moral issues facing us today were touched on in this show. My personal point of view was expanded to include both other timelines and dimensions of what we experience as reality. There were episodes that touched on the whole political spectrum including revealing the ‘illuminati’, discussing and showing spiritual evolution or ‘ascension’ of a cast member and of course, many ‘alien’ or non-human life forms were disclosed. Even the idea of aliens working together as ‘councils’ or ‘federations’ were presented in many story lines.

Overall. the ‘Babylon 5’ universe was broadcast from 1993-98. It included 110 episodes spanning five seasons on television. The creator of this science fiction television series, J. Michael Straczynski,  wrote, directed and produced this series and several movies in this universe. And an ‘universe’ it is, somewhat like the ‘Star Trek’ universe but much more gritty and realistic.

Personally, I was enamored with Ambassador Delenn, a strong woman who was unlike other women, much as myself. She ruled her world with a determined aura and was knowledgeable in many areas ‘not of this world’.

And of course, her most powerful scene…


This fictional television series from the ’90s was definitely disclosure and anyone not familiar with it is encouraged to check it out. It will expand your world view. I have also found out through the years there are persons you would never expect that are fans of this show and ‘get it’. My own sister comes to mind.

I think many people would welcome disclosure and recognize it as it happens or is happening right now. See Corey Goode, David Wilcock and the information at the Prepare for Change Network to start seaching for the non-fiction version of the ‘truth’. Big subjects still being disclosed, even now.

I would argue that basically all of science fiction has been a form of soft disclosure is one form or another. These fictional worlds have disclosed real truth to masses of people in non-threatening ways. And with all the non-fictional pieces of disclosure coming at us fast and furious, I believe it is better to know the truth, face our fears and watch them disappear in the light.

We can, in fact, ‘handle the truth’ and deserve nothing less. Or as Sophia Love and I’m sure others have said, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”


❤ Denise

Source: Science Fiction as Soft Disclosure

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 24 March 2017


Many of you are well prepared for Ascension, but some are also lagging behind with little chance that they will really improve their position in the time that is left. However, each soul will be given every opportunity to lift themselves up, and no one else can do it for them. You have all come a long way with your experiences since the beginning when you dropped down to one of the lowest levels. The fact that so many of you have risen up whilst experiencing many tough challenges is a credit to your determination and perseverance. You will soon reap the benefit of your achievements and are to be congratulated for them. One thing for sure is that you will not have to walk this pathway again, as the time for testing in the lower vibrations has passed and you are all the greater for your achievements.

If you are ready to listen to helpful advice there is much available on your websites. By now most will have identified those incarnate souls like David Wilcock who are the teachers for the New Age. Their messages will carry an energy that is uplifting and subconsciously you will know that they speak the truth. Clearly not every soul is ready for the truth as some are only just awakening and find it hard to comprehend. The problem is that so much that is untrue or distorted has been placed before you, and it has been difficult to sift the truth from it. However, there are always well informed souls around at such an important time and you will find yourself drawn towards them. The truth has a quality of meaning that will resonate with you, and in any event can be checked out against reliable information coming through from other sources.

Your Internet is awash with the truth but also false messages intended to mislead you. If in doubt leave it out, as given time you will always get confirmation of the truth and your intuition should enable you to identify it. If it feels right it usually is so trust yourself as Lightworkers tend to find others who are also of the Light, and it occurs because of the positive energy being given out. These energies make you feel good to be around such people, but the opposite applies where the vibrations are lower and lacking harmony. Hopefully established Lightworkers will already be known to most of you. However, some souls do come and go quite quickly, particularly where their task is to cast their influence to affect the outcome of what has been given to you.

The Forces of Light are winning the battle against the dark Ones, and much work that is largely unreported has taken place within the Inner Earth. It is gradually being cleared of bases that in some cases have existed for many, many years. The Earth is a maze of tunnels that in some instances stretch for hundreds of miles and even have high speed rail. Some will ask how it could exist without it being generally known, but that is because the dark Ones have almost total control of the news sources. You only learn of events that they allow you to know about. The exception is the “underground” news that you read about through your Internet.

It is likely that you will learn more of the truth when the dark Ones are unable to exert their influence as before. Then it is possible that it will come flooding out and you will hardly have time to catch your breath. There are many revelations waiting to be revealed that will quickly place the truth before you, and explain what has been happening over almost the last 80 years. Secrecy has kept hidden progress that could have propelled you into a New Age with all of the advancements that go with it, whereas you have been kept in a time warp having been denied of much that would have improved your lives. However you will not be denied for much longer and when the time is right you will be given the benefits that are waiting to be released.

As matters reach rock bottom those who are able to change your circumstances will come to the fore, and introduce many innovations that will improve the quality of life. Is it not unbelievable that millions starve in a world of plenty, ravaged by constant wars and disputes. Peace would seem to be a long way off, yet there are those who have the answers if only they had the power to introduce them. Vested interests try to keep you in a state of need because that is how they make big profits and keep you under their control. However, do not despair as matters cannot continue as they are for much longer and changes for the better must commence to improve the situation. Even now major help organisations are working hard to overcome the desperate situation so many people find themselves in.

The world does not look as if it could recover from the plight it is in, but hope exists and plans are in hand to turn the situation around. Be aware that once the right people can work unhindered, relief for many countries will take place even so that the task is massive and almost impossible to handle. Those of the Light use their time to prepare for the times that approach when they can carry out their relief programs without interference. Because of the vast scale of need in countries such as Africa, it is a situation that calls for massive amounts of money to fund the programs. The Human Race is not warlike but led into war to satisfy the greed of those who make profit out of it, by for example supplying arms to both sides.

The truth paints a grim picture of things on Earth yet you are hardy people who have been through much and still maintained your “fighting” spirit and will not give in to those who would pull you down. Your determination will see you through the immediate period, and you will be well rewarded by eventually receiving all of the held back advancements that you deserve. Naturally it will take time and planning to bring the improvements in, but with help from your off world friends it will seem quite quick. So never give up or add to the pessimism that exists because the future has already been written, and no one can stop it from manifesting because as you say, it is written in the stars.

Time has been speeding up for quite some time, and is a sure sign that you are in a period of change and upliftment. As you continue to enter the higher vibrations world peace draws nearer and slowly but surely conflicts will begin to cease until eventually they completely stop. It may seem improbable to you but remember that there are powerful forces supporting the Human Race who are your Keepers, and they will make sure that all proceeds as intended. War or similar low vibrations cannot exist in your future so you can look forward to complete peace and happiness.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Website: Tree of the Golden Light


Because of an unacceptable level of delay and inconvenience from my Post Office Account, I am in the process of changing to a new Server. They informed me that the changeover would take about 14 days, so I will not be sending out a message on the 31st March and 7th April. I am told I may be able to keep my existing Email address, but if not I will inform you of my new one as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support as we get nearer to the time of change, and achieve a peaceful conclusion as we enter the New Age.

Mike Quinsey.

The Evolution of Your Solar System ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We will give you plenty of information that will make much more sense when you are further along on your journeys. So we are planting seeds with all of you. We are helping, and assisting, and putting things in front of you so that you will know when you are on to something. We give you these bits and pieces because we do not want to overload your systems and because it takes time to process that which you receive.

What we want to give you today is a bit of information about your solar system. Your solar system is evolving. Your solar system is changing. You are not going to be in the exact same solar system that you were in when you complete the shift. There will be new planets. There may be two suns. You may no longer have a moon.

There are lots of things that are shifting, and all of this information that we are giving you now is meant to trigger something within you. It’s meant to start you down a particular path, a path that will lead you to more of your galactic history and also more of your role in all of this.

You all played a part in the creation of this solar system. This is your plan being executed. When you think about the influence that planets have upon you right now, imagine how much more of an influence they will have upon you when you have a few new ones floating around. Imagine the impact of two suns, and realize that your desire to experience these changes comes from a knowing that these changes are inevitable and that they serve you all very well.

Your galaxy is going to get much smaller and much more accessible, and everything about your solar system is going to shift along with you. You are the benefactors of these changes. You are the ones who bring them about, experience them, and decide on the next ones. So this isn’t just happening. You are creating it.

You are creating the new solar system, the new galaxy and the new universe so that you all may thrive in the ways that you were always meant to thrive. You are becoming more of yourselves, and so of course the outer world would be a reflection of that.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self 24 February 2017

For me, sometimes it’s just easier to listen rather than read. So, instead of posting the usual written article by Mike Quinsey, I decided to post a YouTube video of his channeling.

There are several YouTube channels that post videos of channeled material and I decided to post a link to Mario Gattoaladino’s channel which has numerous postings in many languages other than English. Mario’s channel generally posts videos using a female voice, which I find easy to listen to. 

Additionally, this message spoken of by Mike is a powerful one and is worth the time to listen to. 


Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 17 February 2017


The overview we have of activities on Earth is different to yours because as we see it all is happening on many different time lines, making it difficult to accurately forecast the course of events. However, one thing is certain and it is that the elite of the dark Ones continue to lose their control over you, and are destined for complete failure. It is a shattering conclusion for a group who once believed themselves to be invincible, and able to dictate the future of Humanity. Now you are becoming free to decide your own destiny, although for a period of time it will seem chaotic until the path for you becomes clear. There will unavoidably be hardships and uncertainty, but in time all will become clear and your future assured as you begin to enjoy your new found freedom.

Times are beginning to change more quickly than you may have anticipated, and from many quarters will come the truth that has been withheld from you for eons of time. The whole history of the Human Race will have to re-written that will be quite different to what you have been taught. Your isolation from other Beings has however been intentional, to ensure that you could evolve without outside influence or interference. However, it will be necessary to sort the wheat from the chaff, as only souls that have reached a higher level will be able to ascend. It is a natural process and no one is choosing who is ready to ascend, as it is quite automatic based on your present vibrations. Be assured that every soul has been given the same opportunity to ascend, but many know that they are not ready at this particular time.

Bear in mind that all experience is of value, and that every lifetime gives you the opportunity to increases your level of vibration. Your Guides play a big part in guiding you along a path that meets your needs, and since they can see the overall picture of your evolution know what is best for you. You will normally discuss such things and you still have the freedom to choose how your life plan works out. No one is left without assistance although some souls are unaware of it, and their lives are often so much more of a challenge. Whatever stage you feel that you are at try to see what direction you are going in, and always make the best of any opportunities to evolve. Stay positive and avoid negative actions, as they may involve karma that will show the need for more experiences than you planned.

Understand that all of you with few exceptions are old souls with much experience, and you should be able to handle whatever challenges come your way. Your memory of past incarnations has been deliberately closed off from you, to allow you a full experience of life in the lower vibrations. There are enough distractions without them, and you do need your full attention on the progress of your life plan. Again it is worth mentioning that you agreed to it prior to incarnating. Every soul has an objective and these are set at different levels of achievement according to how far they have developed. You will never be given more than is reasonably expected of you, and as you know you have other souls working with you from higher dimensions. Through your life you will meet new people as and when it is necessary to help you reach a new level. Obviously some of your most important relationships are within your own family. You may question that where they appear to be unworkable, but that may be the very reason why that link has been made. The truth of all links will be explained to you once that particular life has finished.

One of the first things you do on passing over is to have a life review, and see where you have succeeded and nothing can or will be hidden. In this way you will also see where you have failed so that necessary steps can be taken in your next life to accept those challenges again. It is all about your evolution. As having dropped down into the lower vibrations you need guidance on how to make your way back to the Light that is your true home. Mother Earth is a sentient Being and has a lot offer, and is a beautiful orb that has so much variety and so many wonders to experience. After Ascension you will see the Earth in the pinnacle of her beauty without trace of the damage and destruction caused by Man. Can you imagine being where you are able to communicate with all forms of life, because that time is not very far away.

You have a saying that is “never judge a book by its cover” and it is very much the same for Human Beings who are often judged by outer appearances. In your times Jesus has appeared on Earth on more than one occasion, and was not accepted by those he met and to whom he revealed his true identity. So you never know who you might meet in their disguise as a Human Being. Naturally some souls who are One with the Teachers will sometimes reveal their last life connections, but it is usually obvious when a highly evolved soul incarnates. All through your history it has happened when Humanity has needed to be uplifted, and this present time is no exception. Great souls have re-incarnated to help you get through the challenges confronting you, and they cannot fail. Look around you and you will be able to identify such souls amongst you.

It is known that many souls are awaiting re-valuation of the currencies, but like everything else it will only go ahead when the circumstances permit it. In the long term all currencies will be assessed and adjusted to ensure a fair rate compared with others. Naturally some countries have more natural assets than others and that will be reflected in the new rates of exchange. The immediate need is for parity amongst some of them that do not reflect their true value. This task has been the subject of many reviews that are more or less completed. You may be sure that before long the markets will be operating on an equal basis, where all have the same opportunity to carry out their business.

In spite of the apparent chaos around you there is an underlying plan that is going ahead, that will give you a set up that is going to bring the New Age into being. Many groups are at the ready to bring out their contributions to it, and for example will propel you into it so quickly that you may have difficulty in keeping up with it. However, that is necessary to make up for lost time because as you are aware, you should by now have been a lot further forward and beginning to enjoy the advantages of them. New inventions that will make life so much easier are ready to be introduced, and you will know that you are truly at the beginning of a New Age. All that you have been promised will be available and ready to launch you into it at all speed. As you have already been informed, free energy is at the top of the list that will immediately enhance your quality of life.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Website: Tree of the Golden Light


Expanding on an Idea. – The Council


In our last message, we mentioned that you would be well served to focus upon the idea that your current circumstance will result in the creation of the world that you have dreamed of living in, even if you cannot see how you might get there from where you are. We would like to expand upon that statement if we may.

There was a time in your history, long forgotten – or actually written out of the record, when the progress of the consciousness of earth humans was made to take a giant step backward. This was not made to happen by you. It was not made to happen by the will of divinity. It happened when intruders with highly developed technology entered your free will world and caused what you have called ‘the fall’. Two things happened at that time that are relevant to our topic. First, you began the long, hard road back, which has resulted in thousands of years of valuable learning experience for you and every being you may meet in the future. And second, the decree by the Divine that you would, indeed, return to your highest divine state. In other words, dear friends, it is a done deal.

Now, what began as a very slow process, has increased in momentum during the whole of the time since this all began. And the momentum has also built upon itself. It’s sort of like the increase in velocity of a falling object, with the exception that a falling object reaches a maximum velocity due to the resistance of the atmosphere on your planet. You have not had to deal with that. And your velocity is now beginning to be quite noticeable, is it not?

The fact that the outcome of this process has been determined is very important. It means several things are true. First, you will arrive in your new world. Period. That is a given. Then, an effect of that which is becoming noticed more and more is this:  no matter what attempt may be made to delay or waylay your progress, the result will inevitably serve to increase your progress. Some of you have begun to see this happening. We will tell you that it is becoming extremely frustrating to those who thought they could keep you from your highest potential.

So you see, all roads do, in a sense, lead to Rome. The only way an individual can avoid this is by choice. And even that choice will only result in delay.

We think it is time to remind you that you are only returning to the home that you left. It is time to remember that this is your home. It is time to know that this home is your birthright. It is time to realize that all of the ‘stuff’ that you have seen in illusion is not, and was not, reality. Reality is your divine self. Reality is the power that is the life force that you are. You still have a great deal to learn about that, but learn it you will. Time to turn your intent to that end.


 There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, Available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: