World Peace Prayer/Meditation

“If there is to be peace in the world, There must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, There must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, There must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, There must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, There must be peace in the heart.” ~Lao Tse

A beautiful, light-filled peace meditation fitting for us today.

The Schumann Resonance Bursts and Affects on Human Consciousness | YouTube

From Jordon Sather – Synopsis – What’s happening with the Earth’s Schumann Resonance lately and how that correlates with brain wave activity and various levels of consciousness. Very interesting and informative with a dash of humor thrown in. 😉 Denise

The Collective – A Message to Lightworkers – April 19, 2017 | Caroline Oceana Ryan


The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Creators of the New Earth!

We are aware that many of you have been feeling the effects not only of powerful astrological shifts as of late, but of energy shifts that feel to be emanating from the Earth Herself.

You are not merely “imagining” these changes of renewal and reformation (though imaging is a powerfully active way to co-Create).

You are in the midst of a powerful new stream of Divine Light, pouring into the planet and being received and actively engaged with by Earth, in ways you have not previously witnessed.


This has ushered in forms of higher Light that Earth Herself has not acted upon for many eons.

She is now actively repudiating all forms, structures, and intentions acting against her higher good and soul purpose.

It is so that things appear chaotic at times. Yet in many countries, as we have noted before now, the veil over the words, actions, and faces of your politicians and others supposedly in “authority” has grown so thin that their true intentions, loyalties, and oaths of allegiance can no longer be hidden from sight.

Most human beings are sensing this change, and many millions are fully aware of it, to the point of openly expressing their refusal to be a “minion” or passive recipient of that which is decided for them, against their will and higher good, and against the higher good of the planet.

You are, in other words, finding your Voice as a species, and this is no small thing in Earth’s current timeline.

This has enabled the plans for full enactment and announcement of NESARA, including full disclosure of the Galactic presence, to move forward at an unprecedented pace.

Nor are you feeling now, as much of humanity did during the two world wars of the twentieth century, that you are powerless to affect or redirect the intentions of those who make decrees and what they refer to as “laws,” or who push buttons and give orders for one military action or another.

You have seen the intention for war being carried out only so far, then nullified in some way, so that the full course of action cannot take place.

This is due to several things, which in many ways outstretch even the commitment of the higher realms and your Galactic family to ensure that nuclear arsenal is never again used against the Earth.

It is your own human resolve—small though you may still consider yourselves to be at times—that is stopping these increasingly impotent manufacturers of war in their tracks.

We do not say that no damage is being done, for clearly, many are still suffering, and we do not diminutize the importance of their experience or their lifepaths.

But we do see the scale tipping powerfully and decisively in favor of Peace, in favor of an end to the madness that Earth has witnessed for millennia.

So that even though you appear to still have the same groups and individuals “in charge,” we assure you, they are losing what they call “power,” by the day and hour.

You hold that power now, and it is not power as you have been taught since childhood—the whims and preferences of a tiny minority outweighing that of the majority.

It is not a matter of two apparent opposing sides beating one another at politics, so that at least half the population can rest assured that “our side won” this war or that election, while the other side, equally distracted by divisions of thought and allegiance, swears to regain the upper hand at the next possible opportunity.

The time is past for this, and you are aware of such.

And so whatever color or emblem you have been taught to wear, we ask that you take off that hat or armband, and throw it permanently away.

Everyone is of their own unique color, and their own unique outlook, and there is nothing but room in the New Earth for an expression of every form of individuality, which the old system only ever condemned as dangerous to the good of the whole.


We would say, that IS the good of the whole.

Each voice, each soul presence, pouring its higher intentions into the great river that is human progression, and Earth’s Ascension—that can only contribute positively to that forward movement you have dreamt of and planned for so long, in so many Earth lives.

We are greatly heartened by the number of you refusing to fall for the separateness and divisiveness of the old ways, and refusing to take the deceptions and false promises as a safe place for your and your community’s needs.

For they cannot be.

It is you who are creating the new forms of community, of group and individual empowerment, that will lead you all from feelings of having very few choices, to having more choices than you know what to do with.

You are the ones to decide not how to disempower Earth, but where to plant trees, how to manufacture vehicles that run on water or sunlight, how best to educate children so that their imaginations flourish and their individuality is celebrated.

You are the ones to decide the requirements for a new economy based on equality and abundance for all, and on varying forms of community living.

You are the ones to decide to celebrate national cultures, releasing all thought of fear-based border protections.

And you are the ones to say, “All false gods and false leaders—we release you! We have no further need of the lessons you have taught us. We have no need to live in the shadows any longer.

“We learn more now from anchoring upon the Earth the freedoms of the higher realms. And we accept the responsibilities that come with higher dimensional living.

“We are now freeing the planet for a greater expression of Love, for the power of soul presence, over all false forms of “power” as the third dimension viewed it.”

And so, if you are ready, say Yes now.

Yes to NESARA, Yes to full disclosure, Yes to full responsibility—to grabbing the reins, and co-Creating this New Earth that you have mistakenly waited for.

It awaits you, powerful Light Beings. And we see you continuing to stand, and to claim it.

Namaste! We are constantly with you.


Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.

A Surge of Energy from Mother Earth ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

There has been a surge of energy rising up from within the core of the Earth. It is making itself available to all of you. Its purpose is to support you, to help you feel more connected to Mother Earth. Its purpose is to ground you and to open you up to all of the energy that your planet provides for you. It does so freely. It does so because your planet loves you.

She is your mother. She is your collective consciousness in physical form. She is the oversoul of humanity, and she is also a guide, supporting you, loving you, giving you everything that you need to survive, and asking nothing in return. Now that the surge of energy from the core has reached the surface, you can expect to feel a difference when you are making a conscious connection to Mother Nature and Mother Earth.

You are galactic mutts, with DNA and genetic material from all over this Milky Way. However, you were born here on planet Earth, and she has given you life. She has given you physical form, and she has cared for you all of your days in all of your lifetimes. When you acknowledge the power of that connection that you have to your planet, you feel more alive, you feel more secure, and you feel uplifted, even though your feet are planted firmly on the ground.

Her nature is to love, to give, and to be that support that is always there for you. We understand that you have lots of other things to attend to in your lives, but we recommend that you give some thanks, some praise, and some love to this Earth of yours. When you do, you will resonate more with that surge of energy that has risen from the core, and you will use that energy to propel you forward on your journey, to give you everything that you need. And you didn’t even have to ask for it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 27th January 2017


You are involved in making mammoth changes, that when you look back will be seen as the turning point in the history of the Earth. They are necessary to sweep away that which would have held you back, and make way for changes that will set the scene for the New Age to commence. The dark Ones no longer have sufficient control to dictate the way in which the future progresses. They are also going to feel the consequences of losing access to unlimited funding for their black projects. They are also finding it impossible to tightly control operations on Earth, and people who have been reluctant to come out with what they know, are now feeling the courage to do so. It all adds up to a shift in the powers upon Earth, and those working for the Light no longer feel so restricted. President Trump has a list of important changes he wishes to make and will lose no time in putting them into place.

Because most people do not know what has been taking place on Earth, they cannot understand what is happening, or the reasons behind the changes. However, in the course of time it will become quite clear, particularly with the coming official announcement of the new Republic of the United States. Events are due to happen quite quickly and you can be sure that those carrying out positive actions are protected by the higher Forces of Light. Your destiny and that of the Earth is to ascend, and the changes will continue in preparation for such a momentous event. So try to understand that the changes are necessary even if they cause some discomfort. One day you will look back and see that everything that occurred was directed towards fulfilling the prophesies in connection with the New Age.

News of events is very much controlled and the dark Ones still have sufficient power to restrict what you read. Consequently you will be unable to read of the true nature of what is occurring, but with discretion can find sufficient information on the Internet to get a general understanding. As the changes increase more sources will open up that are prepared to give out the truth. What is happening in the skies above you is again not reported, and has reached a point where craft from many sources including those from off Earth are engaged in a battle for supremacy. However, there is a protective shield around the Earth that is keeping out unwanted intruders.

The Cabal is losing its grip of the events taking place on the Earth, and that could lead to the downfall of the Hierarchy. Be assured however that your destiny has already been decided and you will end up victorious as you continue your way to Ascension. It has been decreed by those who are in control of events upon Earth, so no matter if things should appear otherwise, you cannot lose the battle as you will eventually see. Matters do normally proceed quite slowly but you are in a period when they will speed up quite a bit, and make up for lost time. You have been very patient and we recommend keeping calm regardless of the provocation, as it is so important that you keep your vibrations as high as possible. Otherwise the dark Ones will benefit from it, which is why they deliberately cause as much trouble, fear and confusion as possible.

For those who desire to tell others, be sure that they are ready for such information. Too much can sometimes have a frightening effect and achieve the opposite to what was intended. Ensure people realise that the cleansing is for the good of all souls, and is part of the plan to bring the New Age into being. The timing of changes is difficult to forecast as the situation has to be at a certain stage for them to take place. Of prime concern is the safety of those involved, so action will not be taken that may endanger their lives. There are a whole sequence of events lined up that will carry you forward with all speed, and it is important that they are not interrupted or stalled for any reason. Be assured that the plan for disclosure has been well thought out, and allowances have been made for a change of direction should it be necessary.

The time is approaching when you shall see the Inner Earth Beings come to the surface. They will naturally wait for a suitable time when any likely threat to them has been removed. Having evolved much further than Humans, they will have a lot to offer that will help you to go speeding ahead with changes that will propel into the New Age. There are also other civilisations that will help you and do so in the spirit of mutual friendship. It will be a new experience for many of you and very uplifting after all of the negativity you have encountered.

With the coming of revelations about your experiences upon Earth, you will be well tested as to your ability to hold back from seeking revenge upon those who are guilty of crimes against Humanity. However, you must not allow yourselves to seek it as justice will be carried out by those best suited to deal with such crimes. They come from the higher realms and are very experienced in dealing with such matters. They are totally of the Light and will seek to lift up the guilty ones to the higher vibrations, so as to give them an opportunity to rise up again. No one is considered as a lost soul without every effort being made to return them to the Light.

It is only in recent times that you have begun to realise that you have been living in a dream world that has little to do with your true reality. You have often been working your way through a jungle of lies and deceit, not that your experiences have been wasted, far from it as they have given you immense strength with which to be a mentor to others facing the lower dimensions. You have successfully battled your way through whatever challenges have confronted you. You now stand as one who can confidently face the Beings who believe that might is right, and have no love or understanding for other races that have evolved beyond such beliefs.

You might believe that those who are the dark Ones should be left to their own fate, and certainly they are allowed to experience as they chose. However, all their actions carry responsibility for the outcome, and will not be overcome until they realise the truth. God does not wish to see souls permanently consigned to the darkness and encourages those of the Light to help them out of their false beliefs. Time is the healer but some souls are so embedded in them that they cannot comprehend a better way of life. Each soul that turns to the Light will be welcomed with open arms and given every help to lift themselves up again.

I know that outwardly great confusion exists upon Earth, but as things become clearer it will be seen that there is a positive purpose in what is happening. So I will leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Website: Tree of the Golden Light


Wisdom from Native America


“Everything on earth is borrowed…
There is no “mine” or “yours”, there is only “ours”…
Even time is borrowed.
We kill over a plot of land that belongs only to our mother Earth.
All that you have, you came with…
and what you will leave with…. your Spirit.”

– Native American proverb


Beautiful Painting by Susan Seddon Boulet

Text & image source: The Sacred ༐ J჌urney ༐ Of The ༐ S჌ul. 2

Source: Wisdom from Native America

Mike Quinsey – Channeling His Higher Self – September 30, 2016


Each day events move a stage closer to being announced, and when the situation is positive and the higher Ones are satisfied it is safe to do so they will go ahead without delay. The excitement is growing in the higher dimensions as you are approaching a momentous time that has been long awaited, and it is certain that a great step forward will soon be taken that has the potential to occur in just days. However, do not be disappointed if nothing happens as intimated, as any delay will have been for a very good reason. Regardless of delays the fact remains that nothing will have changed and those changes you expected will still manifest. There is a time and a place for every thing, and it is in your interests that the most essential decisions are taken by those who have an overall view and understanding of what is taking place on Earth.

The magnitude of what is happening is beyond your complete understanding, but know that you are privileged to be the Ones who are directly experiencing such a wonderful time. Indeed you are those who have been chosen to ascend in your physical bodies, and it will be a unique event. Realise that at a certain level the “old” Earth body will change to one that is of a much higher vibration. A pleasant surprise will be that you cannot in fact carry forward anything less than the perfected version of your body, free of all the blemishes and defects associated with the old Earthly vibrations. However, do not expect too much too soon, and all will come in good time for your Ascension. Enjoy your vision of the new Earth free of all restraints and opposition from those who only serve Self. Stay centred and positive and do not be misled by what is happening around you. You can stand in the midst of all the troubles as a shining Light that will lift others up.

The Illuminati are creating their own downfall, but will never stop trying to achieve their ambition of ruling the world. They would stop at nothing to do so and like a wounded animal are at their most dangerous when their position is threatened. Rest assured that whatever they do will be to no avail, as their days are numbered and defeat is staring them in the face. It is no wonder that so much is happening at once, but out of the chaos will come the most encouraging signs that will clearly signal the manifestation of a New Age. You of the Light are on your way up and soon will reach the point of change where you leave the old energies behind for good, and enjoy the fruits of your progress.

When you ascend you will not need any of your “belongings” as everything you are likely to need already exists in the higher dimensions. Also you will have the power to create according to your needs, as the power of thought will enable you to have exactly what you desire. Mind sets will change and since you can “think” your needs into existence there will be no need to accumulate wealth. Money will already have been dispensed with as it will be no longer needed. Many other welcome changes will take place as the New Age is fully implemented.

Each of you were chosen to be present at such an important time, as all have something to offer that will help manifest the new energies. You are old souls who have had so many incarnations and have progressed so well that you are potentially ready to ascend. You have learnt all that the lower vibrations have to offer having been well tested in the fires of duality, and able to overcome the many challenges you have encountered. You are due your reward by leaving the lower vibrations behind and entering the bliss and joy of the higher vibrations.

Just imagine how exciting it will be to meet other Races who have been waiting such an opportunity to meet you, having been previously directed not to interfere with your evolution. There are others who are simply interested in making friends and sharing their advanced knowledge with you. There are also those who have followed your development and realise that you are soon to rise up with Mother Earth. Those of the lower vibrations will also move on and continue their evolution as before. The future will be full of surprises, and meeting old friends who are close to you who can hardly wait to see you again. Life for you may be difficult just now, but do not be disheartened as for those who read these messages it is almost a certainty that you are well on the path to Ascension.

The truth about all matters awaits you and will be given at the appropriate time. Much of your history as you understand it is far from the truth and intentionally confused by those who desired to control you. However, as the vibrations lift up it is getting harder for them to hide their motives, and the truth behind their actions is becoming more apparent. You are great Beings who are held back in many respects and it means that your lives have been deprived of advances that would have greatly lifted your quality of life. However, do not despair as all things will come to you in the very near future. Behind many of the experiences you have had are Beings who direct events on Earth. Although the negative Ones are also carrying out their life plan, the result is that all along the path you are travelling they keep presenting you with challenges that aid your evolution. It is sometimes fast and furious but if you can see yourselves through it, you will evolve much faster. Whatever happens it is all part of Gods Plan to lead you back to the Godhead.

There is so much money waiting to be distributed there will come a time when no one will need to live in poverty. It will be backed by precious metals and maintain its value. However, as you continue to rise up it will eventually become unnecessary and will not in any way adversely affect your quality of life. Live Love and Love Life, and it will be a splendid experience unlike any you have had previously. The first priority is to cover the needs of those who live in inhuman conditions due to prolonged wars and conflicts, and naturally the source of their troubles will be first addressed.

As you look back and around you it will be obvious that the changes have speeded up, and out of them is coming a more acceptable way of life. It will cause divisions between those who welcome change, and those who are steeped in the past and cannot let go. But the changes cannot be held back as the New Age is well under way, and soon you will see evidence of it. What you have been waiting for is in sight and announcements to that effect will soon be made. Great times are ahead and you will find that the wait has been well worthwhile.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – September 2, 2016


The movement against the dark Ones is gaining pace as more groups take action against them. The overall affect will diminish their power and prevent them from carrying out their plan. It enables those of the Light to work with little interference and thus able to achieve their aims. The end times will therefore fulfil their earlier promises of ensuring that Ascension fully takes place. Outwardly there is a picture of continuing turmoil but in time most will come to an end, or be forced to stop their actions. Be aware that there are Beings such as the Spheres who are many thousands of years ahead of Man, and have technologies that are far greater than anything that has even been thought possible. They can change things in an instant and there is absolutely nothing that can be done to stop them. In spite of all that they would not interfere in any way that would take away our karmic responsibilities.

Much is happening on Earth at this time as the outworking of karma has brought old disputes to the forefront. These have to be cleared and a position created where opposing forces can once again come together. This reasoning can also be applied to individual karma and many souls have much to handle that may in some instances go back several lives. Lessons have to be learnt if a soul’s evolution is to continue progressing. Often the hardest ones take place when you are strong enough to handle them, so no one is given more than they can cope with. Karma can seem unfair if you do not understand how it has come about, but be certain that at some stage you will be given full details. By your reasoning it can be “good or bad” but either way you get exactly what you deserve. Therefore people that seem to lead a peaceful and trouble free life have most likely cleared their karmic debts.

As you contemplate the future know that you are creating your part in it now, even if it is only in your subconscious mind. Opportunities are placed upon your life path so that you can work towards completion, more so because of the importance of the end times. Yet you still have freewill to change your mind and usually you would not do that unless you had discussed it with your Guides. They better understand your position being able to look back at your past progress and development. That you have such caring souls around you ensures that you do not make a totally wrong decision. Even without waking awareness of your Guides, they have constantly guided you on your path so that you gained the experiences you desired to have. Sometimes a soul can feel lonely or even deserted but be assured that your Guides are always with you. There are times when it is best that you fully contemplate your actions and the outcome, in the silence and peace of solitude.

All of you are brave souls who undertook to experience the lower dimensions, knowing that you would forget your true selves. You have battled in each life to lift yourselves up again and experienced the highs and lows of the 3rd dimension. Some of you have made your mark and your names have entered the history books, but in time it will be forgotten having served its purpose. Fame or shame are not carried forward but simply a part of your needed experiences. In the final reckoning you are all equal as ascended souls, when you take your place in the Galaxy as a Galactic Being. That time may be way ahead of you, but it is helpful to know what the future offers you and the goal that you are aiming for. It is your return journey to the levels that you left when you volunteered to experience separation.

Many Light Workers have offered their services to help Man through the coming period of changes, and each will be used according to their experience. As you can imagine, once the changes can safely be put into motion there will be an enormous amount to do. However, as mentioned previously the Galactic Forces will greatly assist you by using their advanced technologies where possible. The priority is to give every soul a decent standard of living until they are able to support themselves. Therefore the first area for upliftment will be what you call the Third World. They can however work quickly and in real terms no one will have to wait long for relief.

There are currently two schools of thought operating, and one is of the lower vibration when actions are based on the old beliefs, the other one is influenced by spiritual understanding and the messages from your Space Friends. The two are not compatible and provide the source for much misunderstanding and confusion, along with deliberately misleading information. You are therefore advised to identify the source of bogus reports and messages and reject them. Some dubious sources will in any event gradually fall away.

Very frequently the question arises as to which of you will pass over before Ascension, and the answer is all of you who have it as part of your life plan. It does not mean that you will miss out on this great event, as you will be just as aware as those who remain on Earth. Your degree of participation will be different but all will come together after Ascension has taken place. Of course all of this is arranged with your agreement prior to your incarnation upon Earth, and will have been discussed with you. All life plans are in place and set up to work in your best interests.

It is almost certain that each soul on Earth at this time is present because they have evolved sufficiently to gain from this final period of the cycle. Many will know intuitively that this is their last incarnation in the lower vibrations, and there is no reason why they should not ascend. It is a time to celebrate yet you do not recall the various lives that have led you to this point. However, there will be a review to ensure that the lessons you needed have been well learnt. You will certainly not have to go through the same tests again, although you may face some at a more acceptable level. Always bear in mind that you never stop learning and still have higher levels to experience.

The future is bright and welcoming and ample reward for all those brave and great souls who volunteered to pit themselves against the trials and tribulations that the lower vibrations presented. You all faced it with confidence and knew that your Guides and others of the Light would follow your progress, and always be with you. Celebrations are in order and the excitement is already rising. So go about your last days and tasks that you still have to fulfil, with confidence and joy in your hearts knowing that your journey is nearly over.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


Website: Tree of the Golden Light


The Meek Shall Inherit…. | Golden Age of Gaia


August 20, 2016 by

Isn’t it ironic that the meek are about to inherit the Earth? What the lumbering dinosaurs of the cabal wanted, in the end, the wee nimble mammals possess. My apologies to Jesus. I use “inherit” here in a way he never intended, to make a point about our lust for money and power.

Everywhere you look, violence flaring up now is destined to die down and the peace-loving and compassionate are about to inherit the globe.

Those who insist on violence, rape, and murder will no longer be able to tolerate the refined vibrations and will leave, if they haven’t left already. Leaving the meek behind to go on.

One reason this world will work for everyone is that everyone committed to unworkability will have left.

The Earth that the bullies of the world – the Hitlers and Mussolinis and Stalins – threw everything they had into dominating has outlasted their attempts and will now flourish.

The Earth that the “masters of the universe” – the cabal’s politicians, technocrats, bankers, spies, soldiers, and police – tried to dominate through the use of off-planet weapons, weather warfare, pandemic viruses, and every other stratagem they could think of remains free of their chains.


(1) It’s about to see the meek inherit it; and

(2) … the meek don’t want it.

The meek will suddenly find themselves wealthy beyond imagination. They’re in an ideal position to become the next cabal.

But the meek don’t want to inherit the Earth even though it appears that their opportunity is here. They don’t want power over others. They don’t want to use their money to control and possess.

They’re not interested in money and power as goals unto themselves; simply as means to a divine end. They only want to serve and the wages of service are love.

As far as the Earth herself is concerned, we fail to see that the Earth is no one’s to inherit, that the Earth is a being which allows us to reside on her (and apparently in her, as with the Agarthans), by her grace.

If she wanted or needed to, she could shrug us off in one volcanic maelstrom. And when we explode nuclear bombs in her body or above her, rob her of the oil that lubricates her, or commit atrocities like genocide and world war all over and above her, one of her choices might have been to ascend and leave us all behind.

But Gaia decided not to take that path, but to keep her unruly children with her.

The larger portion of what the meek might inherit, it’s hoped they’ll return to the people.  It’s envisioned that they’ll fund every worthwhile effort that will end wars forever, lift the poor and starving out of their misery, end disease, turn deserts into gardens, and redeem the polluted seas globally.

The meek will plant seeds and trees and rebuild species.  They’ll develop new free-energy technologies and leave her oil in the ground, where it needs to be.

If any of it is an inheritance, they’ll be blessing others with it, not in the old way – after they’re dead – but in the new way – while they’re here.

The important point is that, no matter how powerful the “masters of the universe” were in material terms, what they planned to do with their wealth and other resources did not serve or support the Divine Plan.

That Plan is about increasing unification until we are One, knowing our own true nature as God, and helping others, who are our own Self after all, along the journey from God to God.  That Plan doesn’t merely govern events on Earth, but everywhere.

Anything that serves to undermine the Plan is a house built on sand. It will not stand.

So the meek continue in service to others, modestly, like the wee nimble mammals that survived the great blast. They watch the giant dinosaurs fall and clean up afterwards. And then they start rebuilding what some of our forebears called “the cooperative commonwealth,” a world that works for all. With that, the fun really begins.

The meek don’t want to inherit the Earth.  Their wages are love.

Source: The Meek Shall Inherit…. – Golden Age of Gaia