Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – April 5, 2024

Time marches on and matters are still causing great concern for many countries who feel threatened by the happenings upon Earth. There is no sign of any let up but rather a move to take sides for their own protection. Peace seems far away and the war in the Ukraine seems to be escalating with the Russians pushing forwards. We know that the West is reluctant to force the issue for the fear that they themselves will become more involved. It is a delicate situation calling for sensible actions that will not cause the war to spread. For our part we stand aside trying to influence the outcome so that a solution can be found that will eventually bring peace.

The effect of the world’s troubles seems to have spread far and wide causing many problems that are resulting in far more problems than first encountered, that along with the Earth changes is making survival very difficult. The Earth no longer functions as it should making life intolerable for so many people with little hope of it returning to normal. We observe all happenings and can see the most likely outcome that we try to avert, but we can only go so far so as to not to interfere with your freedom of choice. The voice of the people is muted and has little influence on those who would lead them into a world war. We mention these things not scare people who already fear that the actions of those who lead their nations into unspeakable troubles.

We remind you that you are at the end of a period that still follows the old ways, whilst the new ways of living are coming in very quickly and “fighting“ for recognition. There is a battle for control of the Earth, and we are pleased to tell you that the Light will always eventually win. Be assured that there are many forward thinking people waiting in the wings, ready to come out and lead man forwards to a far greater future of peaceful cooperation. It must come as the old ways of working are no longer adequate for the new society that is coming.

These are times when there is a lot of sorting out to be done so that the way is cleared to allow the new to arise. It is hard to see it amongst all the turmoil taking place but it is there waiting its opportunity to be introduced. So do not lose heart as the changes are coming that will see great steps forward leading to a new road to happiness. It has been planned for a very long time and nothing shall prevent it from appearing. It is your destiny and one you have fought for eons of time. Fortunately you have never given up hope for a brighter and happier future.

Your focus should be to spread harmony and send out feelings of happiness and love, as this will help lift people up when most are feeling low and worried about their future. If you get an opportunity tell them that in reality all is well and what a wonderful future beckons. If it can be achieved these positive energies will help others you may meet. Your aura will be filled with them and they attract other souls to you who will feel them.

From time to time we mention that your mere presence can help uplift souls as you are mixing with them. So keep your vibrations as high as possible as they can be healing for people as they come into contact with them. Negative energies abound at present and are sometimes used for witchcraft, but have no fear as your aura fully protects you. Some souls are so open that they have little or no protection against the negative energies, but you do by ensuring you keep your aura closed and shut at all times using your mind’s eye.

You can see aura’s by looking past the person, but it does take time and practice. Healers check your body in this way, and can see if it needs healing. You can help in this respect by mentally visualising your aura intact and nicely enclosing your body. One that is very open is prone to letting in unwelcome energies that could cause you illness. Some souls are lifting their vibrations so much they are becoming natural healers using the power of thought. You too can do it, but it will take longer depending on how much you have developed. Your aura is your protection against unwelcome energies that could cause you illness, so it is advisable to mentally see it with your mind’s eye and see it intact.

Your power of thought can enable you to become a healer but experience is necessary to reach a level where it is possible. There are of course different levels of healing but like most things practise makes perfect. If you try it realise that your “patient” can feel the energies moving into the aura so you can get confirmation of success. If you think of taking it up seriously join a healing group, so that your development can be monitored and Spiritualists are a well-established group.

Understand that what you are experiencing now is necessary to clear old karma and evidence of the ways of those who use might and power to achieve their own aims. We can oversee what is happening now and will use that knowledge to move events in such a way that ultimately they work for the Light. So in the immediate future events will result in a way that the dark Ones were not prepared for and unable to alter the outcome. Be assured that we continually assess what is happening on Earth and are ready to use our influence for your betterment.

You have been kept in the dark for so long that you have been denied advancements that would have given you a far better quality of life. However, advancements that have been held from you will greatly lift you up. Yet the challenges you have faced have made you much stronger, and able to face whatever the dark Ones have done to keep you under their control. As we have often told you of late, your future is assured but meantime you have to bear the problems that currently assail you, but the good times are coming and nothing can stop them.

It may seem incredible but every soul on Earth at this time was aware of the future that they would have to experience. Naturally they agreed to have the experience and it is partly for clearance of karmic responsibilities. Times are very testing at present but every effort you put in will be well worth it, helping to raise your vibrations, and is essential if your life plan was to prepare yourself for Ascension. Your Guides are working with you and will ensure you are successful.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at info@galacticchannelings.com and contact him if you have any queries.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – January 5, 2024

Over many years we have been given so many indications of expected changes that are very near to materialising, and I feel it is the right time to highlight them. I wish you all a Happy New Year.

20th March 2016. Grand Second Wave of Ascension – Archangel Michael through Michael Love.

The New Earth will be inside Wave X and the Event Horizon will pierce the Great Void and we will perceive the new Earth, and move into the “Crystalline Light”. Gamma Light can in an instance evolve the DNA of any species. We then cross the Great Rainbow Bridge and become the New Human with the New Earth.

5th January 2024.

Greetings from our side of the veil for a wonderful New Year that is full of promise. Matters are moving at a faster rate and although your destiny is written in the stars, we caution you to hold tight to your positive reasoning. Whatever you experience in the coming years know that it is on the path that leads to your release from the dark Ones. They are pressing on with their belief that they can conquer the world, but are going to be disappointed as greater powers than theirs have your future in their hands. So keep positive knowing that all will be well and your future is assured. As the vibrations continue to rise they will gradually come into prominence, so much so that that they leave the lower vibrations behind.

You face another year of many changes that are spreading across the planet as Mother Earth continues her cleansing, it will clearly be very uncomfortable for many people but the Earth must be ready for the coming of Ascension. People will unavoidably experience great losses depending on where they live, but be assured that in the long run you will benefit as much as anyone else. A new life beckons that will be totally without the problems that you are experiencing, or expecting at present. Whatever situation you find yourselves in understand that you would have been aware of it before you took this incarnation.

Many souls have no memory of it at all and the idea of being reincarnated is beyond their understanding. However, like all souls they review their life to establish what lessons are unlearnt and decide the next challenges for a further life upon Earth. The need for continual lives will last a long as further experiences are necessary to ensure you continue to evolve. Once you sufficiently raise your vibrations to a higher level, it will reach a point whereupon you have no need for further lives upon Earth. You take your place amongst the higher vibrations for a very acceptable life where the dark Ones are unable to exist.

So take the hard knocks in your stride and know that nothing happens without good reason. Sometimes it is karmic planned as part of your needed life experiences but more often is the result of the actions of other souls. Regardless of the reasons you should at all times try to act in a sensible way, that does not harm other people. If you do instant karma may result so accept it as such. As we so often remind you nothing of importance happens by chance.

There are bound to be occasions when things do not work out as you have planned, but realise that your life plan takes precedence. Your Guides are kept quite busy ensuring that you do miss an opportunity to advance your vibrations, meaning that their influence can help you take actions that are positive and to your benefit You are to be commended for taking on the challenges that life upon Earth presents you with. Sadly some souls cannot cope with the demands upon them and choose to end their life even after they have discussed it with their Guides. At the end of the day it is the soul who has the last word and will understand the consequences of not completing their life plan. There is no punishment and a further opportunity will be presented to them to overcome their problems.

Dear Ones, we appreciate your determination to see through each lifetime and ensure your evolution continues to advance. The dark Ones have concealed many truths from you and try all kinds of tricks to make you think each life is your only one. They do not want you to realize that your freedom is in your own hands and deny you where possible the upliftment the Light can give you. Indeed they will try to keep you in the dark as to your true self as a Being of Light. They cannot keep it going because you will still lift your vibrations up as you become more aware of the truth.

We have mentioned your karma and obviously as you evolve you incur less and less of it because you have reached an advanced state of being. Your understanding of the truth broadens and your progress speeds up. The truth becomes more recognizable and you are well versed in passing it on to other souls. Some who are still seeped in religious teachings are not ready to make strides into the higher teachings. However it is for many their chosen path and you may be assured that it will eventually lead them to the truth.

Souls find the teachings that serve their needs at the time, so there is no need to be concerned about their future. You have all the time in the world to seek and search for the truth and can be assured that with the help of your Guides you will find it. In reality you cannot judge another soul based upon one lifetime, as when they take a new life upon Earth they are prepared for it and have a life plan that will cover their precise needs. That is why you cannot truly judge the level that a soul has reached. The Royals are a separate group of souls especially equipped for the tasks that are peculiar to their lifestyle, and it is why they are against “outsiders” joining their family that has a specific blood line they do not want broken.

Much planning goes into each civilization so that the souls ready to move on get the opportunities they require to achieve it. Rich man poor man, it makes no difference to them where their evolution is concerned, as the most important aspect is to get the particular experiences that will help them evolve. That is every souls aim whether they realize it or not and with help they are given every opportunity to succeed.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at info@galacticchannelings.com and contact him if you have any queries.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – December 1, 2023

We wish we could let you see the future as it will be after you have dealt with the current difficulties that seem to have no end in sight. We guide events along a path that leads to a reasonable conclusion without extending the current problems that threaten an escalation. Certainly the people have had enough of confrontation and urge the Governments to get together for the benefit of all countries and promote world peace. You shall see a strong push towards a peaceful settlement of all differences. It must come even if you have to wait until much later in your lives.

There are powerful pockets of Light all over your planet and you may be assured their presence is being felt. Meantime the negative forces still try to achieve their objectives but time has run out for them and try as much as they like, they cannot achieve their aim for world control. Their mentality is to fight until the last even although they are aware their plan is falling to pieces. In the long run they get away with nothing and will eventually have to answer for their actions to greater powers than those that exist upon Earth.

Harsh lessons are being learned all around and not without good reason, and many souls are serving out their time to ensure that they can move on and not have to experience further in the lower vibrations. If you are so to say going through it remember that nothing of importance happens without good reason. Once lessons are learned they will never have to be experienced again, so deal with your karma bearing that in mind. They are tests to allow you another chance of overcoming your weak points and know that you are helped all of the way.

Each life is a stepping stone to a greater one where you will be virtually free from the attention of the dark forces. They and their Masters have aimed to literally keep you in the dark and unaware of the Light that is your pathway to freedom. Once you raise your vibrations by shaking off the lower energies you will raise your own, and be well on the Path of Light. You will grow in confidence and never look back having found your true path. You will have such control over your emotions you will not be drawn to the lower vibrations again. Indeed, you could go anywhere knowing that you were in full control of them. It is the peaceful level that you seek and is a lot easier to achieve than you may think.

Every soul has helpers and as you evolve so you are given one more evolved to lead you on even further. It is the reason for life so that you can keep on evolving through dimension after dimension to the ultimate that is the Godhead. You are on the first rung of the ladder and at this stage have no need to concern yourself with the different levels except where they are immediately linked with your spiritual progress. The truth about life is so much grander than you could imagine and in no real way like your present experiences. However, you will learn of the future levels when it is appropriate.

Nothing is really beyond your reach when your spiritual growth continues to move ever onwards. You are far greater soul than you imagine you are at present, but just a soul dressed up to play out the role upon Earth that has been designated for you. One that answers your needs with the goal always being tied to your spiritual advancement. it is why each incarnation is so important as it is planned to give you the experiences you need to grow. Over millennia of time you have slowly progressed and kept knowledge so that at any time it may be used to your advantage. Now you can understand why it is so important to discuss your future lives with you Spiritual Mentor. Life is in no way a waste of time, it is very valuable and each of you are equipped with the necessary knowledge to make use of it in a way that lifts you up.

Think of the number of people around you all working out their life plan with very few having the awareness of its meaning and tending to be dragged along by circumstances that seem to be beyond their control. You are obviously playing a part in other soul’s lives but often as you might call it “a bit part” often of no real consequence. Families are a typical example where all types of influence are experienced that help form your character, and often you are with the same souls as they work together in future incarnations. Trying to unravel the ins and outs of life is difficult but be assured it does work because it is planned that way.

When you have need of perhaps special advice or help Spirit arrange a meeting with someone who can help you or in whatever way is appropriate for you. Some of your experiences are through visual occurrences in which you may not be necessarily involved. You live and learn in so many ways and life is one continual experience that throws up many opportunities to be kind and helpful to other people. Help those with genuine problems and know that where you do so it is also helping you to evolve.

Never judge another soul simply because you do not know their background or reason for a precise incarnation. Obviously there is a process of learning that possibly differs from one soul to another. You cannot know how old a soul really is but once they have raised their vibrations they will always seem to be more relaxed, gentle and wise. They often give their lives freely to those in need asking nothing in return, and it is not unusual to find them in groups with a similar aims in life to help other people. They are born with the right background and experience to achieve so much for those in need or spiritual guidance.

If you have ambitions to join a group giving a service to others you will not have to look too far as there are many that do sterling work and ask little in return. If you feel impelled to start out on your own and perhaps start a group, it is likely that your Guides will help you and enable you to meet the right people who can be of assistance and such events are often pre-planned in readiness for your awakening. The unseen help is always there if needed but you will not always get what you think you need, unless it is already a part of the pre-life plan laid out for you. Your main choices will have already been made when your life plan was drawn up, prior to incarnation..

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at info@galacticchannelings.com and contact him if you have any queries.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – November 24, 2023

Time marches on and is still increasing faster than previously and is to be welcomed, as slowly but surely it is leaving the old behind. The changes are inevitable as you are entering a New Age where the vibrations are speeding up. As you continue to travel deeper into space it is inevitable, and welcomed that everything of the lower vibrations is being left behind. It means that time for the dark Ones to continue with their evil plan for world domination is limited, and in fact they can no longer achieve their objectives.

However, they would rather try to destroy everything rather than admit defeat. Be assured that will not happen as greater forces than theirs are looking after the destiny of the world and its people. It has been so for eons of time although the dark Ones have had freedom to carry out their plans. They can only be thwarted by those of the Light opposing them. It is the Rule of the Laws laid down by the Higher Forces overseeing the destiny of Mother Earth and its people. It may seem at times that the dark Ones have a free reign to do whatever they like, but it is not so as there are limitations as to their actions based on the overall situation.

There has always been a plan for the growth of Humanity and greater powers than yours are really in charge. It may sound strange since Earth is a freewill planet, but there has always been a limit to how far it is allowed to go in the negative direction. At present it is a most important time as your future is at stake, but do not fear the outcome as the plan for your salvation is still on track. Never despair regardless of how things appear to be working out as your future is assured. There are so many unseen workers mapping out the road to success so never doubt the outcome regardless of what is happening around you.

If you really knew how much is being arranged for your future happiness you would not have any doubts whatsoever. All souls have the freedom to make their own choices and life becomes much easier when they fulfil their life plan. Events in your lives are pre-arranged so as to move you along the path to completion although it is a long way off just now. You imagine that you are in full control of your lives, but there are so many factors governing the outcome. You would be surprised if you knew the extent to which your actions are monitored to ensure they are in line with your needs and life plan.

When you are born and commence a new life as you might imagine much planning has gone into it, in which you have had your say as it is discussed with you prior to birth, which is how your important experiences are pre-arranged even although they may not appear so. It is where your Guides play an important part to ensure all happens accordingly, and often appears without your involvement although it is part of your necessary experiences. It is why you should take noticed of what is happening around you as it may have some bearing on future events that will involve you.

Who you meet, who you marry are all part of the plan to ensure you have the experiences you need to evolve. When you consider that all other souls in your family are also working out their life plan it sounds mind boggling but it does work because you were all primed as to what to expect. You choose your parents so that is a good start and they in turn are ready for you having discussed your coming birth and your needs. However, bear in mind that some relationships are not easy and again that is a challenge to all concerned to learn to get on together. It can be so complicated that it would be difficult to put it into words. The best advice is to take it as it comes and know that all experience is of value.

Do not envy those who appear to have an easy life and no worries as you might never know the true reality that exists. Things are often not what they seem from the outside and that applies to most people who tend to hide their true self where others are concerned, it is very difficult to know what to think. It is where a sense of feeling their energies are is concerned as everyone is giving them out, you really can get a feeling of what a person is really like. One of a very low vibration would for example seem “off putting” and even repellent, and if you feel uncomfortable with someone like it treat it as a warning sign.

These are certainly difficult times for most people and it is surprising how many show their true colours when under stress. The world has become more lawless place since the Covid problem and it is becoming harder to keep Law and Order. So be careful who you deal with and use your sixth sense to gauge how you feel about a person. Some criminals are very clever at obtaining your confidence in them and who knows where it will lead. In these times you must be alert to those who try to hoodwink you. If something does not feel right take it as a warning and be careful.

Through all of the trials and tribulations of recent times you have been experiencing new situations, testing your ability to keep calm when all around seems in chaos. In general you have been able to stay firm and not be swayed by what has been going on and we urge you to maintain your stance and not be affected by outside occurrences. Your peaceful attitude will help others to “weather the storm” rather than be fearful of what the future may hold. We can assure you that at the end of the tunnel is a glorious light that will delight you to know that your efforts have not been in vain.

One day you will look back at this period of unrest and changes, and realise that your efforts were not in vain. You will have earned the rewards of your endeavours and rightly so. These upsetting times will become just a fleeting memory when you leave them behind for the wonderful future that lays ahead. Every soul will eventually find its right place and proceed to grow and evolve at lightning speed. You have so much to look forward to if you did but know it. So do not be disillusioned by present events as these will soon pass. You were chosen to be present at such a time because of your experience and ability to adapt and still help others to find the Light.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at info@galacticchannelings.com and contact him if you have any queries.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – November 17, 2023

A world in turmoil is not a safe place to be as the possibility of Israel’s war with Gaza drawing in other nations could easily take place. At a higher level it is being controlled within limits applied by those who oversee your actions, as for example their edict that the use of nuclear weapons will not be allowed. We for our part stand by to ensure that those limitations are adhered to and not ignored. There has always been a greater plan for Humanity to ensure the ultimate Ascension.

These are such testing times and those of you who are the Light bearers are called upon to keep calm, and not drawn into any arguments put forward by the dark Ones. They are losing out in the battle for supremacy and prepared to go to any length to hold onto their position. In reality they know they are fighting a losing battle, but are prepared to go to any length to avoid defeat. However, greater powers than theirs are on the side of the Light that is destined to win it.

Many people who are less aware of the truth see only what appears before them, and understandably are extremely worried as to the likely outcome. Please console them and assure them that future is assured, and a period of unrest will be followed by restoration of a new Earth upon which the dark Ones have no place. Already you are leaving the old energies behind and your path to it lies ahead. With this in mind find the strength from within to maintain your position, and by so doing you will be a good example to others who will be uplifted by it.

It is to be expected that there will be much grief and sorry upon Earth, as conditions for some souls are appalling and causing much suffering, and as much as we would like to ease it we must allow karma to work itself out, as otherwise needed lessons will not be experienced. Understand that there is no punished involved, it is simply the outworking of a system that requires souls who experience it to learn lessons as to how their actions affect others. In fact we give much guidance and help to those who have undertaken to experience the consequences of their own actions.

You can be assured that there is much love being sent to those dear souls who have turned to the Light. We want them to succeed so that they never have to experience such things again. The rewards for success are beyond your imagination so we never relax our encouragement and are always urging you on. You have come long way to get to this stage in your evolution and we want you to keep going as the end is in sight. You have had so many incarnations over a very long period and they have prepared you for the final test of your staying power. It is too easy to feel you are not getting anywhere fast, but we say be patient the end is in sight.

We have to remind you that for each incarnation you are “equipped” with the necessary links and knowledge that are needed by you to successfully carry out your life plan. It is usually discussed with you prior to your birth as a human being. Also as we recently pointed out you are helped all along the way as we are keen to see you successfully meet your life plan. At this time it is more important than usual because you are at the end of the cycle, and with all of your experience you should stand a very good chance of achieving Ascension. After all that is the object of your many incarnations although the Illuminati would rather you were unaware of it, and try to keep you in the dark.

Deep down in your consciousness you know what is expected of you and your Higher Self is also urging you on. You have the experience and subconsciously you know what is expected of you and we also stand at your shoulder to guide you on your way. Talk to us and we will do little things to catch your attention so that you know we are there with you. Put your trust in us and we will be able to do so much more for you and you will know it.

The future is bright and for many it signals the end of a long period covering many lives, that have brought you to this opportunity to end your incarnations in the lower vibrations. You are ready for greater experiences that will come to you when you have ascended into the levels of Light that are beyond the reach of the Illuminati. The changes will be so pronounced that you will be greatly overjoyed. You will meet those souls who have been your mentors over thousands of years as you grew spiritually. So whenever you feel overwhelmed by the experiences upon Earth, remember that you have come a long way to reach this point in your evolution and successfully raised your vibrations to leave the lower ones behind.

Do not be concerned about those souls who do not appear to be ready to rise up, they are gaining the experiences they need to move on and also have wonderful Guides who look after them. They will lack for nothing and get every attention and help necessary to make progress with each lifetime upon Earth. Every soul has a life plan especially suited to their needs to ensure they continue to make progress. So do not feel isolated or lacking help as it is always ready to assist you when needed. Knowing it will lift your spirits and enable you to sense or feel Guides when they come close to you. That little voice you “hear” in your head is helping you to make the right decisions and work to your plan for experiences that will lift you up.

As time passes there are likely to be revelations that will place more facts before you relating to your time and activities upon Earth. In the past it has been the lack of understanding the reasons for your experiences that has sometimes resulted in unsatisfactory endings. That has all changed and as you head for the final thrust to maintain your upliftment as we still stand by as always, sending you the high vibrations that also give you that “feel good” factor. We are cheering you on as you put all your effort into ensuring a satisfactory ending to your present experiences.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at info@galacticchannelings.com and contact him if you have any queries.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – November 10, 2023

A short introduction by Mike Quinsey.

Just when you thought things could not get worse, the world now witnesses a war in Gaza of such proportions that one wonders how and when it will end. “Matthew’s Message – November 1” fully covers the developments and I recommend you read the full version to become enlightened as to the purpose of the war that the Illuminati are behind. The following extract from the message clearly reveals that they planned it and of their intentions.

“The intention of the Illuminati counterattack in Gaza is to cause massive death, injury, fear and extreme hardships for survivors, and Israeli defence forces have been ordered to cripple Palestine to irremediable status. The rock-bottom vibrations of that combination added to the vibrations of everyone who is suffering hang like ominous storm clouds on Earth’s horizon.”

10th November 2023. Mike Quinsey.

The world lurches from one crisis to another and when you thought it couldn’t get worse it does, leaving people wondering how and where it will all end. That Dear Ones is still in the melting pot and depends on how the forces of Light respond. It is a delicate situation that few wish to see escalate into a World War, but they can rest assured that it would not be allowed as the greater Plan is for the success of the Light.

How you reach your goal depends on your actions and response to the events going on around you. Our desire is that you hold the love vibrations and spread them around you to all people, as that will maintain a good level so important at such a trying time. You have already entered the photon belt and as time progresses the vibrations will lift up and negativity will be weakened by it and eventually disappear. So let your thoughts revolve around the love/light that is keeping your hopes alive. We are with you willing you ever onwards and know that you have the intention and willpower to succeed.

These are the times you have been waiting for and prepared for well in advance. In spite of the present darkness that has descended upon Earth your Light is lifting up other souls and giving them hope. Anticipating this period of the end times you have been selected because you lifted yourselves up and can hold the vibrations. Never waver as it is written in the stars that the Light will be victorious, and deservedly so. You as Light Beings are the beacons that will help others find the way home. You do not in fact know how important your contribution is to achieve victory over the dark Ones.

You have been preparing for these times for so long and chosen to be present, because you have the strength and determination to go all the way as required to reach your goal. Never fear the dark Ones as your Light is your protection, and they try to destroy it for that reason. In reality they know you are more powerful than them but try every trick to get you off guard. So stay firm and resilient knowing that you are more powerful than they are. Fear is their weapon and the energy they live off that is growing because of the state of the Earth as it reacts to so much negativity. However, it has its own way of dealing with such problems.

It is with sadness that we hear the cries of those beleaguered souls in Gaza trapped in the most intolerable conditions, but they would not have become involved unless it was part of their evolution. At one level as unlikely as it may seem, they accepted the challenge that they took on knowing that it would help their desire to overcome their frailty. They knew before they incarnated that life would be very trying to say the least but also knew that it presented an opportunity to evolve more quickly.

Dear Ones we know life can be hard for many people but all souls will find themselves exactly where they can release karma and progress, and if successful never to have to face the same challenges again. It may sound harsh to put souls through such experiences but it has proved to be the only way you really learn. When you return to the Light between lives naturally your Guides take you through your experiences and help you understand the outcome of them.

Every soul is acting out a part that is essential to the outcome and be assured that a lot of preparation goes into arranging it. Failure is considered as part of your experience and you always have the opportunity to meet the same challenge again. As we have often pointed out previously there is no shame in missing out on a life where you went astray, indeed you should be that much stronger as a result of it. Experience at any stage is desirable so your time is always of value and there is always something to be gained from it.

The Earth is ideal for your experiences and there is not another planet in your system that can offer such a vast array of experiences. What a beautiful place it is yet Man in his ignorance has no concept that it is a life form that has given itself to Man for the outworking of his freewill. Right now Mother Earth is “shaking” off some undesirable changes so that it can cleanse the Earth and eventually restore it to its pristine condition. There are so many changes taking place and now and then the Earth shakes as result.

However, it is the long term benefits that count and clearing out the old, and no longer useful ways of doing things will make way for a change that will benefit all people. It is not easy to achieve it whilst people have to live through it but it will be made as easy as possible. A lot is being asked of you but people are hardy and determined to see the changes through, even at the expense of experiencing lower levels of comfort. Soon it will become apparent where Humanity is heading and the future looks bright and assured.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at info@galacticchannelings.com and contact him if you have any queries.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – October 27, 2023

The problems in the world show no signs of going away, on the contrary they are getting worse and the prospect of an even greater problem is staring you in the face. However, behind the scenes at the highest level much negotiating is going on to achieve the first priority in Gaza to create a safe passage for all civilians trapped there, while they are being bombed unmercifully with little means of escape. So much depends on the outcome, not least of all an expansion of the war. There are greater powers than on Earth that oversee the situation but it is you who are writing the script.

We can use our influence to ensure matters do not get out of hand but at the end of the day we cannot alter the outcome of your actions. You are getting so much advice that will ease the situation but there are hotheads who care nothing for the carnage that may result. Good sense is in short supply and a difficult situation must be calmed down to prevent a more serious outcome. Of course the many millions of souls praying for a peaceful outcome do affect the path being taken, and it only takes a few hotheads to lead you into Armageddon. That has never been the destiny for Man and no matter what happens the greater powers will not allow the destruction of Mother Earth.

You have come a very long way to reach your present position and you are heading for Ascension and you shall not be denied. Those who choose violence and wars to solve their problems are creating another path that will reflect their aims. In reality they are leaving the thrust of higher vibrations that they cannot match. So it is likely a strange situation may be the outcome of events on Earth. The two different pathways will become apparent in time and rightly so those dear souls who have lifted themselves up will continue on that journey. All will be treated fairly and be exactly where they are supposed to be based on their higher vibrations.

It is a matter of keeping calm when matters seem to getting out of hand, knowing that Great Beings are always with you and having sufficient influence to help you reach the desired outcome. Peace beyond your reckoning beckons and will be a great reward for your resilience against the enemies of the Light. You will have learned so much from this period of so many unsettling energies and by holding fast to your beliefs, will end it victorious. Wealth will have no place in it as where you are heading for all you require will be achieved through the power of thought.

Your future is assured and all souls will find themselves exactly where they are supposed to be based on their level of vibrations. Everything as solid as it may seem is made of trillions of atoms that coalesce in the lower vibrations. It is this fluidity that becomes more apparent as you lift up your vibrations and enables you to control them, for example making changes to your etheric body to eliminate any “defects” that you have carried forward from your previous life. Put simply it is your power of thought over matter and to a lesser degree it is even operating now. It is good reason why we often remind you to be careful how you use your power of thought.

So much of your life is pre-arranged to follow your life plan, after all it has been agreed by you as essential for your continued evolution. Nothing that happens of importance in your life occurs by chance, for example you meet the right people that are part of your plan and logically matters such as who becomes your partner are also arranged. You are brought together and usually you both sense the link and you bond together. Even if you part company in later life you can be sure that it is part of the plan to ensure you follow the path plotted out for you. We say again that nothing of importance happens by chance.so take life seriously and be careful of your response. Miss an opportunity to follow your plan be assured it will come up again.

It may all sound impossible as you know you have freewill and wonder how things can be worked out when you have already agreed a life plan. Realise that you have a lot of what you call “free time” so you are certainly not a robot. However, when circumstances permit we arrange your experiences as completion is in your best interests. Interesting isn’t it that for most people life goes on without their knowledge of how it is set up for them, yet it progresses like any other souls does. You can go astray but be assured that we do our utmost to get you back on track so as to use your time to your best advantage. It is with joy and happiness that we greet you when you are out of the body during your sleep period and naturally are open to discuss any questions or problems that may arise.

There is so much to be learned about the higher levels and the 4th dimension is similar to Earth, but very different when looked at from a personal angle. The power of thought is such that you can “think” almost anything into existence. You can “think” yourself immediately to another place on Earth and thought transference is normal. You can even “think” your food or drinks so your needs for physical items are also covered.

Some of these things are futuristic but depending on your power of thought almost anything is possible. Obviously life becomes so much easier and perhaps moving to any Earth destination instantly is the most exciting possibility. You who are ready to rise up will meet your family and friends once again, and what a reunion that will be.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at info@galacticchannelings.com and contact him if you have any queries.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – October 20, 2023

The troubles of the world seem to have no end and the future looks rather gloomy. However, there are always people of good intent who are always working hard to try and lessen the effect of the confrontation that is taking place. Many souls in high places are looking for ways of bringing about a sensible solution without the loss of so many lives. We are also trying to calm down the anger of both sides that is fuelling another massacre. How much longer is Humanity going to settle its differences through sheer force and potentially the death of so many innocent souls, who are trapped in this web of war. What is taking place is a test of Humanity’s ability to resolve their problems in a fair and peaceful manner. Make the first moves in this direction and we will be with you.

Many people question why we do not directly intervene but as we have often informed you several times, it is you who are responsible for the outcome of your actions. How else will you learn the correct way to conduct yourselves in a God given manner. Violence in any shape, form or matter is against the teachings given you many times, yet some still use force to settle their differences. We feel sadness at what we see occurring upon your world and it seems you never learn from experience. You have missed so many opportunities to rise up and leave the old ways of doing things behind that would have left us an invitation to openly meet you, and share our knowledge with you. However, those souls who have lifted up their vibrations cannot be held back and will eventually ascend.

You see beauty and harmony around you in nature yet it does seem to occur to very many of you to extend it to your own lives. By nature Humans are gentle souls who epitomize the love of the Creator and abhor the evil coming from those souls who have lost their way and worship self. They will nevertheless find the true path in due course but first have hard lessons to learn so that they can find the true path of evolution. It is not for the want of our trying to get through to their Higher Self, but they have drawn the lower vibrations to themselves and live their lives accordingly.

If you are on the right path help is always there and no reason why you should not continue evolving on the upward path. It is a beautiful experience and so rewarding to know that you live in harmony with Nature and all other people. You spread a good feeling around you and without a doubt people will be drawn to you. Treating all souls with love and respect also helps lift them up and feel good. You grow beyond negative feelings and are able to handle negativity so that it does not affect you. If you put your mind to it you can reach any level you aspire to and much help will be given you.

Dear Ones, you have all of the potential to create your own pathway to the Light, but no doubt you would first like to discuss your options before making your choice. However, it will be something for the future but nevertheless as your consciousness expands, you will surely have a better understanding of what it is like rise up. Mother Earth is a school for learning and she is to be thanked and loved for her patience and love for the souls in her care. She is not called “Mother” without reason and has been giving her love and energy to help your evolution. Now she also is on a different path as like you will be lifted up to the higher levels.

What you have been experiencing has been predictable due to the low level of vibration upon Earth. However, there are positive points of energy that are growing and eventually will lead to an upliftment that will leave them behind. No longer can the enlightened souls be held back and slowly but surely they will have a greater input into your future. It is time for those who are more evolved to make their knowledge known and be of benefit to all souls.

Every soul has the right to follow their needs and intuition as they are all usually at different stages of evolution. Again we remind you that there is no set period in which you must evolve and you can progress at the rate that suits you. Realise that in reality everything is in the now so you can in fact go back to time periods of your choice. In reality you have been given a level of consciousness that suits your needs and will enable you to make progress. The dark Ones will do their best to put you off and distract you from the goal you have but with a firm resolve you can overcome their efforts. Those souls of a lower vibration easily get caught up in them and it is not easy to throw them off.

Freewill is a wonderful gift but requires a lot of sensible usage if you are to continue evolving. Being responsible for your actions is not easy to bear, but it is a well-founded way to ensure you are ready for greater things. If necessary you can have what you may call a re-run of a life that ended unsatisfactorily. Naturally your Guides will have tried to get you through the difficult periods, but in the final reckoning it is up to you. Try not to get directly involved in another souls problems except in an advisory capacity, although direct help is sometimes necessary. Your intuitive side will guide you for sure and you have much experience to call upon.

There is much happening in the world that is unpleasant to say the least, but it is mostly of Man’s making although many world changes are prompted by Mother Earth. Things will continue this way for a long time to come and it is all part of your evolution. In reality you are well used to experiencing such times and clearly it helps you through them now. You are far more experienced than you realise and sub-consciously you know it. Obviously before birth you are prepared for your life experiences and given the talents you will need to be successful.

Be assured a lot of thought goes into creating your life plan and making sure that you meet the right people who will assist you. Obviously it extends to a life-long partner if needed and ensuring you are birthed into a family that will also help you become established. As you might imagine a lot of planning goes into each lifetime to ensure you have the experiences you need. Nothing is left to chance to ensure your success.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at info@galacticchannelings.com and contact him if you have any queries.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – October 13, 2023

The World is becoming a more dangerous place as the Leaders in the Russia/Ukraine War, are accelerating it to dangerous levels. They are aware of it but prepared to gamble on the outcome. The West is naturally concerned at the progress of it and is prepared to defend its country if necessary. It is too early to judge the likely outcome but it is hoped common sense will prevail. You now have the Israel/Gaza Strip confrontation getting out of hand, so after two World Wars and many smaller ones it seems that little has been learned from them, and the people of the world are both fearful and fed up with the feuding and petty squabbles, often over problems that could easily have been settled amicably ages ago. It seems that lessons cannot be learned except the hard way often at the cost of many, many lives.

Now you have another problem as how to minimise the loss of lives, often increased by ignoring ”the rules of war” that are to protect ordinary people drawn into it, it seems that in the frenzy of war the finer points are ignored. It is of little consolation to know that karma is very much involved in such situations but if you think about it it must be so. Sooner rather than later Man must take a serious look at his approach to problems of this nature and be ready to make concessions so as to find a peaceful solution. We reiterate as we have mentioned many times, you are one Human Race experiencing to enable an expansion of consciousness, a raising of your vibrations to the point of overcoming all negativity.

Keep striving for the best outcome and as you lift yourself up so others will follow. It is always the way forward. In such changing times as exist upon Earth at present, it offers every soul an opportunity to rise up, but it is hard going when all around you many face chaos and peace seems to be wishful thinking. However, as you are entering an area in Space of higher vibrations it will eventually overcome the lower vibrations for good. It is bringing about changes for the benefit of all souls. If you go along with the changes you will eventually ascend, whilst those who cannot keep pace with them will go in a different direction that opens up a new pathway for them.

The plan for every soul is rooted in creating a pathway to Ascension and many eventually get their step by step. Every help is given and many souls have a totally different experience, but the important thing is that they finally get there. Time is of no real consequence as long as you reach your destination. At heart you know this is so and it helps to keep you on track to completion. All the effort you put in will be well rewarded you just need determination and stay focussed on your goal. You get help along the way as your ever present Guides are there help you achieve success.

As serious as the break out of war is, for now it is contained but clearly other countries feel threatened and who knows how it will affect them. Be assured the whole matter is always under scrutiny and we are available if our advice is required. We use our ways to guide you without infringing your freewill and can assure you that you have the final choice. At your level of understanding you have sufficient knowledge to know what to do but sometimes the ego gets in the way. In the end good sense usually prevails we are pleased to inform you.

As old souls you have a mine of experience to call upon, and it will usually see you through the difficult times. If you make a mistake you have ample time to put it right the main aim being to avoid going completely off track. By and large you are sensible souls with so much experience to call upon. However, times change very quickly and you are sometimes tested to the limit. Where problems are encountered keep calm and if necessary use meditation to achieve it. It is at such times you are more open to allow your Guides to come closer and help you.

It is hard to keep on track with so many distractions particularly at such a worrying time. But you must hold firm and stay focussed on your goal. Never forget that there is a purpose to life and it is not some random occurrence without any real direction. Your present lifetime is a most important one, offering you a unique opportunity to rise up to never again have to go through a whole series of experiences such as you are now.

Life should be fun, exciting and most importantly fulfilling as you expand your understanding of what it is really about. The dark Ones have spent so much time hiding the truth from you and would prefer that you stay in the lower vibrations. The reason is that they feed off your energy for their survival. Once you go off track they keep it that way and soon you find yourself unable to get back to the Light. You are then pulled into negative actions that may make you drink blood and sell your soul to practices that are extremely evil. However, once having reached a certain high level of vibration it is extremely unlikely that you would fall back.

Dear Ones, you have many friends in the higher levels who are often with you giving comfort when you need it. They comfort you when you are sad or distressed and do their best to lift you up. They guide you around obstacles that may be on your path and if possible keep you safe from harm. Sometimes humans do the most silly things endangering their life, and we cannot interfere beyond in the first instance try to influence them for the better and their safety. We want you to keep in one piece and not spoil the wonderful opportunity you have been given to move on and leave the lower vibrations behind.

Life can be fun and enjoyable and is not all hard work and so solemn. You have friends like anyone else and together you can have some wonderful times. Yet there are times when you have your serious moments that may call for your dedication to the matter in hand. You have to allow for those times when some hard work may well be involved that affects your spiritual advancement. We come closer to you to guide you through them.

Treat all as you would be treated yourself and be kind to others even if their understanding of the truth is different to yours. All souls eventually make progress and growth comes from persevering with your experiences even if they seem more than you can accept.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at info@galacticchannelings.com and contact him if you have any queries.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – October 6, 2023

Things could have been vastly different if those in power had put the needs of the people first, but greed for wealth and riches have resulted in the unbalanced society you live in today. However, a new pathway is being created at this very time through the many souls that have lifted up their vibrations. We are very pleased that this potential exists and we will do everything in our power to help you manifest it. Ultimately you will enjoy a new way of living that will bring you joy and happiness.

The future has been obscured because of your low vibrations but it is changing and your future looks bright. You have certainly earned it after so many lives of hard work and misery, but Humans are renowned for their dedication to a cause and it will bring its own reward. In a certain way you have all been responsible for your predicament but you are showing the kind of determination that will bring success. That is very encouraging since you are being asked to trust those beings who guide you on your journey. Keeping positive is your finest way of contributing to the outcome as your energies are needed to ensure a successful completion.

The more you can comprehend the truth the more responsibility you have to spread the truth wherever possible. The truth will always stand firm and is there for all souls who lift up their vibrations together with their intent to spread it for all to acknowledge. Other souls will pick and choose what to believe but even so their paths will eventually meet with the One Truth. Bear in mind that in the order of things you are very much on the lower steps of the ladder but becoming individuals with you own ideas of what you want and where you are going. Be assured that your Guides are fully aware of your ambitions and will play an active part in them.

Each lifetime you act out your beliefs by discarding those that are no longer of use to you, and slowly but surely grow whilst creating a pathway to the higher levels. You are in fact in the process of making a quantum leap forward, providing you maintain your high vibrations. It is why it is such an important time giving you the opportunity to ascend and leave the lower vibrations behind. It is a wonderful goal to aim for that once obtained means you are free to plan your next adventure and sound advice is always on hand to assist you.

Knowing the truth about your lives upon Earth helps to guide you through the many challenges you get in the course of it. Knowing what to expect means you can be prepared and ensure your decisions are suitable for your progress. The main objective is to successfully respond and do it in such a way that you can move on, and not be held back by repeatedly having to face the same challenges time and time again. It is all about the evolution of your soul that is eternal, and takes its experiences back to the Godhead.

The truth obviously answers a lot of questions that concern people when they do not know the purpose of life. It puts you in a position to be able to live in a purposeful way that is to your advantage. Each life plan moves you on and always looks to advance your evolution. Often you meet the same souls and it is why you have an immediate bond with them, it is that feeling of having met before and of course you have. Sometimes groups or families will incarnate together to continue work they started in earlier lives. What appear to be random happenings around you are events organised to bring people together that have agreed to carry out a joint life plan. So you can see a lot of planning goes into arranging events on Earth.

Obviously karma also plays a part in your lives and it can be for better or worse. All plays a part in your experiences that are necessary to ensure you make progress. Life can seem to be just a lot of random happenings but there is a purpose which is why you must take them seriously. However, the most important things are positive and help you on your pre-destined pathway. Your Guides play a most important part in helping you have a successful life as they as keen as you to achieve it. Life is not all hard work and you are helped to have those deserved periods of relaxation.

Whatever effort you put in o your life will yield beneficial results as well as prepare you for the tasks you have agreed to carry out. Just imagine how many souls are part of the multi-tasks being carried out, it can seem very complicated requiring all to fulfil their part in the plan. Realise that nothing of any importance happens by accident, it is all meticulously planned in advance. Naturally some souls do go astray but with help from their Guides can get back on course. All in all the majority of souls do meet their obligations as bear in mind that life plans are agreed before you incarnate.

If much of the background to your life seems complicated do not worry as it is carefully planned. Be assured that you before you incarnate what your life plan is and it can be “adjusted” if necessary. So take matters seriously that impinge upon your life as there is almost certainly a purpose to it.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at info@galacticchannelings.com and contact him if you have any queries.