Unpacking Judgment – Matt Kahn | Video

Lately I’ve started to watch/listen to videos at night before going to sleep and tonight I ran into and watched/listened to this new one from Matt Kahn and loved it! It’s rather long but definitely worth it with many insights, truths and ways of looking at this life, especially as a lightworker. Thoroughly enjoyed it and so I share it with all those so inclined. Enjoy! Namaste, Denise

Arcturian Group Message May 21, 2017 | Marilyn Raffaele @ Onenessofall.com


  MAY 21, 2017

Dear ones, with love and understanding we seek to assist you in your journey out of the miasma of dense illusion and into reality.   Life has become  a time of tremendous struggle and confusion in a world accustomed to living according to the rules and beliefs of third dimensional consciousness.
You have been taught incorrectly through  lifetimes and thus still carry cellular memory from many experiences serving to validate duality and separation.  Life lived within the third  dimensional belief system was necessary in order to awaken out of it, much as a small child  falls many times before learning to walk.  These experiences have now served their purpose, you have learned to walk and are now ready to run.
The Divine Self of every individual  continually seeks to be recognized and known.  This is why so many continually seek their good in the outer because they do not yet know that everything they seek is already present within.  Evolution is the journey out of illusion and into a living breathing consciousness of Reality.  Once this state of consciousness has been attained, the burdens and struggles within the illusion as well as all the seeking and yearning, ceases.
In order to understand that the attainment of material concepts of good  (power, objects, money, beauty,etc.) do not and never can bring about real fulfillment,  individuals must  first experience  the seeking, then attaining, and finally the disappointment that comes with the realization that their life may now be more comfortable by human standards,  but the yearning is still there, and will remain until found where it is, within.
Earth school is a difficult but powerful evolutionary path and  it was the free will choice of every person residing on earth to be here at this time, whether or not they are aware of it.
Life is meant to be enjoyed.  The belief that suffering and pain make you more spiritual is false.  Pain and suffering (self inflicted or otherwise) are not a part of Divine Nature and therefore not a part of your true nature.
The concept that pain and suffering makes you spiritual are facets of the duality and separation belief system.  These teachings represent the belief that the spiritual is separate from the physical and therefore the physical must be dominated or eliminated in some way in order for  a person to become “holy”.   You are already “holy”– everything physical is simply a material concept of the spiritual.
A spiritually evolved individual is still able enjoy the finer things of life “In the world, but not of it”.  If you enjoy  fine china, fine art, nice clothes, and a beautiful home there is nothing wrong or un-spiritual about having them.  Free will allows personal choice.  But when material concepts of good become needs and necessities instead of choices,  an individual is in old energy.
You have reached the place of choosing exactly what it is you want.  Do you really want to evolve into truth or do you want to continue playing the games of illusion based in beliefs of duality and separation while pretending to be a truth student?
An attained consciousness of truth does not happen simply by being interested in truth, going to  workshops, or reading metaphysical books.  These things represent the beginning stages of the spiritual journey, but there comes a point at which truth learned must come alive through  intuition listened to,  recognizing the Divine nature of all, and  seeking within instead of without.
The higher resonance of an evolved state of consciousness automatically and without personal struggle, will clear and override lower resonating energies still carried by a person.   This is why so many serious truth students are finding themselves in difficult physical, emotional, and mental situations right now, causing  them to question and  believe that somehow they have failed.
No dear ones, when these things happen it means that have attained the understanding and readiness necessary to clear and release whatever beliefs the issue represents.  It is a graduation.
One’s belief system can be easily identified by observing  automatic responses and thoughts.  The secret to moving beyond concepts that have become habits, is to first recognize them but never claim them to be personally yours because they are impersonal universal beliefs that you have at some point accepted as truth.   When you find yourself slipping into  unloving responses, do not resist and condemn yourself, but simply recognize them as old programming and replace them with truth.
It is the intent and goal of every soul to evolve and experience who and what they are, although most do not remember this once they are on earth living in third dimensional energy. They call evolution a journey because that is exactly what it is.  In the earlier stages of awakening, it is a process of stepping and falling, stepping and falling often by way of experiences that are unpleasant or even downright awful to human thinking.
The intention to know God/Reality/Truth only takes place after many lifetimes and many experiences lived in third dimensional  consciousness which then serves to bring a person into their readiness for more–“Is this all there is?”.
It must be understood that once an intention to awaken has been made (consciously or unconsciously)  life experiences become no longer random, but instead are drawn by one’s Higher Self for purposes of learning and awakening.   Doors previously closed to the third dimensional consciousness now begin to open, making available  guidance and help from the higher dimensions.

At a certain  point, the experiences necessary to awakening become less intense and difficult because the seeker is now open to higher ways of understanding the world and has learned to recognize appearances for what they are.  He has learned to trust his intuition and has attained a level of spiritual awareness that makes unpleasant “wake up calls”  no longer necessary.  As powerful creators,  you can state the intention;  “I choose that my life lessons be easy and gentle.”, however  never feel you have somehow failed if some are not.
Most of you are already evolving  from within rather than from without.  You have done the heavy lifting but remain timid about being who you have become, afraid to come out and be separate, choosing instead to pretend some stance or belief.  The  inability to claim and integrate one’s power is the result of entertaining the ever broadcasting three dimensional message of; “You will never be good enough.” which causes personal fear and doubt for even for those very awake.
Everything and everyone is Divine Consciousness in expression, for in One there simply is no other.  Thus claiming one’s power simply means living out from the security and confidence of a consciousness that recognizes and accepts its own Divine nature.   Those empowered by truth never express themselves through  boastful or holier than thou attitudes, but simply live life from a conscious realization and acceptance of self as SELF in balance–their masculine speaking, leading, and doing;  their feminine intuitive, loving, and creative.
Claiming one’s innate power never means you can no longer enjoy the company of old friends or engage in activities you have always loved for everything is spiritual in its purest form.  However, many of you are finding  that you no longer resonate with many of the the things you once enjoyed.
Many of you are finding yourselves being guided to speak out on some topic or activity whereas before you would of remained silent.  When this happens, always allow your words to flow on an  energy of unconditional love rather than stiffly judging, refusing to do something, or be with certain people out of a misguided sense of superiority.
Moving on from some group or activity must always  be accompanied by respect for those who may still need the experiences of the particular group or activity.  Self righteousness easily creeps into the thinking of those who believe themselves to be more spiritually aware than others.  Those new to truth are especially susceptible to self righteousness and must realize that everyone is exactly where they are supposed to be.
Some souls  require more third dimensional experiences in order to awaken while others do not,  and thus comparisons or attempts to bring another to one’s own state of awareness is a three dimensional idea reflecting separation.  These dear ones may as of yet be no where near ready to hear truth and this must be honored.
It is important not to “cast your pearls” but keep them lovingly protected within your heart.  You can cast seeds of truth by occasionally throwing  a sentence or idea into some general conversation which may cause a receptive individual to open and think about what you have said.
Unconditional love  allows everyone to evolve at their own pace even when the higher solution to their issues and problems is glaringly apparent.  Never forget  that every person has a Higher Self, Guides, and a pre-birth contract even if they themselves are totally unaware of it.  This truth is often overlooked by parents and close friends who desperately seek to help, but may instead be simply getting in the way of the other’s lesson.
The world as it has always been known is quickly changing as higher dimensional  frequencies of Light  pour in.  Everyone on earth is experiencing  these new energies physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually resulting in the need for a trust in truth and understanding that everything is proceeding according to plan.  It is a trust that flows from the realization that the chaos of world appearances is formed of old and false energies that have no law to support or to hold them in place.
As you grow in the awareness of who and what you are, fears and intense involvements in third dimensional issues lessens (unless you are guided to be involved).  Your Light is dissolving the false creations of duality and separation–you are Lightworkers.
You are here at this most powerful time because you choose to be here.  Believe it and  BE.
We are the Arcturian Group

World Peace Prayer/Meditation

“If there is to be peace in the world, There must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, There must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, There must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, There must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, There must be peace in the heart.” ~Lao Tse

A beautiful, light-filled peace meditation fitting for us today.

Why I Post Channeled Material



First off, let me say that I use discernment in deciding what I post and share with others. And upon reading this material, I strongly urge everyone to use their own personal discernment.

Looking thru a Google search on ‘what does personal discernment mean’ returned numerous results, including some with a ‘christian/Jesus’ slant. Ultimately, the basic meaning is shown with synonyms such as, wisdom, insight and perception, and these are used by everybody in many areas of life.

For me, the gut feeling and/or chills in my body are good indicators that something is worth following up on and/or sharing with others. These physical clues, along with mental indicators are part of my personal discernment skill. I’ve found this skill/ability has been refined and strengthened over time for me. and I try not to second guess myself. You could say that ‘that little voice inside my head has gotten stronger and is less timid than it used to be’. Hence this writing and my new blog Inner Revelations, which I just started and includes more of my writing (which also just appeared this year).

A different time, and we continue to grow and change, sometime in ways unexpected but interesting none the less.

❤ Denise

Articles referred to in the writing of this blog post were The Meaning of Namaste: Many Translations, One Universal Intention and 20 Spiritual Awakening Symptims That Change Your Life Forever.


Arcturian Group Message February 12, 2017 | Marilyn Raffaele @ Onenessofall.com


FEBRUARY 12, 2017
Dear ones, we wish to express our congratulations for the courage you hold in the face of  many issues appearing to be in opposition to the peace and harmony you were expecting.  Never doubt that what you are witnessing is the necessary process of a world  waking up. There remain those who require  powerful experiences in order to wake up or even move a little beyond complacency.  Many remain stuck in the glue of illusion.
The true essence of every individual is Divine, regardless of how they may act or what they believe themselves to be.  Everyone living on earth has chosen to experience a sense of separation in order to re-remember  Oneness.  However, along the way of lifetimes, many got lost in the experiences of separation and became hypnotized inadvertently  creating a collective consciousness of duality and separation–the third dimensional belief system.
Observe and give gratitude for everything, for you are bearing witness to the awakening of the masses and the disintegration of the old.  It is what mankind has desired and brought into manifestation.  Those living with closed eyes are beginning to open them, and those with already open eyes are seeing more clearly.  However, be alert to any judgements  you may hold with regard to how the awakening process must appear.
Now is a powerful time to be living on earth dear ones, for the Light and assistance coming from the other side has never been more intense or available to the masses.  Know that you chose to take advantage of these times  in order to personally evolve, and then assist others through your work, words, or by simply holding the light.
It is time to once again discuss power.  All fear is based in the belief that something has power over something else,  be the body, germs, laws, persons, circumstances of all kinds, or even a  God of judgement looking down on you from on high.  Fear comes naturally to humans because having lived lifetimes fully enmeshed in duality and separation, all have been  well educated by their  experiences.  Fears still held in cellular memory will continue to express throughout lifetimes until cleared, manifesting  for no seeming reason and with no apparent cause.
You are ready to realize and embrace the fact that the new times are already here,  not coming in the future. It is time to accept that false concepts and beliefs no matter how familiar must be left behind if you are to evolve further, much as a child leaves behind his toys when he matures.  You have evolved beyond the need to continue seeking and searching, or depending upon  tools for awakening– you have arrived.
Through lifetimes of learning experiences, some good and some not so good, you have finally  arrived at the more evolved part of your journey which involves the  process of disengaging from a third dimensional belief system and all its seeming powers if you are to reclaim and move into your own power as a spiritual expressions.
All there is is ONE and  you can call that ONE anything you wish.  Because there is only one of IT, whatever it is.  Thus this  IT must be the only law, reality, cause, source, and substance etc.–complete and whole in and as  ITSELF.  In reality, there  is no way anything could have power over you because you already are the embodiment of the one and only power there is.  That is, unless you don’t believe it…
This means that anything external  seeming to have power over you,  must be  illusory.   Illusions are mind formed, taking place within minds conditioned by beliefs of good and evil, duality and separation. Because there is only ONE, all see the same pictures.
Manifestations of the third dimensional belief system reflect  either fear or happiness (duality).  Know that good appearances are just as illusory as the bad ones.   This is how it works for everyone because there is only ONE,  until an individual chooses to come out from under the umbrella of the collective illusion begin his journey into freedom.
ONLY ONE POWER is the absolute but to pretend to that state of consciousness before it is attained is very human.  Do not rush out into busy traffic shouting; “God is the only power, nothing can kill me.” because an intellectual knowledge of truth doesn’t make it true for you. Knowing an absolute truth is the first step, followed by the practice and integration of it until it becomes an attained state of consciousness and can be lived easily without effort.
Never  beat yourselves up  or rigidly resist some fear that may still seem to have power over you.  Every human still carries (but is now clearing) old cellular memory from fearful experiences of the past.  Long buried  fears often manifest when clearing, so if this happens do not panic, claim it back in as your personal fear, or see it as something to get rid of,  simply allow it to flow through and out.
Generally when emotions of fear, anger, frustration, etc. arise, just allow them while loving yourself and recognizing that they are guiding you toward a deeper examination of your belief system–“What am I believing that is making me feel this way?  Is it true?”.
Begin to recognize and practice Oneness, knowing that if there is only ONE, then nothing can exist outside of that ONE.   In ONE Divine Consciousness, there is only completeness, harmony, peace, joy, abundance because that ONE is self-sustained and self-maintained with  nothing to be in opposition to IT– unless you believe there is.
When individuals disengage from giving power to the external, fear and other negative emotions begin to simply fade away because the only thing  holding them in place was a belief in them. This does not mean the whole world is going to be immediately free, but as you become free, your Light in turn automatically adds more Light to the collective because there is only–ONE.
Light is how higher frequencies are perceived with the eye but energy can be felt on all levels.  The lower and slower  vibrations feel heavy and dense, and are easily felt in certain places–places you usually want to leave soon after entering even though others may not even notice.   The higher frequencies of unconditional love and truth appear as bright and clear  Light and are experienced as joy, peace, harmony. The more aware you become of who and what you are  the brighter and more refined your energy field becomes.
This is why angels and ascended beings are seen as Light, and is why saints are always portrayed with halos which reflect the high vibrating energy field of an evolved consciousness. We tell you this because more and more of you are beginning or will soon begin to see and hear higher dimensional energies and beings.
As ones energy field  becomes more refined, there gradually unfolds the ability to align with like energies within the higher dimensions–energies which up to now you have only been able to read about, believing them to be separate and un-approachable which is the case when you are unable to align  with them.
The ability to rest in truth  despite circumstances is what dissolves appearances.  Everything you become aware of, is in reality a spiritual idea within the One Divine Consciousness (remember IT is all there is, and therefore there can be nothing separate from the ONE).  How truth is  understood depends entirely upon the state of consciousness of the individual which in the beginning simply reflects the collective belief system.
Divine Reality never changes, held in place by Divine Law.   IT just  IS.   How IT is understood and lived depends upon how completely ones mind (an avenue of awareness) is conditioned and programmed.
For example, violence toward  others is in reality a low resonating interpretation of the constant flow of energy that takes  place between all within the ONE.  When this energetic connectedness is interpreted through a mind  heavily programmed  by a consciousness of separation, it expresses outwardly as low resonating,  distorted, and hypnotized forms that the perpetrator unconsciously  believes offers solutions.
Every individual, regardless of where they may be in their evolutionary journey, seeks peace and love because peace and love is the true nature of every soul.  However, how each strives to achieve that peace and love is individual.  Even the murderer believes he is making things better in some way.
The desire for self empowerment has woken, but for most is still being sought through three dimensional solutions.  However this  is as it needs to  be right now,  for many are just beginners on the  path toward self empowerment.  You are going to find yourselves very busy very soon for the many now awakening are going to  be drawn to your Light seeking to know what you know.  This is why so many of you have gone though so much yourselves up to now, you have been preparing.
Stay centered  in each now moment, holding to truth in spite of what outer appearances may be knocking at the door of your consciousness for admittance.  The Light of truth is held in place by Divine law, whereas illusions are only held  by the belief in them.  Higher frequencies always supercede and dissolve the lower which is how you are assisting the world to evolve.
Because you have chosen to assist the world’s awakening and are ahead of the masses in awareness, it may seem at times as if you are alone, not being listened to or even respected by those around you still convinced that the three dimensional world is the only reality.
If this happens to you resist the temptation to defend yourself and simply smile, remembering that  life on earth is not about overcoming one power with another through words or actions but is instead a journey of awakening into the realization of ONE POWER.
What about death?   You need to ponder this.  Does or can anyone ever really die?  Everyone of you as well as  everyone else on earth has done it hundreds of times.  There is no death– period.  This is true for animals as well, they too evolve.
It is a new time, the old is finished but is refusing to go without a great deal of kicking and screaming.
Rest is what is in spite of all appearances.  Do whatever you are guided to do, be it signing a petition, or marching, or simply quietly holding the Light.   Whatever you choose to do must carry the intention of helping awaken others to their own innate power and not simply be a resistance to some external power.
Intention is a subtle but powerful energy that is involved with every action you take from the smallest decisions to largest.  Always ask yourself;  “What is my intention?”  If your intention is to resist something you believe to be a power over you, you are in old energy.  If your intention is to become more Self empowered or help others to also become that, then your actions will be carried on  high frequency of Light.
Intention sets the energy for all actions and  words no matter how seemingly trivial.
Actions may  look the same to observers  but will flow with an energetic vibration capable of lifting anyone receptive if done from a consciousness of truth and empowerment.
The awakened ones are the wayshowers and you are them.
We are the Arcturian Group                                                             

Arcturian Group Message January 15, 2017 | Marilyn Raffaele


JANUARY 15, 2017

Greetings dear friends.  Once again we come in love to commune with you, aware of all you are facing in these rapidly changing times.  Many of you are in the process of integrating higher dimensional energies which can leave you feeling depleted and confused as physical and emotional issues connected with the clearing process rise to the surface.
Everyone is feeling the effects of the new and higher frequencies of Light flowing to earth at this time.  Even those with no interest in such things cannot avoid its effects.  These dear ones who do not understand the spiritual nature of what is taking place at this time  interpret their experiences according to their belief system, usually believing that they have a physical, emotional, or mental problem.
We wish to speak of how your attained state of consciousness effects others.  Love in its purest form is an high vibrational energy of pure Light which when aligned with, can lift another to the level of the one holding this resonance–one who recognizes the Divine nature of everything.
The resonance of a consciousness filled with unconditional love is felt physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually by all coming in contact with it making many into lightworkers without their even realizing it.
Many yet remain unaware of who and what they really are or that the energy they radiate effects those around them as well as adding to the universal energy of the planet as a whole.  This is why it is  important to be aware of your thoughts and beliefs or of thinking that your thoughts are hurting no one if you don’t say them out loud.
This is not to say that the serious spiritual seeker can never have a negative thought, for that would be impossible.  Uninvited thoughts that find their way into your head  are impersonal. Those that align with your personal interests or concerns easily find their way into your thinking because energy always seeks to align with like energy. A thought could represent the energy of some worry or fear you still carry either consciously or from a past lifetime.
Thoughts that pop into your head are impersonal until you claim them as yours. This is why there is no  reason to believe you are a spiritual failure if some negative or even violent thought comes floating into your mind when you least expect it. The clearing process often brings outgrown beliefs and thoughts to the  surface.  No need to react with shock or resistance, simply acknowledge them for what they are, giving them no power, and  moving on.
Thoughts have only the reality and power they are given.   The human mind can only draw on what is already a part of consensus consciousness–that which is already known.   New ideas– inventions, art, science, technology, and deep spiritual insights etc, must bubble up from  deeper levels of creativity within where they are then brought into manifestation by the receiver and become  part of consensus consciousness and  available to all.  This is how evolution takes place and how your every insight  is adding to the resonance of an ascending world consciousness.
You carry your state of consciousness  wherever you go because consciousness is what you are.  Your resonance can lift and open another who is receptive to it without your awareness or can cause someone to dislike you.  Because energy seeks to align with like energy (oneness) it is important to keep yourself in compassion and not sympathy when helping those who may be drawn to your energy seeking help.
When  a person enters into sympathy, they align with the energy of the one seeking  help and often find themselves feeling drained.  Compassion on the other hand, is an awareness of the other’s difficulty and the offering of guidance, but done without entering into and aligning with lower resonating energy.
This is a particularly important point for all those  who work as councilors, therapists, etc. who often  find themselves depleted and depressed after working with certain people.  You must learn to keep your own energy field filled with Light, clearing your work space between clients if you do this professionally, and always remembering the Divine Nature of everyone you come in contact with.
It is very easy in these times to  align with thoughts of fear and negativity.  The outer scene across the globe is causing many to embrace fear as they interpret what they see according to third dimensional beliefs.  The human mind can only draw upon what is already in consensus consciousness–that which already known, and thus it is easy to draw to yourself ideas about possible disastrous situations when you eliminate fear.
When you accept fear thoughts,  making them  yours, you assign them a life they really don’t have in and of themselves.  Do not go into resistance or rebuke yourself when fear happens,  but simply and lovingly shift your energy, saying to yourself something like: “Oh, I recognize you and I am no longer buying into this…”.  Use your own words, words that will serve to shift your awareness out of the negativity and into truth.
Let your thoughts give life to the truth you know while you stay in the now moment,  remembering that regardless of appearances, God alone is power.  As you live each day this way you are adding Light to the universal world consciousness which at some point will cause the whole outer scene to shift because consciousness  is the substance of which the outer scene is created. This cannot happen overnight, it is a process.
When many come together with the same intention the energy becomes very powerful. It happens regardless of whether the group goals are three dimensional or spiritual.  It is the combined energy of the many that can become a force for change or not. Energy is neutral, how it is directed  determines outcomes, which  is how the “black arts” came into being.
You are consciousness.  Your body is in your consciousness, not the other way around–you are not consciousness inside of a body.  Your consciousness formed the body necessary for your needs and lessons while on earth.  When you realize this you will find that you are no longer quite so subject to world beliefs that say you are at the mercy of your body.
Your whole world is within your consciousness–the weather, friends near or far, family, beliefs.  Everything exists in consciousness and  nothing exists outside of consciousness.   Each must ask; “What do I entertain in my consciousness?  What beliefs, what concepts, what ideas, etc do I hold?”

A spiritually evolved consciousness of truth and Light  will manifests outwardly in whatever forms are necessary for your highest good (which may not always be what you believe to be your highest good).   Mind, being an avenue of awareness,  draws upon each person’s state of consciousness and then manifests it outwardly.  Your consciousness is the substance of your world.
This is why mankind has been told over and over again by the masters that everything lies within.  For the un-awakened, this idea is considered to be ridiculous,  a nice idea but very impractical, simply to be  ignored by sophisticated intellectuals.  In reality, this profound truth is the bedrock of the evolutionary journey, a truth that cannot be ignored.
You are creators but have not known this.   The consciousness of a sleeping mankind  has for eons been forming the world in which you now find yourselves–consciousness manifesting as form and building upon itself to where the world is now. Through centuries of struggle and evolving awareness mankind is now ready to move beyond the illusion.
Your consciousness  of Truth can and is changing the world in every now moment personally and globally.
We are the Arcturian Group 


You are Love, and nothing else!

Jesus through John

Jesus Audio Blog for Thursday December 15th

The Oneness that is God, Source, the Supreme Intelligence, the Great Wisdom, is, as you have so often been told, L O V E !  There is only Love.  Open your hearts to It.  The only reason you do not feel and experience It is because you are closed down in fear.  You get impressions of It, momentary sensations that feel very good, but you still keep shutting down as the distractions of the illusion grab your fearful attention.  Please, OPEN YOUR HEARTS!  Your trust in the divine plan is essential!  Basically, deep within yourselves you do trust, but you keep delaying your awareness of it.  Humanity’s awakening is inevitable, unavoidable, divinely assured, and is taking place right now!

What you Light workers, bearers, and holders need to do is NOTHING!  Just ALLOW the Love burning powerfully within you all to

View original post 856 more words

You Are a Conscious Inviter and Portal | Peggy Black and the ‘team’


We are here, joining you once again in this manner, as we observe the events that are unfolding in your dimension. We can affirm and assure you that you are living in exceptional times. You are being challenged as well as reminded that you are here on special assignment. You are here to truly seed and anchor the new reality that will come forth from the chaos and limitations that you are witnessing.

We understand that all that is transpiring has triggered many of your worst considerations and fears. Be aware when you focus on your fears that you are feeding the very things and outcomes that you fear. Energy follows thought. You generate and offer powerful energy with each thought, especially when it is infused with your passion and emotions. Consider for a moment that your thought/emotional energy joins other thought/emotional energy that is similar in nature.

Now you have collective consciousness holding an energetic pattern that is imprinting the quantum field of all possibilities. Then, with alarm, you witness your very fears manifesting.

Understanding this principal and this powerful creative force, you can begin to offer a different focus. You are being invited and encouraged to support life-sustaining outcomes and realities. You are here to assist in the powerful shift in humanity’s consciousness. You are here to be a significant part in lifting up the collective mind-set.

Humanity has been in a trance, a trance in which they believe they are powerless. They are unaware that they are beyond this one dimension. They believe the projection of separation. They are unaware that they are an unlimited multidimensional being.

From our observation, most earth walkers use their divine creative power upside down and backwards. They place their focus on the very things they do not want. They worry about not enough, and live out that reality, totally unaware that their constant thoughts and emotional stress projected onto the quantum field of all possibilities attracts “not enough.”

You are a magnificent multidimensional being. You are pure energy who happens to be hosted in a physical form, a body. You body-mind has been programmed with limiting ideas and beliefs. We invite you to remember that you are here in this NOW to transform all those limitations that are offered by 3D. You are here to transform all misqualified energies that you encounter. Shake off any discouragement.

You are an alchemist. You are a change agent. You are the way-shower. It does not matter how you physical life appears, you are powerful beyond measure. Continue to own this realization and step into and empower your focused intentions.

We acknowledge you as you shift the very things that are dysfunctional. We acknowledge you as you call forth and anchor a new reality, a reality of oneness, a reality that honors everyone as the divine presence that they are.

You are also a conscious portal or doorway for divine being of love and light to enter this dense 3D reality. It is by your invitation that these loving conscious beings can enter this free will reality. So now is the time to being to invite. Call upon all divine, celestial, galactic, inter-dimensional, elemental, angelic and conscious beings from the non-physical realms of love, light and truth.

Remember, when you call upon and invite these conscious beings of light and love they join you and their energy and presence will follow your focus. You focus on some situation, event or tragedy and invoke their support. Their presence will follow your focus.

You can also shift your experience concerning the media. Practice news homework or as we like to call it, news heart work. Read your papers or watch the news that is being broadcast and rather than being triggered or enraged, pause and focus on one headline or event and invite divine beings to minister to this event or this tragedy.

We can assure you if this were a daily practice of more and more awakened beings, your news stories would shift very quickly. Remember that the collective is focusing on what is wrong, what is not working, and this collective is empowering and feeding the very reality that they oppose, the very reality that alarms.

You can invite divine beings to touch and inspire the hearts and minds of those who are receptive, with ideas to create methods to clean the oceans or secure clean energy or find the cure for some illness or dis-ease. Remember there are no limitations here.

Imagine if everyone reading these words began to practice being the inviter and forming a conscious and working partnership with the divine realms of love, light and truth in the 5th and beyond dimensions, what awesome results would manifest in this 3D reality.
These beings in the higher dimensional frequencies are awaiting your invitation.

Your planet is in chaos as it is undergoing a powerful transformation and ascension process. You are a part of this transformation and ascension process. You truly understand all that we have shared today.

Continue to expand your own personal consciousness, remember to say to yourself often “I am aware that I am aware” and anchor this awareness with appreciation and gratitude. This very action causes a shift to the 5th state and you will begin to notice that you are looking at this reality from a different viewpoint and perspective. The dysfunction of what you observe will not trigger a sense of anger, fear, powerlessness or helplessness within your field.

Being in this state of being aware that you are aware will truly support you in anchoring and seeding a world that is life sustaining. In this state of awareness and in true partnership with divine, celestial, galactic, inter-dimensional, elemental, angelic and conscious beings from the non-physical realms of love light and truth, you will collectively transform the consciousness of this reality.

We honor your willingness, your courage and your dedication to this transformation and upliftment for all. We offer our support, love and deep gratitude as you anchor a reality of oneness. We are complete. the ‘team’

©2016 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available