ALL CHANGE HERE ~ The Arcturian Council

Number 7 in a series of articles called ‘The Relationship Articles’

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council and we are here today to talk to you about an important gateway to your fifth dimensional lives.

Many of you have been doing the work for some time and are wondering why you are not yet living the lives of joy and abundance that you were lead to believe existed for you once you had achieved the activation of your light bodies.

We are here to tell you that your new life does exist and is there waiting for you to come into full alignment with it vibrationally. ‘How do we do that?’ we hear you say. It is really very simple. You simply have to imagine the life you wish to lead, the people in your life etc, and really feel into that until it seems real. If you can do that, it will be no time at all before you find yourselves living that life and wondering how it all happened.

We wish to remind you that you have all come so far and you do not see all of the changes that we can see from our perspective. As you all move into alignment with your new lives so Mother Earth will ascend into her new expression of her fifth dimensional self. It is beautiful to see.

We leave you now with our fondest love.

The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

Channeled by Karen Woods, New Waves of Light