Moving Energy Through You ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven


“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

Energy wants to move. Energy is the reason why everything is always changing. It is because energy must move forward. It is often the case that energy gets stuck within your physical bodies or your energy fields, and then you experience symptoms, unwanted thoughts and emotions, and other attachments that do not serve you.

Therefore, getting the energy to move is an important step in your evolution. It is the way that you keep up with the always-changing, always-moving energy that everything and everyone is comprised of. When you give yourselves the opportunity to experience energy by feeling into an experience you are having, you automatically activate that energy and allow it to move forward.

It is only through your living in oblivion that you thwart the movement forward. Some of you are able to sense energy better than others. Those of you who are sensitive to minor fluctuations in energy are more likely to tune yourselves to it and therefore allow it to move. Those who are less aware are usually not as grounded in their physical bodies, and therefore energy can really get stuck in those individuals.

When you go to an energy healer, the energy healer is encouraging you to feel the movement of energy within yourself. Sometimes the energy healer is adept enough to know exactly where the energy blockages are and can point them out to you. When you breathe, consciously, with the intention of not only feeling energy but also moving it through you, you simply cannot fail.

The breath is an excellent tool for making you more aware, for giving you the sensation of energy moving through you, and it is also very soothing. So the movement of energy can be less than pleasant, as it stirs up old memories, old traumas, and even connects you to past lives.

So we recommend that you make yourselves as comfortable as you possibly can, tune yourselves to your physical bodies and your breath, and give yourselves the experience of the movement of energy through you. When you do, you will demonstrate to yourselves that you have much more power than you ever knew you had, and that is an enjoyable experience.

So give yourselves the opportunity to experience it at least once a day. That is our recommendation to you.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

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