God’s Grace | Heavenletters

God said:

There can never be a time that you fall from My grace. You can fall from a high mountain into a chasm in the earth, and I will catch you. You can fall into a deep depression, and I will lift you. You can fall from the heights of fame into the depths of infamy, and I will be there. You cannot fall from My grace or My grasp.

In My affluence, I surround you. There is nowhere you can be without Me. If you think you can — and you do think you can — that is your illusion. It may be the grand illusion of all. Illusions are false. They are only illusions. They are straws you grasp. But My grace you have.

You cannot sin against Me. Whatever your portrayal of yourself in life, you cannot sin against Me. I am God Almighty. What little chirp of yours can alter Me, or what little act of yours can affect Me? Do you think you can make Me angry at you? Do you think I am such a reacter that I will swell or huff and puff according to your thought or performance?

When your child spills ink, do you think he has sinned against you? Would My thinking be smaller than yours? Do you throw out your little toddler because he spills ink and leaves it there and steps in it and tracks it through the house or tosses it at another?

Would I love My toddlers less because they are toddlers?

You are growing to My understanding. Your comprehension is growing towards Mine. I do not chastise you for not yet making My understanding yours. You are finding your way. And I want you to find it. I will not dismiss you or disqualify you because you have not yet.

Never hesitate to lift your eyes up to Mine. I do not care what you have done; I care about you. I do not grade you on what you have done; I pull you closer to Me.

If you have been naughty, I pull you up onto My lap, and I hold you and rock you. I wipe your tears and I whisper truth into your ears. I never make you stand in the corner. You are Mine, and I am ever mindful of you who are Mine.

I created you forgetful. Should I chastise you for that? What good would that do? I do not vent myself on you, for I have nothing to vent. I do not avenge your misguided acts, for what would I avenge? Your ignorance? I whisk your ignorance away, and I blow beauty into your heart. That is how I correct you. I give you more of Myself so that you will stand taller and make your life in My honor. I remind you of Me as I am, not as a frightening ogre ready to pounce on you.

You can only rise higher in the pool of My love. My love lifts you up. It raises you to My height. You will swim well in My love. Know you are in it, have it, are it.

You are My love in every sense of the word. You are the one I love, and you are made of My love. Only you have forgotten the truth about you. You have believed that you were My error, as if I could make one. But you think I have, and that you are one of them.

You are My envoy on Earth. You are My delegation. You are here on Earth in order to find yourself and each other and relocate yourselves in Heaven from whence you came. This is a happy task, finding your way to Me. It is not burdensome, nor would I make it so. Step up before Me right now, right this minute, right this second without further ado.

Forgive yourself of your trespasses and step right up to Me Who awaits you with all celebration. It is a celebration of My heart that awaits you. “My child has come! My child has come!” I cry out, “My child has come!”

You are My prodigal child I await.

2 comments on “God’s Grace | Heavenletters

  1. Pingback: Happy Easter — All Is Forgiven – Poetic Justice

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