Move into the Sun | Heavenletters

God said:

Move into the sun. When life feels dark to you or scattered, move into the sun. Here’s the thing: you don’t have to stay where you are. You don’t have to stay in the doldrums, beloveds. Perhaps you can’t change the unsettling factors that trouble you, but you can be good to yourself and put yourself in a better place. If you are in the shade, you can move into the sun.

What do you like to do? What gives you even a little joy? If a walk in the woods gives you joy, then walk in the woods. If walking on the beach helps you to feel at peace, walk on the beach. If you like to watch an old movie, watch an old movie. If you like to sing, sing. If you like to dance, dance. If you like to jump rope, jump rope. If you like to skip, skip. When you feel down, change your setting. You can at least get out of the chair you are sitting in and move to another one. The unhappier you feel, the more you need to do this. Get out of the chair you are sitting in. Get out of the moody chair. Move into a more comfortable seat.

Be glad you can be troubled. Be glad you can be saddened. Trouble and sadness are not all bad, for they will make you move. Consider the darker moods as bells that ring telling you to move on, telling you that you have sat there long enough, telling you that there is sun to catch.

When you move, you give your thoughts a chance to move as well. You know by now that circumstances aren’t the culprit. It’s your thoughts and interpretations that are. Will you change your thoughts? Will you make new thoughts that work for you that won’t keep you where you are? If you want to move forward, choose forward thoughts.

What if it were recommended that you get in a bad mood every week or so? What if all the commercials on TV told you that 9 out of 10 doctors recommended a bad mood every now and then? What if it were okay to have a bad mood, for then it would be okay. If a bad mood were okay, would you then be so crestfallen when such a mood sets in? What if a shabby mood were considered an indicator of good to come? As a matter of fact, it is. Doesn’t the sun come out after the rain?

What if a mood is just a turnaround spot that points you in the right direction? What if it indicates something that needs to be done, and you have to do it?

What if a blue mood had no recognized name for it? Or a different name, not a downer but an upper? What if depression, for instance, were called a Turning Point, a New Door Opening, a Ten-Minute Parking Place, a Safari?

What if blue turned into gold?

What if there never had to be sadness again? What if certain areas of life did not have to set it off? What if, even when sad things happen, you do somersaults instead of putting your head down? What if you relegated heavy sadness to the past? What if you could post a No Admittance Sign? What if, if sadness sneaked in just the same, you didn’t have to treat it as an enemy but could let it sit beside you for a while before you tell it to get up and leave?

What is not possible? And what is not possible for you? Perhaps you can sing a Happy Song no matter what the world says.

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